Why RNG, Why Do you Hate Me

Ever feel like some days it doesn’t matter what you do, RNG (random number generator, for those not familiar) just has it in for you? You can open a bunch of loot boxes and get absolutely nothing, kill a boss and get the worst drop, and enter a dungeon where the mobs are all dead except for the one encounter you’re already killed for the week and it would just be another day.

This is my live in video games.

I have absolute horrible luck when it comes to RNG. I’ve written about it before regarding Wurm Unlimited and how it was only thanks to the extreme kindness of friends that I was able to break my losing streak.

I have that exact same luck in World of Warcraft. As my motto goes, if I didn’t have bad luck I’d have no luck at all.

I’ve been doing the horseman fight most of the week and the single time I got any sort of drop at all it was an ilevel 880 (still an upgrade for me) sword.

Sword. Soulbound.

I’m a priest.

So thank you RNG. It’s just another day.

People Deserve a Thank You

This week I am so grateful and thankful for the people in my life. I wanted to talk about a few of them and why.

David – who I’ve known since high school. He’s the one who set up the whole transfer of MmoQuests over to NomadicGamersEh – he did it painlessly and didn’t laugh when I asked silly questions. Plus he sped the whole site up and he wrote about what he did over on his own site here. Go give it a read. I’m thankful for people like this who have a skill set that I don’t have and I appreciate the time they put into these sort of projects.

Shai – A newer friend, but one I have already vented to on more than one occasion about life and she’s always there listening. People like this are rare and she makes me want to be a better person even though I’ve butchered her name a billion times on stream.

Speaking of streaming – Scopique and Girlvsmmo have been my personal cheerleaders ever since I got it into my head that I wanted affiliate on Twitch. They helped motivate me, inspire me, and were always there with a RT when I went live, and watching when they could. Advice on layouts, streaming gear, and everything in between – these are the folks I go to, and I’m proud to call them ‘my people’.

Ranni – This lady is one of the strongest people I’ve ever met. When life’s tough (and it does get tough) she’s still there and she keeps it real. She keeps me grounded, her stories are hilarious and honest. She probably doesn’t realize just how much I admire her, and may even find it a bit creepy (lol). Still, fantastic person.

Iz & Bex – We’ve all been going through our own personal crap lately but these two ladies are just fantastic. If I need to quickly vent about family, they are both there. We have our quiet moments but I still know I can go to either of them (or both) when I need to.

Neil – Lover of Christmas and purveyor of  Tinkerbell pictures, when things are crummy he still manages to find a good side. He’s one of those silent types that I’ve known for many years now (and helped introduce me to Wurm Online) and I just can’t thank enough for being around.

Anyway, I just wanted to put my thanks out there. There are many more people I’m thankful for, but today these folks are at the top of my list and they certainly deserve to hear it.

Back to gaming!

Pardon My Dust – Rebranding!

You may have noticed that the address to my website has changed! That’s right, after 11 years and a lot of humming and hawing back and forth, I have decided that I have outgrown the “MmoQuests” portion of my blog, and I am rebranding! It’s pretty exciting.

What does this mean? 

For now, when you go to mmoquests.com you’ll be redirected here, to nomadicgamerseh.com. Same blog, same posts, different name.

Why this name? 

10 years ago I created nomadicgamers.wordpress.com and I had paid for a few different URLs for it but because that was a long time ago (and I had no idea what I was doing) I didn’t have the money to keep them running. The nomadic has always applied to me, and even more so these past few years. I also wanted a name that I could expand to include my family. We’re all gamers, and as my little one grows up I’d like to get him involved too (if he wants to, of course). My husband has ideas of running tabletop games, and I wanted a space and a brand name we all feel comfortable posting under. We’re Canadian, so the “eh” portion of things just fit.

What’s next? 

