Changing My Mind, A Million Times #WurmOnline

Remember that deed I had on Independence? Well, being the incredibly indecisive person that I am, I decided to take it down already. I came to the conclusion that I enjoy my time on Deliverance far too much to be wandering between servers that often. It seemed a bit of a waste to pay for a deed on another server when I typically just want to visit for a few hours. Not to mention it was taking upwards of 3 hours just to get to the deed when the winds were not in my favour. That’s how large Independence is. Today I spent the better part of the day sailing down in my corbita, I found an unlocked unmoored sailboat (remember to lock and moor your ships!) filled it up with all of my containers, brought those containers to my deed, filled those containers up with containers, and then stuffed it all full of vegetables and meat to take back home to deliverance (again). Then I disbanned the deed (which will take 24 hours to process). Then I’ll sail my two characters the remainder of the way back home to Deliverance, and park them in their respective deeds (I still own two deeds) to happily work on their skills.

I haven’t managed to create any rare items yet, but I’ve heard a lot of people happily exclaiming over them in kchat (freedom chat). I’m looking forward to seeing how things progress as the code fleshes out, at the moment not all rare items or materials have a use.

I walked back down to the Deliverance Market to see how my merchant had fared. I should have kept track of what I had placed for sale, but I was happy to see I had made a few copper! Almost 60, in fact. That’s almost a month of rent on one of my deeds (they cost 1s a month each) and I had left the merchant up for less than a week so I’m quite happy with that result. Now I’ve got more motivation to work on my priests so that I can enchant more items and put them for sale. I haven’t quite decided what I want my ‘profession’ to be, but I’m aiming towards making some pendulums and enchanting them and then putting those for sale to start. We’ll see how it goes.

I plan on making a video of both deeds once I get things settled a bit more. Darkpaw Bay doesn’t require much work these days, just tending the animals and taking care of the fields. It’s the perfect little village for Arysh, my Fo priest. Les Reveurs on the other hand is for my crafter. I’d like to make that deed into a little country town, a few houses, some paths leading between them, a large oak tree in the center. I’m keeping a few tiles wide of trees as a make shift ‘wall’ around the deed to block it from the cutting that goes on around the property. I dislike looking out my windows to see everything has been cut down.

Since it’s on top of a mountain there’s a fantastic view, but at the moment I have no houses along that portion of the deed. I’m thinking a nice overlook of some sort may be part of my creation plans. In any case, that’s what I’ve been up to! I hope everyone has had a fantastic weekend. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Patches Don’t Play Favorites #WurmOnline

Yesterday was patch day in WurmOnline, something that most gamers are familiar with, no matter what game they play as their game of choice. It meant multiple restarts, a lot of left over glitches, and still some bugs remaining today. Patience is something we all must learn, which is really dang hard when you want to go out and play with all the cool new stuff, and oh, what cool new stuff there was.

– Carts and horses can now climb larger slopes (39 is said to be the new number)

– Carts can now travel in shallow water (-7 is said to be optimal, -9 and things start to go wrong)

– Timers for bulk items have been shortened (I haven’t personally played with this a lot, I really dislike making bulk items to begin with, so I usually try to buy them or convince my neighbours to make them for me in trade).

– Animals can spawn around the world of all ages now, not just young. This means that people out there fighting can fight different levels of creatures. It’s a blessing and a difficulty. Personally I think it’s pretty neat. However it also caused some issues with horses giving birth to old horses instead of foals.

– Rare items. There are three ‘tiers’ of rare items, they’re still currently implementing this so some items are rare without use. I haven’t come across any myself yet, but I see kchat filled with the eager gasps of those who have. It is said to be a 50% chance once an hour to create a ‘rare’ item. Sounds like a bit of a confusing system, so I’m going to basically ignore it and if I make something, great, and if I don’t, oh well.

Traited creatures have begun spawning again which is awesome. The giant mountain lion pictured above is a champion spawn, too hard for me to handle on my own, I called in some reinforcements. Yetian gladly took the corpses to decorate his front entrance.

