Donating towards the Guild

As much as I love GW2 and my adventures in it – there is one very big major issue I have, and that is how smaller guilds are blocked from ever achieving any of the really neat guild hall upgrades, and sometimes even the guild hall itself.
I wish you could unlock it with gems, or gold, or harvested items, or anything that didn’t necessarily require you to have a group come together all at the same time. I feel like guild halls should be something that everyone gets to enjoy, whether you are in an enormous raiding guild that does fractals on a daily basis, or you’re in an ultra casual family friendly guild with friends who meet up once a month.
The way that guilds are handled bugs me. It always has, and unless something changes, it always will.
Still, it doesn’t stop me from donating as much as I can to ours, in the hopes that we earn enough guild status from one of the few events we can complete to actually get something done. The members of KR have worked really hard to reach the level and outpost that we have so far, and I want to continue to help and level it further, but with one person it’s not that easy.