Obviously it will take me a bit to get truly settled. I have to change links on my profiles (I’m staying Stargrace, nothing changing there) I need a new logo (I am woefully inept at designing them even though I know what I would like, the one that’s up is a temporary botch of the one Belghast designed for me), and I need an avatar (or three) designed. I am hiring people for all of this, and that takes time, too. In the meanwhile, if you have mmoquests linked anywhere you might want to update it to the new site. I have big plans(tm) eventually(tm) soon(tm) but for now we’re taking baby steps.

For those who have been reading my blog for so many years – thank you. I hope you’ll continue to read my posts as time goes on, and I hope you’re as excited as I am about the next chapter.

Gaming Together When You Can’t Be Together


I remember when Yahoo games used to be the way that me and friends would game together. I used to play scrabble and other board games online for hours at a time. There was a chat room and tournaments that I never paid attention to and most of the games were private, but we had a lot of fun.

When my husband went off to depot I installed Tabletop Simulator and sent him with the ancient laptop we have. We played it together when we were both at home and I was on baby duty, and I knew it would be a great way for us to be able to game together with our very limited amount of time. One of my favourite games to play which I’ve discussed before, is Pass the Pigs, so last week we set up a game and tested out his wifi connection.

The lag on his end was pretty bad but thankfully these types of games don’t require a whole lot of deftness. We used the chat room to talk and had a good time throwing the two little plastic pigs around. I won, but it didn’t really matter.

I downloaded other games like Cards against Humanity, and some favourite board games like the game of life, chess, and a handful of card games. Being able to game together a bit even with the distance gave me a little piece of normal for the evening, and reestablished our connection when most days are so busy we don’t get to say more than 15 words to one another.

I love the changes in tech and gaming that have happened over the years, and this is just one reason why.

How Streaming Helped my Mental Health

I haven’t been streaming for that long, but honestly it couldn’t have started at a better time in my life. Sure, I have a brand new baby boy, my husband is away at depot for 6 months, and I can barely form a single complete thought let alone carry on an adult conversation – but streaming has been one of the best things I could have done.

Why? Because it’s something I’m doing for me.

Four times a week, for an hour each time, I stream video games. I’m on a RimWorld stint lately because it’s pretty easy to play with a toddler in my lap or if I have to randomly AFK. I try my best to stick with a schedule which is currently 14:30-15:30 mon-tue-thur-fri. My streams are not long, and I’m not incredibly popular but I do have an absolute blast every time and I am incredibly thankful to those people who stop in, even just to say hello. At the end of my streams I have the biggest smile on my face and it’s because of each and every single person who has made an effort to be there for me. I really can’t express just how much this has helped me.

When I first started streaming I was in a pretty dark place. I was suffering from Postpartum, and I was very lonely with my husband gone. I tried streaming at night when logically I had more “free” time, but it didn’t work out because I’m on duty 24/7. I wanted to remind myself that I was MORE than just a mother. That I was an actual human being, with interests, friends, and passions. One of those passions is video games and even more than that one of those passions is other people and interacting with them to the best of my introverted capabilities. So I stream.

I feel really good when I stream. I love sharing what’s going on in my small home, I am proud that I’m able to remain calm and collected when something happens either in game or out. I feel like I’m able to transition between watching my llama bean and interact with my stream audience at the same time. I love having discussions with them, I love sharing my enjoying of whatever game I happen to be playing. I love that my little guy babbles into the microphone and shares his thoughts, too.

For that one hour I am something more than just a milk supplying caregiver. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my son, I love my family and I am incredibly blessed to have all of this in my life and I realize that, but you can get yourself caught up in a particular headspace where you’re not feeling very appreciated – and streaming makes me feel appreciated.

So even though I don’t have a lot of spare time, the streams are hectic, and some days I wonder why I’m bothering, I’m really glad to be streaming.

If you haven’t checked out one of my streams yet, please do! You can find me as Stargrace over on twitch and I upload my videos to YouTube after each one. If you happen to be a streamer let me know, I try my best to grow our community and catch other streamers when I can. I realize we should all be supportive of one another, and it really is a lovely community.