Wurm Unlimited

It’s Here It’s Here!

I have been waiting for the latest update to come to wurm unlimited for about a month now. You know the one that changes how priests work, allowing them to no longer require linking, revamped fishing, and a bunch of other awesome changes including adding cache to archaeology?

Well it’s finally here, and I have been having a ton of fun with it. First up, archaeology. I have a few deeds on my own deed, so I dug up the cache from those (I had no idea it was a physical cache) and then found a place to keep the miniature tokens. Problem is I’m going to end up with a TON of miniature tokens, and a lot of duplicates. I’m hoping to trade people for tokens that they don’t have and then expand the collection. Maybe creating an entire building for them eventually. I haven’t quite decided.

It’s a fantastic bunch of changes to the game, and I can’t wait to explore them in more depth as time goes on. Have a favourite change? Let me know in comments!

One Down

The goal is to have 4 colossus on the circular edge of my volcano, and I’ve got one done so far. Dyed it with a rune, and it looks amazing. Inside I’ve hollowed out a tunnel for boats, and started building my cafe and an area for cooking as well as a winery. Nothing fancy yet, but I’ll get there with time.

Another Round..

I ran out of items to sell on my merchant fairly quickly last round, so Barefoot has been out on Caza gathering more supplies, and I am turning those into crafted goods to enchant and then sell. I also added a bunch of whetstone this round. Still no 100ql, but I’m sure I’ll get there. In the meantime, no complaints about a 99ql one.

Unfortunately it takes forever to try to get a good cast, so I’m probably still a few days off from having this stuff on my merchant, but I’ll get there.


Graphics for Wurm Online sure have come a long way since I started playing, as well as game mechanics. I remember when we were all identical, standing on top of horses because we couldn’t sit. Now we have towns like the one pictured above being built by players. It’s simply amazing, Wurm holds my heart unlike any other game I’ve ever played. If you’re feeling daunted by the steep time requirement of Wurm Online, I highly suggest you check out Wurm Unlimited, first with your own custom server where you can create at your own speed, and then perhaps on one of the many player hosted servers (like Sklotopolis, cough cough).

Nomadic Gamer