If you’ve been following this blog at all for the past 15+ years, you realize that I absolutely LOVE Wurm Online (and the steam version, Unlimited) – but I do tend to take long breaks and wander away every now and again. In the fall I tend to wander back, this is when there are so many events going on, every day feels like a holiday. I love it. This year was no different.
I logged in for Halloween events. There’s a few – you can kill aggressive mobs and have a chance at a helmet (I haven’t seen one yet) and if you’re into archaeology at all, you can dig up spooky fragments which can be put together for some unique Halloween items. I did get a skeleton and some skull candles, I was working on a mask but the fragments seem pretty rare. The event does run until November 5th, which is plenty of time to get some serious archaeology under your belt.
Right now I’m playing on both the Northern and Southern islands. I keep hoping one day they’ll merge them, but it has been years now with no change. I have a priest with 100 faith stuck on the Northern islands, and I’d love to be able to move her to my main deed. In the meantime, I’ve actually started up a brand new deed on the Cadence server, very small, costal, along the highway. If the servers ever do merge, I should be able to sail to my old server fairly easily. We’ll just have to see!
As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!
Back when Wurm Online had their black Friday sale, I bought two years of game time (30% off) on two of my accounts. One on the Northern Islands, where I live on Independence (Hermit Island) and the other on the Southern Islands, on Cadence. It has been two years and I’ve waited for these islands to be joined together so I could condense things, but so far that hasn’t happened. In the meantime, I had done very little work on the Cadence deed. I’ve spoken about this before, but I am not a huge fan of building a deed from scratch. After playing this game for 10+ years, I prefer to work on my characters, decorate, and look at pretty things. Building from scratch isn’t something that has ever interested me that much.
I decided the best thing for me would be to see if anyone was selling a completed deed. I had 50 silver to spend, and I posted on the forums that I was looking for something with highway access so I could make use of wagoneers, something I’ve never been able to participate in before because I always seem to live on some secluded island.
Before the day was out, I had a response. Kookii was interested in selling Solway Firth, an enormous deed on the Cadence island. The deed was worth well more than what I could afford, but they seemed in a hurry to sell, and they were willing to accept what I was offering. This place is amazing, to say the least. It has over 1g in upkeep paid, and the monthly cost is 15s (I’m planning on downsizing it slightly to reduce this cost). It came with 10 completed buildings, a full mine, an enormous amount of bits and bobs, a magic chest, guard tower, clay and tar on deed, pens with animals, and so much more.
Considering I am only one player, it will take some time to get it set up the way I want, but I am VERY excited about this deed. I’ll have to remember to work slowly, so as to not burn out. It is large enough for multiple players to live here comfortably but I don’t think anyone I know is actually playing WO these days. I do know quite a few who continue to play WU (the self hosted steam version). I wish the company had not stopped support of WU, the new WO UI is so much easier on my hands and I absolutely love the graphic chances they’ve made to the game and the new features they’ve added over time (caffeine is their latest). Anyway, expect lots of pictures in the future!
Even though I haven’t spoken about it in some time, I do still play Wurm Online. I’m located on both the northern islands and the southern ones (Stargrazer on the North, Stargrace on the South). I have a deed at each location. I would like to move my newer character to the old servers, but they haven’t been joined and now I’m not so certain that will ever be a thing – which is a huge shame because Stargrazer is a priest, and I never intended that character to be used solo but she’s basically stranded from my ‘main’ over on the Independence server.
I didn’t get much actual work done, but I did round up some animals, planted some fields, and did some generic maintenance. Both deeds and the owners of said deeds have account time paid with plenty of time left, and I’m thinking of at least making it a weekly thing to dive in for a few hours and take care of the general chores. I haven’t done any breeding with donkey’s yet, but that’s on my list as ‘eventually’ too.
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
In my neck of the woods, the temperature is almost at the freezing mark, geese are flying South, and I know that snow is just around the corner (in case you’ve forgotten I only have three months of the year without snow, June, July, August. The rest typically have a little or a LOT of snow). Seasons showcase my gaming habits VERY well. Every single time this fall weather comes, I start getting nostalgic for my ‘usual’ games. Hence the screenshot above that shows off Wurm Online. My ultimate favourite MMO. In the stand alone version of the game I have over 5,000 hours logged (thanks steam) and I can’t even begin to imagine the hours I must have in the base MMO version of the game. I have 12 characters, three of those are premium right now. I have two deeds that span across the newer steam-released servers and the old school servers. I’ve met some incredible people through this game that I remain friends with to this day, and it’s probably the first MMO that I played for me, and not because everyone else was playing it (in fact these days maybe only one or two people I know still play it, no one else likes it any more for a variety of reasons).
It also explains why I subscribed to FFXIV. A game that I love for so many reasons, but can’t actively devote the time to playing right this second. It’s a busy time of year for my husband and that means I’m with the kids 24/7 (no childcare where we’re at). I’m incredibly excited about the expansion coming out in a few months, but I’m not even at the part of the story I need to be. I go in with big ideas about catching up, but I don’t know if that’s feasible. I do want to remind people who are also trying to catch up that there are pay options to skip the first few expansion MSQ if that’s more to your liking. It won’t let you do that with the current / final expansion, but you can pay for both levels and MSQ unlocks in the shop.
Let’s talk about that a second. It’s obviously an option that is not for everyone, and not everyone is comfortable with doing that – but it doesn’t HURT anyone, and so if someone else has chosen to go that rout I really wish the community would rally behind them and appreciate that they’re playing at all instead of begrudging them for the fact that they skipped content. Not everyone plays the same, not everyone has the same time allowance, and allowing people to skip the MSQ on older content lets more people in the door and that is good!
Now what does all of this have to do with blogging?
Blogging for me, is comforting. This year I’ve made an effort into writing every single day, or at least posting an article up every single day and I’m really happy and proud about that. When my kids were born I found myself learning how to balance everything and I knew some things would have to take a step back especially if it was a particularly difficult week. Blaugust has been a great reminder on reassessing the balance in my life, and making time for the things I love – and that includes writing. While I still have to work on the community aspect and making time for that, it’s a start. I think each year I participate I learn a little bit more, I grow more appreciation, and I discover some amazing blogs while doing it.
It’s OK to do what’s comfortable – but there’s also something to be said for pushing yourself a bit, and growing. Whether it’s as a gamer, or a writer, or some other aspect.
I still love having events in video games, even if they replicate real life a lot of the time. This year Wurm Online rewarded premium players with an Easter egg hunt that gave us a new decoration – flowers! They’re lovely.
There were also events going on in Wurm Unlimited on the Sklotopolis server. I’ve been taking a little break while I play some FFXIV, but I’ll be back to posting about my deed there before too long.
Happy gaming, and happy Easter, no matter where you find yourself.