Wurm Online

It’s OK To Like (Even Love) an Unpopular Game

My absolute favourite game of all time, is Wurm Online (or Unlimited, either one). Wurm Unlimited has “mixed” recent reviews, and “mixed” all reviews. There’s not even 1500 reviews total of the game. I have 2,399 hours on record on steam (so that’s Wurm Unlimited, and doesn’t count any Wurm Online hours). I could talk about the game for hours, and while I may not be playing right this second (I come and go in my Wurm obsession) it is one that I constantly suggest people try out, and will them to accept.

I rarely succeed.

The thing is – it’s perfectly OK to dislike or like this game – or ANY game out there. I know the reasons people don’t like Wurm. The outdated graphics, the incredible grind, the dislike of Club Code, the bugs and other issues. The unbalanced PVP. I’ve heard them all – and still this game owns my heart, as far as video games go.

I’ve never gotten mad at someone for not liking this game because I don’t expect everyone to like it. If you don’t like it, it’s quite simple – don’t play.

Please. Don’t waste your precious time on this earth playing a video game that you’re not having a great time in. Move on to something else. There are TONS of games out there catering to all sorts of gamers. Keep searching and trying to find the one that calls to you – and it doesn’t matter if everyone else is playing it or if no one else is playing it what matters is what YOU think and how YOU feel when you play it.

Keeping up With Gaming

In EverQuest 2 things have come to a bit of a standstill. I don’t have the time to LFG to do dungeons, and I’m pretty bored of running the same advanced solo dungeons every day. I log in to craft, get my loyalty tokens, and putter around, but I haven’t been keeping up with my epic 2.0 or progression in any real meaningful way. Since I have so many characters just doing the little bit of daily stuff I do is enough to keep me ‘busy’ but I’m also wondering if it wasn’t a mistake to get a year long subscription. Of course I had intended to play EverQuest with that, not EQ2, so maybe when I have a bit more time I’ll go back to my original plan.

In WoW things are moving along (even if it is at a snail’s pace). I’m able to queue for a few raids a week, I do some world quests, my characters move up the chain of progression. I’m really excited about the new pet battle dungeon coming to the game soon(tm) and I can’t wait to give it a try. I wish pet battles could be done independently of logging into the game (ie: mobile) but things are not so bad. My subscription for WoW lasts until July, so I have a few more months of that left and I’ll probably renew. It’s a good game even with my limited time.

EVE Online. I subscribed with a PLEX and then played once or twice. Truth of the matter is as much as I adore this game (and I do) I really want to play it with TWO accounts and that’s just not viable for me at this time. I probably won’t renew until I can afford to activate both my accounts, so maybe once my EQ2 subscription runs out. Don’t get me wrong, I love the game, I love playing, but I really like both accounts active so I can make full use of things.

Wurm Online / Unlimited. I currently have two active accounts in Wurm Online, Stargrace, and Blesse (a Vynora priest). I’ve got three active deeds (two on Xanadu and one on Independence) and while I haven’t been doing much to them aside from keeping up with the fields and animals, I still enjoy logging in every day. Wurm is one of those games that just really relaxes me. Plus I can leave it up and running while I putter around with my little one in real life. I also logged into Wurm Unlimited to check on my deed there. One had fallen (I re-deeded the place, my buildings and walls were all still standing) over on Sklotopolis, and over on Age of Urath – well, that server is apparently done now. It had a lock symbol by it with no users online. Should have stuck with my first choice! I also noticed a “new” server with the highest population these days, Zaneth. I’m incredibly cautious about new servers because it seems like there’s a huge overturn and you never know if the server will actually stick around but as long as I don’t go off and donate right away (like I have in the past) then I suppose there’s no real harm in checking things out.

In the meantime life is pretty busy. I get maybe an hour of gaming a day, which isn’t anything to sneeze at, and by rotating what I play I keep from getting bored. Of course it does seem that as soon as I settle in to do a dungeon or improve some weapons my little guy is waking up and begging for my attention, but hey that’s the joys of parenthood. He’s 4.5 months old right now, and while things haven’t exactly gotten easier yet, they’re constantly changing.

I hope everyone else has been having a great time despite the turmoil that seems to be enclosing around the world. Are you checking out Conan Exiles? What about ESO’s big announcement today? Did you give For Honor a try? Head to PAX South? Let me know in comments, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Wurm Online Just Got a Whole Lot More Interesting


Today update 1.3 was released for Wurm Online – you can find the lengthy patch notes on their site (and posted on the forums too). A lot really cool things have been added, but the biggest addition (and probably one of the most anticipated) is the changes to cooking. I don’t even really know where to start when it comes to talking about this amazing change.

