A Saturday Looking for Raids

WoWScrnShot_012514_140151I finally found some time to play World of Warcraft this weekend, and decided to attempt a few raids with the looking for raid finder. Normally I try to get them done earlier in the week because.. well. My patience tends to wear out, and weekend raids are not really that great. I queued for the first Siege of Orgrimmar raid and knew I was in for trouble. Sha (the final named) took 7 attempts. I’ve never had a raid take that many attempts before. Thankfully I did win an offhand during the four named bosses that was quite an upgrade, but I would still much rather do raids earlier on in the week.

After I decided to try a flex raid for Celestials, and I won a pair of PVP shoes that were an enormous upgrade from the quested 502 ilevel ones I had been wearing. I’m also trying to make a bit of coin, so I put an epic belt for sale and a few robes. I don’t know if they’ll sell, but at least I’m trying.

The rest of my adventures were filled with pet battles. I’m slowly leveling a few more to 25 and working on more achievements. It’s been a pretty relaxing weekend, and I hope everyone else has had a great one too! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Saved Voxels and New Servers

screenshot_20140205-22-35-02My time gaming lately has mostly been spent in Landmark, with some Wurm Online. I would love to get back to World of Warcraft but I just haven’t managed to find the time quite yet as I balance things. It’s not that unusual when a new game shows up on my radar, I was dividing my time between WoW and Wurm Online quite well, but throw a third steady game into the mix and suddenly things change.

There have been quite a few improvements over the last few days with the alpha. New servers and new continents were opened up, voxels on claims now save, a few new graphics are out. Of course for each thing in-game that now works, something else breaks, but it happens. I haven’t done a lot of building yet because I have to spend so much time harvesting. I’ve upgraded my pickaxe to Tungsten, and I’m working on the burled log requirement for viridium. I’ve got a marble forge and a work table, but there’s a tungsten saw and the paint tool still to go. I did craft the smooth tool and spent a good portion of last night learning that mechanic, which I really love. You can’t tell from the screenshot but I rounded the edges of the platform that I built (and then placed my craft machines on it). Since my deed was partially mountain and the bottom corner was ‘floating’ in the air, I built a platform and then smoothed the edges to make it look like a natural part of the hill. Added my vault and some torches, and I’ll call it home for now while I continue harvesting.

The forums are now open for anyone to browse, and for those who have bought into the game to reply / make posts. There are some amazing threads with screenshots being posted and I highly recommend people check it out to see what sort of creations are being made. Of course I’ve been posting pictures as well on google plus and sharing with my gamer friends there.

Everyone keeps mentioning how wonderfully transparent SOE has been with the entire alpha process, and I have to agree. They post exactly what is going on, whether or not they’ve messed up, and how they’re fixing the situation. It’s refreshing, to say the least. Whether this keeps up through alpha, into beta, and beyond, I’m not sure, but in the mean time it’s restoring peoples faith and that’s wondrous to behold.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Seeing Possibilities

screenshot_20140203-11-41-14Stargrace found herself standing by the Wizard spires with her bags packed full of goods. It had been a long trek, but she had made it. Now, it was just a matter of gaining their attention.

“Tungsten! Gold! Amethyst! Traveling peddler here on Drift, you want it, I’ve probably got it or can tell you where to get it. Step up and find me by the wizard spires! Bargaining is my middle name folks!” She smiled as the locals started to gather.


Xartan was cackling maniacally. It was done. His creation was completed. Sweat and even a little blood had gone into his latest experiment. The monstrosity rose from the ground, jagged peaks and tall walls combined with confusing tunnels. At the end, a treasure chest filled with goods for the taking – if you could make it that far. He grabbed a piece of parchment paper and quickly started writing out his plans, then summoned a scribe to carry it far and wide. His laughter echoed over the rolling hills. They would come.

In another part of the same continent a new store was opening up. Blesse had cleared a great portion of land into a flat manageable space, and built display stands every few feet. On top of each display was one of her artistic pieces. From one display a hedge stood, carved into a beautiful horse rearing its head. One section of the sales area didn’t hold a display case but instead held a small cottage, draped in moss. Another held a selection of machinery.

“Oh, are you interested in purchasing the legendary pickaxe?” Blesse smiled at her latest customer. Business was good.

