Mount #357

My purchase from the trade post this month was of course their latest mount, bringing me up to 357! Will I reach 500 by the end of Dragonflight?! Probably not, but at least I’m making an attempt!
My purchase from the trade post this month was of course their latest mount, bringing me up to 357! Will I reach 500 by the end of Dragonflight?! Probably not, but at least I’m making an attempt!
I really love the look of this mount. Part fox, part dragon – and less than 10k if you don’t feel like farming the components. This is the Tempermental Skyclaw, and comes from Dragonflight. You need 60 components that drop from mobs or from the auction house depending on how patient you are. Let’s face it, even on the best of days I’m not that patient.
That brings me to 333! If I keep this up I might actually still reach 500 mounts before the end of Dragonflight. That was the original goal at least. I’m not sure what I started at, I believe it was under 300. We’ll just have to see!
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.
I’ve been trying to get to 500 mounts for the achievement, but it’s pretty slow going (let’s face it, I don’t work on it nearly as much as I could). This weekend I managed to grab a few, starting with mount number 532, the Domesticated Razorback. I was really close to exalted faction with Steamwheedle “preservation” Society, so I did a little bit of farming and then used my apex crystals to buy the mount (I had 61k, I think from my garrison over the years). It was a quick mount to pick up, even if it isn’t the best looking one out there.
After life decided to toss me around a bit, I’m back in World of Warcraft – back to making gold, and just playing the game and enjoying myself. Last week was the first week I managed to get items back up for sale, and with a 2.5 million gold profit I’m pretty pleased. Today (Tuesday the 5th) is of course the drop of 10.1.7 and a scheduled 8h downtime is taking place, so I didn’t bother re-listing yet. I’ll either do it tonight once servers are back up, or I’ll catch it tomorrow morning. I tend to list my items for 24h at a time since I’m on daily, and it takes me approx. 1h to list everything across 20 NA servers.
I did also manage to get most of my crafting done for the week. I have four characters working on this, and my latest ‘main’ (an evoker) is my gathering character. I don’t spend a lot of time gathering, but every once in a while I enjoy it. I’m looking for small ways to challenge myself and to keep myself interested without feeling overwhelmed, and I think sticking to a solid main is part of that challenge. It has been years since I’ve settled down with a main, and something I’ve always envied about other players who somehow managed to stick with just one character that they love.
In any case, gold making continues to be the driving force behind my time in Warcraft. The cost of the token on NA has shot up over 320k per (at the time of this post) and yet I still managed to pick up a few and extend my game time. I’m planning on keeping both accounts active since I do sales on one and play on the other. I’ve been leveling up some alts (on the alliance side of things this time) and over all, it just feels good to be back in game. It’s almost fall, the weather should hopefully be cooling down soon, and there’s something to be said for just being able to relax with a comforting game that you know pretty well.
As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!
Wow, it’s already almost September! I can hardly believe it. The past 10 days have been a complete blur. What have I been up to as far as gaming goes?
I’m taking a small break from WoW, mostly because there’s just not enough time in the day and out of all of the games I have available right now that’s the one I’m the least interested in. I’m sure I’ll wander back to it eventually, I always do.
FFXIV is still my main MMO this month, my bard is 86, and my husband has finally caught up to Endwalker, so we can play through it together. I’m quite excited about this.
Baldur’s Gate 3 – I’m still playing this (of course, aren’t we all) with two groups, one is my 4 person campaign (we just completed the ruins before the Goblin Village) and the other is a campaign I have ongoing with my husband. We’re in the Underdark in our campaign, and overall the game has just been an incredible amount of fun. I honestly can’t blather about it enough.
Idle Champions – yes, this idle game is still pretty high up my radar. The current season ends in 3 days, and there’s also an event that ends in 1 day. The event is Ahghariron’s Day, and while I’ve collected Lae’zel, Voronika, and Prudence, I still have a single variant that I can’t seem to defeat. I’m adamant about not spending any more than the cost of the season pass, but I really do also need to work on unlocking more Champions. The reason I can’t defeat this one is because 5/12 of my seats don’t have an alternate that I can use, and you can only use Champions who have an intelligence of over 13. It’s frustrating, to say the least.
That’s where I’m at so far in gaming, and I do also plan on going back through the month and filling in those Blaugust holes. I meant to be far more on top of things than I have been. Unfortunately, that’s just the way it goes.
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!