Every player now has a virtual cook book, where you discover recipes (and you’ll have a few in there by default too). Food gives players stats  now, like calories, carbs, fats, and proteins. When you eat a particular food you’ll be granted a player specific affinity that lasts for xyz amount of time (the amount of time the affinity lasts is based on how much of the food you eat, the quality of the food, and the difficulty).

With all of these new recipes come new items to create those recipes, and new food basics like herbs, spices, and new vegetables. There’s also a new fruit tree (oranges) and a bush (hazelnut). There’s a pretty awesome guide posted on google where you can look up more details about everything involved – and MAN is it involved!

Bees have also been added, along with hives, and a bee smoker. I haven’t found any yet, but I’m pretty sure I want to have a hive or two and create my own honey.

Runes have been added, bugs have been fixed, there were also some changes to the Epic servers and a handful of misc. changes took place as well.

As soon as I logged in I crafted myself a fork, spoon, and knife. Then I set about making some pie plates, a measuring cup, and other items out of clay. I need some marble to create a mortar and pestle. Pesto is a recipe, and I can’t wait to figure that out. I didn’t own any cows but it looks like milk and milk items play a pretty big role, so I went out and found four cows and two bulls (so I can keep breeding) and then I took my fork, whipped some milk, and made four things of butter.

I know it doesn’t sound that exciting, but I’m pretty excited.

Using my butchering knife on some potatoes gave me fries – I’m wondering if they’re an ingredient in anything. Maybe I can make poutine!

In any case, if you’re a fan of Wurm Online, or you’ve been thinking about trying it out I highly recommend it after this latest update. So. Much. Goodness.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Rag and Bone Market


It has been a while since I peeked into Wurm Online, I’ve been spending most of my gaming time in either Wurm Unlimited, World of Warcraft, or just bouncing around in various games. I didn’t have money available for the monthly fee, and I don’t really enjoy playing Wurm as a F2P player, even though technically you can. Thankfully my merchant at the market me and my alliance run has been doing pretty well, and I had 10 silver saved up. I purchased 30 days of game time, and am hoping that through future sales I can continue to keep a subscription this way. At least until I either run out of coin, or I run out of time (running out of time is a more likely scenario with Llama Bean inc. on October 20th).

Getting back into things is pretty easy. I wandered around my deed repairing things that had fallen into disuse, and taking inventory on what supplies I had (and any that I may have needed). I went over the latest patch notes, made sure nothing was missing from either of my places, and tidied up the animal pens. Most of my horses have passed on, but I still have at least one breeding pair left and honestly that’s all that’s needed. My sheep have fared much better, I still have a good sized herd of both black and white sheep. I wasn’t keeping any other animals, so there’s nothing else to worry about. I spent a good hour chopping down trees that were growing in places I didn’t want trees, as well as culling a swarm of seals that had moved into the market place.

As to what sort of long term project I want to work on – I have no idea. I’ll probably go back to alternating weapon smithing a bit because why not. I  haven’t really looked over my skills to see what interests me. Still, it’s nice to be back. I’ve missed playing and were it not for the cost, I’d probably play a lot more. If you happen to be playing, you can add me to friends – I’m on Xanadu as Stargrace. Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Happy 10th Anniversary, Wurm Online


Today marks the 10th anniversary of Wurm Online, a game I’ve been playing in one version or another (most recently with Wurm Unlimited) for over 7 years now. It’s one of a handful of games that keeps me coming back and that I find highly addictive (in a very good way).

In celebration, a number of things are going on. I ended up signing up for two months of premium so that I could better partake. This granted me 5 silver, a tin leather knife, a returners mask, and a gift box with sleep powder. A lot of people are (of course) displeased with their gifts and are moaning about the lack of creativity and how they wish it was something different, but I’m quite happy with mine. Besides, we could have gotten nothing at all.

A big round of updates has come to pass too. With it came Rifts, neat little events that open every few days on each server. You can also create houses underground now, so living life like a dwarf is a definite possibility. It’s nice to see such a large update, and it’s great to see so many people returning / still playing.

I took inventory of what I had in my bags across the handful of characters I still have, made sure my main (the only one premium at this time) had the best of everything, and then set to work cleaning up the two deeds I own right away. I’m currently creating a path that leads from the market deed to my main deed, and I’ll pave it and get it done up all pretty. I know I was working on weaponsmithing, but I’ll probably swap over to something else for a bit, just because.

It’s quite a difference to see how fast (or slow) skills move in WO compared to custom servers in WU. My 7 year old character in WO has low skills compared to my 2 month old character in WU, but I take more pride in the older character (which is pretty normal, I assume).

In any case, it’s nice to be playing again, even if just for a short while.

Nomadic Gamer