The Undershore #EverQuest

EQ000079The new hotzone for level 60 is The Undershore, an easy zone to access with a lot of different factions that you don’t typically want to mess up. Thankfully with Oger’s help we found the ones that are OK to kill, and we headed out that way to lay waste to the general population. The paladin is now level 63, and can group with my 89 ranger although she can’t earn aa with the paladin unless the mobs also grant the ranger experience. Still, it’s nice to be into a comfortable level range. Ideally I’ll stay in the 70 range for a while and just work on alternate advancement for some time. We’ll see how that goes.

I still haven’t managed to find Nagafan up, but I did kill Talendor yesterday – unfortunately he did not drop the book I need for the epic 1.0 but I’ll keep trying. Eventually I’m bound to luck out and get the drop.

I haven’t purchased my spells for the past 10 levels so that’s the goal for today. I’m also debating whether or not I want to do any crafting on the paladin. Now that my 100 enchanter has 300 in each craft, maybe it’s time to work on another character? The ranger could stand to have a few crafts leveled up as well, fletching in specific. We’ll see how that goes.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

I’m on a (House)boat! #TS3 #TheSims3

Screenshot-149I was under the assumption all this week that the Sims 3 Island Paradise expansion was not due out until June 28th (turns out that’s the UK release date) so imagine my joy when at midnight last night EA emailed me to tell me the game was ready for download. I had planned on making it an early night and actually catching up on that thing called sleep – but a new expansion called to me.

The download was smooth, I haven’t really had any issues with Origin and getting my products. I pre-ordered so I got the shipwreck limited edition version. I was hoping that I had ordered in time to get Barnacle Bay as an add on, but I was one day too late. Ah well. Installation was smooth and before I knew it (is it just me or does the game finally load faster) I was ready to move into my tropical paradise home.

I bought a cheap house boat – you can sail them all over, apparently. I haven’t tested that feature yet. I also joined a career as a lifeguard, although my lifetime wish is to have an amazing blog, go figure. I started up a blog called ‘I’m on a boat’ where I post pictures of my nautical living.

The map to the Island Paradise is larger than most. A lot of it is also unexplored, leaving you some mystery. One thing I did notice is that there’s not a lot of night life bars etc around, there are some resorts, but I may add in a few custom buildings from other expansions just to tweak it a tiny bit.

The lifeguard career choice is a lot of fun. Unlike other jobs your sim doesn’t run completely automated. You survey up and down along a beach, or you can sit on your lifeguard chair, and watch the waters for drowning sims.  Eventually you’ll notice some sim out there flailing about and you’ll swim out there to rescue them. You’ll escort them on land and they’ll swoon and pass out, meaning it’s time for CPR.

Thankfully I’ve managed to bring everyone back to life so far. You get paid per sim rescued, as well as a weekly stipend. That’s where I had to end it for the night because before I knew it, it was 2am and I should have been in bed two hours ago. I’m very happy this expansion released earlier than I thought it would, and can’t wait to explore underwater, and sail my houseboat around.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Legacy Family #TheSims3 #TS3

Screenshot-140A few times now I have heard friends of mine talking about a “legacy family” in the Sims 3, and I had absolutely no idea what this was or what it meant, so of course I looked it up. It turns out a legacy family is a player challenge, and there are all sorts of them. It also looked like a lot of fun, especially because we all know how much I love the Sims 3. I took to the forums and found this post from 2009 that explains the basic rules, and I created Ellithia Reveur, my legacy sim.

The rules are basic. You create a new family, a single founder. They have to start off in a specific lot that only leaves you with $1300 to build a house. You can’t use money cheats (or any cheats). The overall “goal” is to live through TEN generations and to lead your family to fame, fortune, and success over the course of those 10 generations. There are a few other specific rules mentioned in the post which I linked above, but that’s the jist of it. For your starting sim you pick the sex, age, and have full choice over their looks, colours, and clothing. Your legacy family has to remain the active family. You can’t resurrect dead sims. You can’t use ambrosia. You can’t consume life fruit. You can only age up your sim when the game prompts you to. You can’t ward off death.

