Stargrace in her kitchen, on the left her Drednever scrying sphere

Anyone who knows me at all knows that I am slightly addicted to houses and house items in game. Ok, so maybe it’s more then slightly.. each one of my characters own a home, ranging from the 1 room starter inns, to the 5 room manors. Silverstep owns a 5 room, Stargrace owns a 3 room, Ricotta owns a 2 room, and the others are tucked away in 1 rooms. So any quest that rewards me with a house item, is a fantastic quest in my eyes. That goes from furniture, books, or just little nick nacks to place around and give more of a ‘homey’ feeling.

This chain of quests was added to Solusek Eye a few months ago, and on ogaming it’s rated as average rewards.. but I think it’s one of those under rated quests. It starts with a gnome called Ognit Eznertob, who is just inside the zone. You have to be able to speak gnome to start this quest, so stop by your local Temple street or Baubleshire before you make your way down. He gives a series of quests, with a reward for each series. The first one gives a half decent ring, second gives you an item that can summon little pets to help you fight. The third one gives you the house item that’s behind Stargrace in the image above, and a description of it in the image below.

The fourth quest rewards you with the title “Champion of Drednever” as well as a legendary weapon of your choice (no trade). They’re pretty dang good for their level, the mage / priest one has flowing thought 1 and regen 1 on it, as well as some int, wis, and power and health. There’s pretty much a reward for every class. If the zone is gray (which it was to me when I did it on Stargrace) it makes the quest much easier, maps are a huge bonus as well. Even if you weren’t going to use the weapon reward (you can sell it for some coin) the house item makes this quest very worth it.

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