Warlock Adventures #WoW

As always I bounce between games, and my adventures have taken me over to World of Warcraft this time. Things are a little different then last time I played back in April with both developers and players preparing for the release of 4.3 (slated for November, I believe). My priest had been 85 for some time, but of course (as with all of the games I play) I have a handful of alts. The warlock was closest at level 84 and I decided I should probably try to reach 85 sooner or later. Preferably sooner. I queued for some dungeons and at 84 it took a bit to get in as dps, but as soon as I hit 85 the queues went much faster. Not only that but the dungeon runs themselves went MUCH smoother then I ever remember them going when I was doing them previously. Out of the 8 runs I did I only recall one wipe, and there were no rude comments from anyone. Weird!

The warlock doesn’t have enough of a score yet to do heroics, but the priest does. I noticed that justice point purchased boots and wrist pieces are now BoE instead of BoP, allowing players to purchase and sell them on the broker or AH. I also started the new chain of quests that introduces the Firelands, and received a very nice cloak that was a huge upgrade for the warlock. I don’t really know too much about this place, but the lore seemed pretty neat (and mushy, aw, Horde love).

My other alts include:

  • 78 dwarf shaman
  • 63 human paladin
  • 10 gnome rogue

I had both a druid and a warrior around the 40s but I decided to delete them (no real reason, it’s just something I do to ‘clean up’ and will probably remake one day. You can find me on battle.net as morrow.stephane.l@gmail.com if you’d like to add me, I play alliance on the Argent Dawn server. I can’t say how long I’ll play (especially since I’m still playing Rift too) but for now the change is relaxing.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!


Anything But Dead #EverQuest #EQ

Any time I find myself in a video game, chances are I hear a discussion about how game X used to be good and popular, but then event Y took place and KILLED IT. I chuckle to myself, wondering how these people could possibly think a game is ‘dead’ if even a single player is enjoying it (as long as the game isn’t shutting down). Yesterday, that game was EQ1 – and if you take a look at the screen shot above, I think you’ll see it’s anything but dead. This is just one of many populated servers, happens to be Drinal, the server I play on. Of course the game isn’t at its prime any more and after so many years that’s completely understandable, but it’s certainly no where near dead.

What keeps people playing this ‘ancient’ game? Is it the amount of time they’ve already invested in it? The difficulty involved in mastering it? Friends? Fear of change? I suspect it’s a combination of all kinds of reasons, and I imagine that the type of player still playing EQ1 as opposed to those who play more recently released MMOs may be different.

I suppose I’m just tired of people making assumptions about games that they personally no longer play and haven’t for some time. A game may be dead to you – but there’s a lot of others who still enjoy it on a daily basis. One thing I’m worried about with the next EQ expansion adding guild halls is that this central gathering location which you see above as the guild lobby will become less populated – and I think it’s REALLY important to have a location like this – unlike EQ2 where everyone is constantly hiding away in their halls and homes and you can play the game without ever seeing a gathering of this size. I’m hoping since players gather like this to share buffs and timers don’t tick down that it will remain as it is. A focal point for social happenings. We will just have to see.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Sign up for EverQuest: Veil of Alaris Beta #EverQuest


I’m really excited about the next everquest expansion, called Veil of Alaris. Above is a video for Argath, Bastion of illdaera, one of the new zones that come with it. There are a handful of wonderful changes also coming with the expansion including:

  • Guild halls with trophies
  • Resizeable hotbars
  • 12 buttons per hotbar
  • The ability to link items and clickies directly to the hotbar, including from inside of bags
  • Customizable guild ranks
  • A new guild rank system
  • The ability to mail items in game

The level cap will also be increasing from 90 to 95, and that means new spells and aa. There are 12 new zones, and if you have an active EverQuest account and want to sign up for the beta, you can visit the sign up page here. You must log in to your active EverQuest account in order to sign up. I have to admit, I’m more excited about this then the EQ2 expansion. Fingers crossed that I’ll get into the beta and when the NDA drops I’ll have some interesting stuff to share with readers.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Cleric Macros #RiftGame

Last week I made a post about my different cleric builds, and this week I want to talk about macros. To start off, I decided to change my tank build to the one suggested by pkudude99 in the comments section, so far I’m really liking it. I have almost 10k hp in my tank build now, and I’m eager to test my hand at some T1 dungeons and perhaps eventually some T2. We’ll see how it goes. I have a LOT of macros in game, I think that they can make playing a lot easier and Trion gives players the tools to use them. By not taking advantage of them I think we’re under playing the potential of our characters. To make a macro in Rift you can simply type /macro, and copy and then paste the macro into the window. Or you can create them from scratch, which is something I’ve been trying my hand at. It’s very important to have the suppressmacrofailures line in there, as other wise you’ll get spammed with a lot of ‘out of range’ errors.

In my melee dps spec I have three macros, the first one is for single target encounters. The spec is built for AoE damage, so my single target dps is relatively low, around 700-800.

#show crushing blow
cast rage of the north
cast jolt
cast glory of the chosen
cast fated blow
cast sanction heretic
cast strike of the maelstrom
cast lightning hammer
cast massive blow
cast sovereignty
cast bolt of radiance
cast crushing blow

The second one I have is for AoE / multi target encounters. I’ve been parsing anywhere from 1.2-2.3k with this macro (remember, mixture of T1-T2 and crafted gear) as long as there are 2+ mobs.

