wurm.20140107.0643Last week during a server glitch I lost two new animals that I had brought home. Animals update on the server much later than things like skills do, and so when we crashed they reverted to their positions before I captured them and brought them home. Thankfully I had branded both animals right away, so when they were released back to the wild, they kept their brands. Branding animals means you can lead them off of any deeds they may have wandered onto.

I looked for my hen for hours, and could not find her. Then a few days later while visiting a neighbour I spotted her in the brush! Hens don’t exactly serve a purpose in game – but they CAN lay eggs. You can also name those eggs so the chicks that hatch are named when they are born. Not all eggs will hatch into chicks, but I’m hoping at least one out of my batch does. In order for an egg to hatch it has to decay, hence the pile of named eggs in the screenshot above.

I’ve been working on completing my houses before I get too much further in skills. Last week I built a workshop along with a villa and a shipyard, but so far the buildings have sat as plans and I had not actually completed any of them. The workshop is first on my list and I purchased a rare forge that was up for auction at a reasonable price. I’d love a loom, but for now I’m happy with the one I’ve created.

All in all, the new deed is going very well. It will be nice to have completed with the base buildings so I can continue the skills I want to work up (fine carpentry being one of them).

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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