I haven’t given up on Guild Wars, today is a stress test for Guild Wars 2, and I’ve decided to avoid it. I have already purchased the game and am just waiting for it to go live. So I’ve been completing the missions in Prophecy, and the further along I go the deeper into the story I get. My monk / warrior is sitting at a comfortable level 11, and items that drop in missions are starting to show higher powers and when I salvage them I have a chance to take these items and re-apply them onto other things. I think that’s neat.


I just finished completingThe Frost Gate‘ which included a dramatic ending where Prince Rurik ends up getting knocked down and then killed by Dagnar, something I really wasn’t expecting! The cut scenes are well done despite the age of this story, and I really enjoyed completing the mission. Me and Ninga even managed to complete the bonus stage, something I’ve been trying to do (but have missed one or two along the way). Bonus stages are great because they reward you with a large amount of experience and they also give you a skill point. I’m learning about the importance of these skill points as I level up.

I still need to continue trying to complete Hall of Monument achievements, but in the mean time while I wait for GW2 to release I’m finally enjoying myself in GW1. It feels a lot like my time in EVE Online, where it takes me a try or two (or three) before I find my ‘groove’ and can figure out what (or rather, how) to play the game so that I’m enjoying myself. I’m very glad that I decided to stick with things this time, and I think it will help me appreciate aspects of GW2 even more.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

3 thoughts on “The Death of Prince Rurik #GuildWars”
  1. I have felt like I’ve found a groove multiple times in GW, only to get stuck again. At this point I suspect I have permanently given up on it. GW2 is more my style, anyway.

  2. @Zoe – I’ve mostly been playing solo or in a duo team, getting to the point where you are able to hire mercenary is key to this. If you are looking for a great story, and don’t mind using the wiki every so often, I think you’d enjoy it quite a bit. As soon as you’re able to work with a team (by yourself) the game really opens up story wise. You may not always get a lot of loot, but the adventure is still quite fun.

  3. I purchased GW a long time ago, but never really gave it a chance. (Stupidly, I was resentful of the fact that the characters cannot jump. Silly, I know.)

    My question is, have you been playing it solo, or grouped up? I generally play games by myself, and would love to give this one a try. It seems like you’ve been having a lot of fun, and if you’re soloing mostly, I’m sure it’s a game I could get into.
    Thanks! :)

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