#show strike of the maelstrom
cast rage of the north
cast jolt
cast glory of the chosen
cast fated blow
cast soul drain
cast strike of the maelstrom
cast even justice

My third macro is just for my two mana regen abilities, it saves hotbar space.

#show Ageless Ice
cast Purpose
cast Ageless Ice

For my tank spec I have five macros, although one is not really a macro so much as just a reminder for me to switch into my gear. If you want to change your gear all at once, you’ll want to /saveequip # (where # equals whatever set you want to name it, for example /saveequip 1 for your first set). The macro I created is a simple /loadequip 1 so that my tank gear is actually on. Next I have the two usual macros, one for single target and one for AoE encounters.

#show Strike of Judgment
cast Fated Blow
cast sovereignty
cast Precept of Refuge
cast sanction heretic
cast massive blow
cast strike of judgment

and then the multi target:

#show Even Justice
cast Fated Blow
cast Precept of Refuge
cast sovereignty
cast Even Justice

It’s really important when you’re creating macros that you keep only one ability in it with no cool down, and it’s at the bottom of the list so that you’re not constantly spamming that one skill (unless it’s a skill that procs off of another skill, that’s different). For example even justice has no cool down, if none of my other abilities are up, it will cast that one (over and over until something else is up).

I also have a macro for aggro, I keep my aggro abilities both in the macro and out of the macro, the macro is meant for snap aggro when someone has pulled off of me:

#show Bolt of Radiance
cast righteous imperative
cast rebuke
cast Bolt of Radiance
cast Sanction Heretic
cast Bolt of Judgment

and then I also have an emergency button for situations where my health is dropping uncomfortably low.

#show Reprieve
cast resplendent embrace
cast reprieve

I spent some time this weekend working and tweaking my heal spec, and not the 34/32 spec that I had grown so comfortable using. I played around with the macros for the 34 sentinel, 27 warden, 5 purifier build I’ve been using – and it made a HUGE difference in my comfort playing the class. To start things off I created a macro for cures that works on mouse over, so all I need to do is mouse over a name in the raid window. The first two cures have cool downs, the third one is my instant cast cure with no cool down. I’ve also kept these skills out of the macro for when the situation calls for it. I don’t want to be fumbling during battle for keys.

#show cleansing prayer
cast @mouseoverui empowering light
cast @mouseoverui sterilize
cast @mouseoverui cleansing prayer

The next macro I use is to target myself with my mana regen spell. This will regen 15% of my mana over three seconds, combined with mana regen tonics this is incredibly handy.

#show Cascade
cast @self Cascade

Some times I want spells to always be cast together when possible, so I’ve combined those heals into macros to make better use of this. For example my largest single target heal is also the heal that takes the most amount of time to cast – so in this situation (if available) I’d like my instant cast skill to be used, so that this large heal can be applied asap.

#show healing invocation
cast touch the light
cast healing invocation

The same can be said for my orbs spell, I’d like them to do the most amount of healing possible, so I’ve got my tidal surge skill bound to them, and since they are both on a 45 second cool down it works out fantastic.

#show orbs of the stream
cast tidal surge
cast orbs of the stream

Then I’ve got an ‘oh shit’ macro, that will cast my instant cast skill, then tidal surge, and then my largest heal. So it will in essence cast my largest heal instantly, after adding an extra 56% to the heal.

#show Healing Invocation
cast Touch the Light
cast Tidal Surge
cast Healing Invocation

Macros should be created based on your play style, adjusted and tweaked until you feel comfortable with them. If you’re not comfortable playing your character in a particular spec, then adjust and change things until you are. It’s no fun playing a class you’re not 100% at ease with and since there are SO many soul combinations in Rift this is a fairly common issue.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself! Hopefully a few clerics out there find the macros useful. You can find these and other macros on the cleric section of the Rift forums, but you may have to do a bit of digging and wading through the sludge to get to the good bits.





The Responsibilities of Having a Main #RiftGame

I’ve picked up a new single target / aoe spec for the cleric that I’m simply in love with. It’s a caster spec, and it’s fantastic for dungeons. So now I have an AoE heal build, single target heal build, solo melee build, and dungeon caster build. My new thought stems from the fact that I am having so much fun playing a caster I’m debating whether or not I should switch my main to a mage. Sounds like an easy decision, if I enjoy playing a caster why not be a mage – but there’s so much work that goes into a character in Rift, it’s not something I can take lightly. For example I’m almost glorified with Icewatch Keep – this is faction I’ve been working on daily for almost a month now, pounding away at quests that give never enough notoriety. Then there’s all of the pieces of set gear I’ve managed to collect (via crafting) that I’d hate to see wasted, and the time spent working on various saga quests. So do I want to start over with my 37 mage? I haven’t decided yet.

In Rift more so then most games I feel that it’s important to have a main because there’s just SO MUCH to do in game. If you’re left without focusing on a particular character you can easily feel that you’re ‘behind’ the curve.

I’m really pleased that the game has been holding my attention fairly steadily. I haven’t been playing any EQ2, I’ve been relaxing and doing some RL crafting, loads of reading, and some single player games (ok it’s just Sims 3 but it counts, and I love it).

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!