The point of this blog post was to show people that Landmark is indeed a sandbox game and that game is going to be limited only by your imagination. None of the scenarios I posted above are things you can’t already do right in this alpha aside from the final one because player studio isn’t in game yet (but we know it’s coming). None of them require any fancy mechanic and things that are not currently in game. Sure they require a stable game, but again that will come. When I talk about enjoying a sandbox game and the potential it’s not potential based on hype or features I think may be added later. It’s potential based on what I see, what I experience and then mold with my imagination. The game will be what you make of it.

Spoon, Joseph, and Toast Walk into a Farm


I had a hen in Wurm Online. Named her Cluck. Fed her grass. She lay eggs, 44 of them. Served me well and then I decided I would sacrifice her to Fo for a server mission. I waited for those eggs to hatch to see if I would have anything to show for those 44 eggs, it’s rare that anything actually hatches.

I was lucky.

I named my eggs, so that when they hatched they would get to keep those names. It’s just a cute way to personalize the animals a bit. Since I had 44 eggs to name, the last bunch were names like ‘Cat’ and ‘Dog’ – and I peered down into the pen on my way from grooming the horses and noticed three little chick heads poking up out of the snow.

Spoon. Toast. Joseph.

I actually thought Toast had died of starvation, Landmark came out just as the chicks hatched and they didn’t have any food. I decided to pack down the tile of snow so I could see the ground better, and there she was, waiting for breakfast.

I’ve stuffed the pen with a lot of grass to keep them fed, and am trying to be a better chick parent. Eventually they’ll lay their own eggs, though I don’t really have a use for them at this point in time. Maybe other players would like some.

It was a great surprise. I’ve tried to hatch eggs before but I didn’t have any luck and I’m glad I have a few named chicks wandering the pens. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What Landmark Is – and Is Not

I wasn’t expecting the NDA to drop so fast, and the game is currently down for patches at the moment so you’ll just have to use your imagination since I have no screenshots. As someone who has played countless alphas, I have to say that this one has absolutely swept me away. My steam account is full of them, so many that I decided just after Christmas that I wasn’t going to purchase games any more unless they were the completed versions. If they were all in the state that Landmark is in, I would probably purchase every single one that interested me.

You’ll have to take this blog post with a grain of salt. First of all keep in mind that my favorite MMO is and has been for some time – Wurm Online. This is a creation game in a survival setting and it takes hours upon hours to play it and to level skills. It is a game that has many bugs, a tiny dev team, and captured my heart so hard that I pretty much never have anything but good to say about it. Expect the same with my opinions on landmark.

Right now Landmark is: 

  •  crafting
  •  creation
  •  harvesting
  • exploration

Landmark is not: 

  • completed
  • bug-free
  • particularly exciting – UNLESS – you happen to be a die-hard harvester/crafter/creationist which I am
  • Does not currently have combat

Landmark is a sandbox. YOU will create the game. YOU will decide what parts appeal to you and how to make them exciting. If you don’t like exploring, creating things, harvesting, or crafting, chances are you may not like Landmark – at least not in the current state. Keep in mind that as the alpha progresses more aspects will be added and thus what you can make of the game will expand.

I can not stress this part enough. It is alpha. There are LOTS OF BUGS. You need LOTS OF PATIENCE. Post on the forums, let the devs know what the issues are. Can’t log in? Just sit back and go do something else. Lose all your stuff? Stuck? Attacked by giant robots? It’s alpha. You have to relax.

I can say with absolute certainty that the game is perfect for me. I am already incredibly in love with it and so very excited. It is what I have wanted in a AAA title for so long now that I feel absolutely giddy now that it is here. It is beautiful. It runs well. The mining process is mind-boggling, I have no better words. When you tunnel you create an actual tunnel that looks different and adjusts every time your pickaxe hits the ground. You must explore to find the different resources you need. Become familiar with how the terrain looks, how ore looks, if you want to create that castle or that house in the woods you need to go out and harvest those supplies. The possibilities of what you can craft are as vast as your imagination.

I think people who will enjoy this game play are people who are fans of games like Wurm Online, Starbound, Minecraft, and Terraria. You’re not going to love everything but expect a lot of Landmark posts in the upcoming months.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.