A Dock Completed – Next? #WurmOnline

I’ve mentioned before that a large part of Wurm Online is figuring out what you want to do – and this is true for pretty much any sandbox game out there. I decided what was the point of having this amazing sea front property if it was completely blocked by trees, so I trimmed back the trees in the center view (so that my house up above can see out to the ocean) and worked on a dock which is now completed. I have to admit, I love it. There’s usually a willow tree growing beside the house on the water, but it aged and died, so a new tree is growing in its place. Willows take a bit of time to grow, so for now the landscape looks a bit empty.

Because my property is on a slope I have a tiered garden that moves down the hill in rows. Hordern pointed out one day that the fields were not flat and that they too sloped, and that if it were him, he’d have to flatten it. I let it go for months but the more I looked at my perfect dock, the more I noticed the slope. It started to weigh on my mind, and before I knew it, I was fixing it. It’s quite a bad slope too, one end of a row of field was 22 slopes down from the opposite end. Of course, it’s not just a simple matter of fixing the slope, either. I hit rock 2 tiles from the end, and I still haven’t decided how to fix it yet. I can try to surface mine the 13 slopes down with my other character, but I’m really not a fan of surface mining, at all. I could also try to raise the entire slope by 13 to fix this, which is probably what I’ll end up doing in the end. Just a shame that I didn’t get to rock until I was almost done.

Once the fields are put back in order I’ll post a few more screen shots to show what I mean.  It is feeling more like ‘home’ every day that I work on it, which is awesome.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

A Girl and Her Gator #WurmOnline

I was walking home from visiting Arkenor yesterday when I spotted this (really hard to miss) incredible creature right in the middle of the road. A champion venerable crocodile! She was beautiful to look at, her girth covered the entire road and because I was wandering by on my Fo priest, she didn’t attack me.

Of course, I had to bring her home. I convinced Moumix to wander over and tank the creature for me while I cast charm (18 seconds is a long time to get hit by a champion creature), thanks to his tanking, she was loyal, and mine. I brought her back to the pen pictured above, which she now happily shares with my rooster.

Now I just need to find a male…


Double Doors, Oh How I love Thee… #WurmOnline

Last week we were given the pleasure of double doors. These have been a long time coming, doors that not only function to allow players in and out of their homes, but also allow you to ride carts through them. Why is this such a big deal? Well, storing items inside of a house (or mine) reduces the decay. This means that players (myself as an example) house lots of bulk storage bins inside. The problem is that a player can only drag a cart of a certain weight before it becomes too heavy so in most cases where I was moving heavy items, I had to unload them a few at a time, walk through the door, drop them off, walk back out, and reload. The double doors solve that, I can now ride into the house and unload directly into the bsb from the cart, without any extra hassles.

Needless to say, I spent most of my late weekend replacing single doors with double doors. In fact I replaced an entire house (pictured above) and then decided that there were all sorts of things I wanted to do at Darkpaw. I’ve moved Stargrace over for now (since Arysh is a Fo priest she can’t handle a lot of construction) and I’ve been working on my latest project which is a new and improved wooden dock. I’ll post screen shots of it once I’ve got it finished up. For now it’s just a mass of dirt, I’m working on planks which will then be used to create floor boards. Floor boards is a boring job, but hey, someone has to do it! The over all effect should be nice, and I’m looking forward to showing it off a bit. I’ve extended this extra dock along the length of my previous one, and alongside my beach house, it’s also all on-deed, which means I should be able to keep bulk storage bins and other items out there without any worries of thieves.

My apologies again for the lack of posts, I am now a year older (wiser? Naw), and things have been busy – but I’m still here, and more posts will be forthcoming!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Crops Gonna Rock, Pumpkins Gonna Pump #WurmOnline

Ah, patch days. Glorious, and hectic. My apologies for the lack of posts as of late, but for those who have not heard I’m now doing public relations for Wurm (in an official capacity). You will probably see just as many Wurm Online posts here as before, I’ve been writing about the game for a few months now as my ‘game of choice’ simply because I adore it. That does mean a few things here on MmoQuests will take a back seat (like blog posts, and twitter updates) on days like today. Don’t worry! There are good things in the works causing post delays. Like, new crop graphics!

Pumpkins are still being worked on, but crops now have fantastic new graphics. If you’re not used to them, you may want to right click and examine the crop (skill depending) and see how far along it is. If you skill is high enough you won’t have to do this because a simple mouse over will tell you when it’s ready.

That’s not the only exciting thing added today. New heath bars showed up on the UI, along with (drum roll please) double doors!

Double doors function as a regular door with one huge bonus – they allow you to ride a cart through them. Have a bsb stored in your house that you’ve never been able to reach before with a cart full of heavy goods? Now you can. Personally, I’m incredibly excited about this update, and I can’t wait to see what else is coming!

If you haven’t logged in to check out the new changes, get to it (be sure you snag the latest client updates). As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

DAW: Developer Appreciation Week #DAW

This is the third year that Scarybooster from Scary Worlds has run the event (“the” event being the Developer Appreciation Week currently in progress), and if you’ve never heard of it before then you’re missing out.

OK folks, Developer Appreciation Week is upon us. In a rare fit of seriousness, I am going to be posting my own shit about how wonderful these folks are who make our games and fill our dreary days with rainbows and hails of bullets. I invite all my fellow gaming bloggers to do the same. during the 5 days from 9-13 April, write at least one post about how you appreciate the developers of your favorite timekiller. Drop me a line somehow, here or on Twitter, and I will maintain a link post where people can go to find your shit.

Thanks to you and thanks to the Devs.

(Disclaimer: Devs won’t tell you they appreciate your appreciation, but I will. What they do is that important to me.)

I’ve been thinking all week about who I wanted to give my special shout out to – and honestly, I couldn’t narrow it down. I have played so many amazing games over the past few years that it’s impossible to say thank you to just one person, or even one company. I’ve even learned a few things, like the fact that developers are human. Who would have thought! They can make mistakes. Players tend to rake anyone with any amount of ‘power’ be it real or even just visualized, over the coals for any little thing that they don’t personally find satisfying, and developers are one group of people in a long line who put up with it (there are others, but this is DAW week after all). It takes a thick skin.

For every single developer out there, in every single game, thank you. You have brought countless hours of joy (or frustration) to someones life, and for that you deserve this week. You have affected people in ways that you will probably rarely ever hear about and you certainly deserve to hear about it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.