Wild for WildStar

Arysh.140528.074208Headstart is just around the corner (May 31st 12:01 PDT) and I couldn’t be more excited. It’s amazing to me just how fast the time has gone by since I started working for Carbine Studios back in March.

I know it won’t be for everyone, and I know there are people out there who have less-than-nice things to say about the game, but I have been waiting for this release well before I ever got involved with the company. I’ve seen some amazing creations come out of the housing forums, and it just makes me giddy.

Of course then comes the question, if I’ve been so enthusiastic why haven’t I been writing about it here on my blog, and that’s simply because it’s too easy to look at a post and dismiss it because I have personal interest in the game succeeding. Those who know me or have read my blog for the last.. oh.. I don’t know.. almost 8 years know that isn’t the way that I operate, but it’s still better to be safe.

It is looking like my main will be a Chua medic on the NA RP server, but that isn’t set in stone yet. I just absolutely love the Chua, they are the most maniacal awesome little fuzz balls ever and playing one was awesome. Of course I will probably also create an Aurin at one time or another, because why not, but for now I’ll be sticking with just one character.

Since I passed by ESO when that launched, it has been nice to get into the excitement of another game. Sure there’s Archeage (so much love for that game) and Landmark (more love) but those games are both in beta (or alpha) and I have no idea when release is slated. Hopefully things go well for WildStar, and you get to see many more posts in the future.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Cutest Little Chua Ever


This past weekend marked the first beta since WildStar has opened preorders of the game, and I was lucky enough to get a bit of time to play. I’ve got a passion for smaller races, so it was no surprise that I created a little Chua to explore the Dominion side with. Chua are genderless, which I find pretty interesting as far as a lore standpoint goes, and come on who wouldn’t be in love with those eyes. Don’t let the endearing face fool you though, my medic is full of crazy ideas and has a wild side (like an animal).

There was an audio glitch that prevented me from playing with sounds on (if you started in the Dominion area I bet you know which one it was) but aside from that I had a great time and I love double jump. I know, what a small mechanic to make such a big deal about, but I really enjoyed bouncing around.

I don’t normally play betas very long because once I’m interested in a game I invest in it and wait for release (chaulk it up to not wanting to spoil things for myself when it goes live) and WildStar is no different. I played, but not a huge amount, wanting to keep things fresh and not burn out.

The details are fantastic.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!