Have you had a chance to play with the changes yet? What are your thoughts so far? Let me know in comments below, and as always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Timers Changed and Rare, Supreme, Fantastic Items Added! #WurmOnline

  • Faster timers for most actions!
  • Timers now run on tenths of seconds, giving more precise effects of quality, skill and enchantments. This includes fighting.
  • Less item loss on failure!
  • Priests receive alignment modification for actions just as non-priests now
  • Dispel now has range 24
  • Mounts and carts may be used in shallow water. Less land bridges – more fords!
  • Mounts and carts may be used in steeper terrain. Less obstruction!
  • Older creatures may spawn now – more challenge!
  • Items have rarity! You may now occasionally succeed in creating a rare, supreme or even fantastic item. These tools are faster, weapons do more damage, and armour protects a bit better. This may also happen as you improve or polish items and rare items may turn into even rarer items. Constructing new items using rare materials may turn the unfinished item into a rare item. Rare guard towers spawn more guards, for instance. More functionality will be added over time.
  • Known bugs: Metallurgy needs some more debugging. Chain armour creation erroneously uses up the chain on failure. Fields show the wrong textures.

A Day At The Deliverance Market #WurmOnline

The Deliverance Market was a project a long time coming. Set up by a player named Rudie (I believe) it was a server wide project that everyone could participate in, giving us a central location to sell wares. It’s located just East of Green Dog, on the top of the tundra. These days it’s plagued by a multitude of unicorns, deer, and dogs, but that doesn’t stop an eager customer (or a merchant, looking to set up shop). Since there are so few customers along the West Coast where my deed currently is, I decided to place my merchant at the market, and perhaps do a bit of shopping while I was there.

I was in luck. I picked up a new weapon and a few pieces of gear for Stargrace, and I had my merchant set up without any trouble. I’m not sure if I’ll actually sell anything, but it would be nice to make a few coin. I’ve stocked the merchant with some high quality tools that have been enchanted, and other random odds and ends that I’ve found along my travels. Items that I have no real use for at the moment.

Along my way home, I spotted a greenish unicorn in the distance. Greenish trait animals are much tougher than regular ones, and I longed to add her to my collection. My first attempts at charm were unsuccessful, she beat me to a bloody pulp. I had no desire to have to walk all the way back to the market (and leave my cart there) so I stepped away and healed up, and then in a last attempt I managed to land charm without being interrupted. That’s the down side of the spell, it interrupts very easily. I jumped into my cart and told the bulls to head home, leading a not so pleased greenish unicorn behind me.

Great addition to my crayon box pictured above, no?

My female black bear has been doing pretty well. I’ve stuffed her with more meat than she can possibly eat, about 20 a day. I’m always concerned with pregnant animals because they can starve very easily, especially if they’re meat eaters. I have four more days or so before I can expect a little baby bear wandering her pen. Hopefully it will have a useful trait, I suppose I’d better start praying to the RNG Gods now.

All in all? A very productive day at the market!


Away from It All #WurmOnline

I love Deliverance, I really do, but some times I just want to get away from it all. Away from the people I see in local (neighbours, you do not count, I like you all), away from the people I know by name trolling kchat, away from a map that I’m (these days) quite familiar with. Thus, I’ve decided to keep a 3rd deed on independence. At the moment my Vynora priest is parked there, working away on meals. As Moxie says, “if you like it, you should put a deed on it.” That’s exactly what I did. Technically the deed was already mine, I had taken it down a few weeks back, but returned due to the lure of what was left in the houses (completely random, that screen shot above is poor because it’s foggy and I can’t see anything in the fog). This deed is incredibly quiet. To the South is Berlin, which is in various states of decay. A new neighbour moved in West of the deed against the mountain but they’ve been fairly silent. There’s a large fenced in area directly West but I removed the houses that were acting as gates because it’s such a waste of wide open space. If someone wants to move in there, they are welcome to. My own deed is surrounded by amazing stone fences, has areas for horses (of which I currently have none on Independence, and doubt I will) and I planted a gigantic field of crops to work on my farming. There’s a vast forest covering half of the deed, with high reaching pine and cedar trees. I’ve been planting more trees along the other side of the deed to balance the forest out a bit.

My home away from home is quiet because of a number of reasons, some of the biggest reasons are that the server is gigantic, and there’s a long walk involved in reaching it. As Moxie mentions on another blog post, if you’re looking for a place to settle, don’t look for wide open nature places – look for abandoned and deserted deeds. Settling into a location like that and calling it your own is a fantastic way to get started. There are so many half decayed fences and buildings around. Within the rules, of course.

I like the Independence server for a lot of reasons. It gives me a new place to explore, new people to meet. Places to salvage when they’ve broken down. It’s a bit of a pain to lug everything between two servers, but it’s quite easy to bring players between those two servers (depending on the wind) hence my final decision to keep the deed going. Hopefully my Vynora priest will get some good skill gains while I have the character over there, especially channeling and alignment.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!