
When I posted yesterday I mentioned that I had started playing EverQuest 2 again – and of course it took a grand total of three days before I decided why not, and subscribed my 2nd account, too. I don’t box in every game that I play, but there are a handful that I do. I started in EverQuest, and now find it hard to even play that game without boxing. It’s mostly because of the large amount of downtime you experience as xyz class. Once I had gotten comfortable boxing in EverQuest, I started boxing in EverQuest 2. I’ve had my two accounts for a number of years now. Another game I tend to box in is EVE Online, though I haven’t subscribed for a while (don’t even tempt me). In EVE my reasons were simple, I wanted one account to haul ore, while the other one mined. This saved me a lot of time trying to load and pick up canisters of ore.

I have tried to box in WoW as well, but I have never been very good at it. I don’t know if it’s because I needed more practice or what, but I just never got the hang of it. I’ve also had two accounts in Wizard101, so that I could complete battles easier / faster when no one was around to group with. The older I get (har) the more difficult I find it is to find ‘like minded’ players to group with. Plus some times I’m just not feeling that social, but I don’t wan to be held back in content. I have a small exclusive group that I play with but our hours don’t always match up and we all have busy lives.

I think it would be nearly impossible for me to box in WildStar unless I grew another set of arms to be able to move my characters outside / into telegraphs and adjust. There’s just so much action and movement going on that I would probably find it stressful and annoying. That’s not a bad thing, some games are better experienced by not boxing. There are also times I just don’t want to box, and prefer to focus on one character at a time.

So, how about everyone else? Do you tend to box in your video games or do you focus on only one account at a time? Let me know in comments!

2 thoughts on “Do you Play Multiple Accounts?”
  1. I used to have two accounts in SWG. I didn’t box as such, but I ran two clients at the same time – usually out questing on my smuggler while keeping my entertainer up in our guild city to buff guildies that needed it. It was great.

    God, now I’m getting all nostalgic again…

  2. I’ve seriously thought about dual boxing for WoW.

    I wanted to do the Refer a Friend with an alternate account and fly though leveling with the boosted experience thing that I read others talk about. I’ve never been comfortable enough to pay for the second account though… I barely play enough to justify one account.

    I was pretty obsessed with watching videos of other people do 5-boxing in WoW too for a while. I found it really neat to watch them work through dungeons and stuff.

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