EQ2_000211Nektropos Castle is another one of my favorite zones. It’s creepy, dark, filled with zombies ghosts and other denizens that go bump in the night. There are also three versions of this zone, so if you’ve only explored through one version (or perhaps none) be sure to check out the other two (more details about them in a bit).

My necromancer, her trusty zombie, and her gingerbread man (who I am thinking of naming Fred) traveled to this wonderful zone along with Ibeogur (who did the majority of the brute work, I admit). There is a LOT of discovery experience to be had within, as well as many named to defeat. The zone is perfect for anyone 30-37 or so, I believe we headed over there at 27. My favorite part is that the place is still quite a maze, even after all this time. It’s probably one of the few zones that I still use a map to find my way around in. Plus there are a lot of really neat quests inside. Not only are there heritage quests, but also a very neat house item with some pretty interesting lore ties.

When you finish the zone you’re given a quest called “Putting Maltena to Rest” and this grants you access to the 2nd version of the zone, Nektropos Castle: The return. This zone is meant for players level 50-55 but it has quite an unfinished feel to it and could really use a revamp in terms of monsters and loot. That shouldn’t stop you from making your way through the place at least once though, just for the atmosphere!

The third version is Nektropos Castle: Tribulation, and it’s for level 70 characters. This zone is much different than the first two, and you can only access it through the back of the original castle, in a crypt. You also leave it through the front door, and you complete the zone backwards which makes things nice and confusing (in a very good way). There are of course still glitches, like, the named not giving any aa at all, but if you’re looking for atmosphere and experience, this is a great place to explore. I think it’s very easy to adventure in zones that we are all familiar with, and some times we need a bit of a reminder that there is an entire world out there just waiting for our character. What are some of your favorite EQ2 zones? Let me know in comments!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One thought on “An Evening in Nektropos Castle #EQ2 #EverQuest2”
  1. Nek Castle has always been one of my favorite zones. I never completed the 2nd or 3rd areas but did the normal zone a 100 times. Lots of good memories in that castle.

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