
I wish every day was a mailbox like this.
I wish every day was a mailbox like this.
This one little change to a quality of life thing has become so very handy and I couldn’t be more tickled that they added it. GW2efficiency is a site that allows you to track all sorts of useful information about your characters across your account thanks to the GW2 API key. Now I have a reminder about doing daily crafting and world bosses, for those days where I am not sure what I want to get done.
If you’re not using the site, I HIGHLY recommend checking them out. It’s completely worth it.
I love the way my little asura looks these days! Guardians, watch out! The glowing ghost on her shirt is our guild logo, and I think it’s adorable.
I’m slowly working my way through living world season 2 – even though I’ve already completed HoT. I decided it would be better to continue as much in order as I can (I’ve also done some of season 3, and some of PoF, but I have not completed either of them). In some ways I’m happy I’ve completed HoT before doing season 2 because I understand what’s going on a lot better and I can see where it’s leading. Of course that also means there isn’t much of a surprise.
I’m pretty close to reaching 3,500 achievement points and obtaining a new reward. I’m excited about that! I’ve been working on daily quests, along with doing the living world, and some map completion. I’m only 64% of the way through map completion so there’s still TONS to do. I’d also like to start working towards a legendary claymore, but I heard someone talking about how a new one will be released before too long (next month?) so I may hold off.
What is everyone else up to in game? Let me know in comments!
I’m on the final story quest in Heart of Thorns expansion, and I’ve actually managed to complete one of the maps – I’m also pretty close to completing the final two maps thanks to some HoT HP trains that have been running over the past few weekends. I’ll need help with the story (which irks me a bit, seeing as the entire rest of the story I was able to do solo) but I’m REALLY looking forward to finally completing this so that I can move on with the living world stories, and then move on to PoF. Unlocking the mounts that are available is something I want to complete, and maybe I’ll even get caught up with the current living world story.
Stranger things have happened!