Pictured above, my legacy founder, Ellithia, rummaging through the junk yard to try to gather enough scraps to sell to afford a sleeping bag. I managed to build a 6×6 house, purchase a door for said house – and eventually afford a $100 sleeping bag. I hung her diploma on the wall, and she’s set. She doesn’t even know what greatness she’s going to be heading into. Once I was able to afford a sleeping bag she headed out to find a job, eventually finding one as a dishwasher. She’s in a pretty posh neighbourhood, so she made (tentative) friends with the neighbours and used their shower as well as ate some yogurt from their fridge, she can’t actually afford to cook anything in someone else’ house at the moment. After some yogurt and a shower she used the washroom before the neighbours told her she was acting inappropriate and she should leave. So she headed home to spend the next few hours sleeping in her incredibly comfortable sleeping bag.

Couldn’t afford floors or walls or anything yet, so for now, this will have to do.


Face to Face with Lady Vox #EverQuest

EQ000078Yesterday while leveling up my paladin I started thinking about my 1.0 epic. At first glance I thought it may be too difficult, it used to require both Nagafan and Vox as kills. However, players now have two extra dragon options with each of those drops. You CAN kill Nagafan and Vox, or you can kill Talendor, Severilous, Faydedar or Gorenaire. It just so happened that when Oger went and checked on Vox, she was up! I shrouded my ranger down to level 50, and her and my 49 paladin made our way to Permafrost and slowly towards Vox’s lair.

Of course first we accidentally pulled her along with a bunch of giants that started chain healing themselves. The fight took a very long time, and in the end both Oger (who was shrouded down) and Pumpkins (my shrouded ranger) died, while Dyathe (my paladin) and the three mercenary lived long enough to put the finishing blow on the ice dragon.

I got my drop easily enough, along with a white dragon scale to sell, a cleric only 2hb and a bracelet. I was very happy. My paladin may be low level, but I would really like to complete her 1.0 (and then her 1.5 and her 2.0). Because lately I have been boxing the account along with my main account, I decided to re-subscribe her using a krono I purchased from the bazaar. I had let the account lapse last month thinking that I was no longer interested in boxing and that I may switch over to another game (ie: Rift). Sadly, or perhaps not so sadly, nothing else seems to be holding my attention these days like EverQuest does. I have no regrets about signing the second account back up, and I’ll probably continue to pay for the account via krono for as long as I can.

The paladin is now level 52, and I’m debating whether or not I want to continue working on her epic or go back to leveling and working on alternate advancement. This character will probably level slower than my others, as I would like (for once) to keep up with her alternate advancement so that she’s not a completely useless character. We’ll see how that goes. In the meantime, it’s really nice to have the ranger back.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Levitating Unicorns and Marus Seru #EverQuest

EQ000074EverQuest put a wonderful patch in this week that not only changed the old (tired, dated) hotzones, but also revamped hero’s forge armor into a new sleek look. If you happen to prefer the old bulky look you can continue to use it. To switch over to the new look just right click the piece of gear in an inventory slot. Robes are not included in this change, but I’m still happy for it. The bust of my female characters always looked a bit.. off.

I’ve been playing my new paladin lately. I’ve got little to no experience playing a tank class, even though I do have a 53 shadowknight I haven’t touched the character in a number of years. I’ve always wanted to play a paladin, so I decided why not. When I created the high elf paladin Crescent Reach was the hotzone (and had been for a number of years) and I managed to level to 17 without too much trouble. This time I decided to try out the new hot zones, which was Marus Seru for level 25.

The zone was completely empty. Not exactly unheard of on a Thursday evening, but a bit odd. Oger took on a shroud and joined me and our mercs in beating up many Stonegrabbers and Rockhoppers, ah Luclin how I have missed you.

If you’re curious about what the new hotzones are, here’s the list:

— Level 20 – Warslik’s Wood
— Level 25 – Marus Seru
— Level 30 – Frontier Mountains
— Level 35 – The Dawnshroud Peaks
— Level 40 – Jaggedpine Forest
— Level 45 – Burning Woods
— Level 50 – Corathus Creep
— Level 55 – The Bloodfields
— Level 60 – Undershore
— Level 65 – Plane of Air (AKA Eryslai, the Kingdom of Wind)
— Level 70 – Wall of Slaughter
— Level 75 – Oceangreen Hills
— Level 80 – Hills of Shade
— Level 85 – Old Bloodfields
— Level 90 – Valley of Lunanyn
— Level 90 – The Grounds

It looks like I’m off to Frontier Mountains next, as the paladin is closing in on 30 after my adventures last night. I picked up my new spells, and a few pieces of new defiant gear. I gave a brief glance through my alternate advancement and noticed that one of my level 85 includes a levitating unicorn.

O. M. G.

If there was ever a reason to play a class, that’s it.