AddOns Galore #WoW

WoWScrnShot_121113_092642There was a post over on google plus today by Robert Anderson that inspired me to take a look at the AddOns I currently use for World of Warcraft. I tend to keep my UI very minimalistic, and I want the least amount of addons running as possible to keep everything running properly, especially after a game update thus my list isn’t that long. I use a complete UI replacement that’s recommended on Icy-veins called ElvUI and it takes care of so many things for me I don’t really need that many others. It changes the font of the UI, all my windows, hotbars, map, etc. and I just copy a profile over for each character. You can also set it up depending on the role your character plays. Highly recommend this addon. It’s very easy to install and it is constantly being updated.

My other addons include:

  1. Auctionator – AH replacement stuff
  2. Collect Me – For battle pets and mounts
  3. DBM – Complete collection, this is of course deadly boss mods. Used for raid warnings and the like.
  4. Oqueue – for joining flex raids since the Blizzard format is not exactly intuitive.
  5. PetBattle Teams – More pet battle stuff
  6. Pet Tracker – Even more pet battle stuff
  7. Recount – Because I like parses
  8. Zygor – An amazing guide addon that will tell you how to do anything in game from leveling to working factions and collecting mounts.

That’s it. If I didn’t use ElvUI as a complete UI replacement I would probably have a lot more on that list, but like I said, I prefer to keep things simple. It makes updates much easier, and when something breaks I don’t have to worry about being unable to play. What are some of your favorite addons? Let me know in comments!

What I’m Playing vs. What I want to be Playing

There are only so many hours in a day, and out of those hours only so many of them can be dedicated to gaming. A lot of my gaming decisions are based on my mood at the time, what is going on around me, and how much time I have. My two constants at the moment are World of Warcraft, and Wurm Online. Each game is drastically different from the other and they both provide me with a completely different gaming experience. Chances are if I don’t have a lot of time to play I will be in one or the other of these games because that’s where I want to spend the majority of my time.

Then there are a bunch of steam games that I was gifted and I picked up over the holidays and while I have managed to delve into a handful of them, there are even more that I haven’t had a chance to get into yet. Thus the list of games I AM playing, and the list of games I want to be playing when I have the time and am not otherwise preoccupied with the games that I am currently playing. Does that make any sense at all? Hopefully it does. What games are on the list of games I want to be playing?

Starbound – I keep wanting to play this game BUT because it’s in beta they’ve been doing a lot of wipes and the one coming up is a complete universe wipe. These don’t bug me they just prevent me from getting too invested in a character. I’m very glad I picked it up and I really enjoyed playing the small portion I played but if I’m just going to lose my character I don’t want to dedicate a lot of time to it. Yet.

Craft the World – I have absolutely no good reason for not playing this game yet except that I don’t have unlimited time and like I said above if I have limited time I tend to naturally gravitate towards my ‘main’ games. The game is also in beta, in fact most of the games on my steam list these days are in beta.

Brothers – A Tale of Two Sons – The reason I haven’t played this yet is easy. Lazy. It requires a controller and that’s a lot of work for me to get started on a game when I just want to play for 30 minutes or so when I have a bit of time. Again that gravitational pull towards my ‘usual’ games normally wins out. This game really looks neat though and I’m interested to see how I do at controlling two characters at once.

Castle Story – Problem is, this game is also in beta and there’s very little content at the moment. There’s a LOT of potential here, but they have a long way to go. I want to play it but in the case of this one game I think it’s actually the game that’s preventing me from playing more of it and not because I don’t have the time. There’s not a heck of a lot to do. Yet.

I have more games on my “I would really like to play but just don’t have the time” list than I know what to do with. Games like Reus, Spore, and Botanicula but they don’t call to me quite as much as the games listed above do. Honestly, I just need more hours in the day. How about it?

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Battle Pet of the Week: Snowy Owl #WoW



In my attempts to get at least one pet battle team to 25, I’ve been collecting a lot of pets. I always considered myself a collector even before pet battles came out, but of course now that there are over 600 different pets in game things have gotten a bit more extreme. I wanted to show off some of the pets I’ve gotten and while there may not be anything exceptional about them, each battle is an exciting attempt to further my collection (and experience) so I’m hoping to make this a weekly feature. We’ll just have to see. First up? The Snowy Owl!

The Snowy Owl is a seasonal pet that can only be found during the Northern hemisphere real-world seasons. That means you can start seeing this pet around from December 21st, and it lives in Winterspring. There are a lot of great technical details posted about the pet over at Warcraftpets, a site that I’m constantly using to keep my collection up to date. It is of course categorized as a flying pet, and if you click on it you’ll hear typical owl sounds.

Winterspring was full of neat critters to try to capture. The one issue I had was that I kept accidently killing the ones that I wanted to add to my collection. It can take a bit of patience to get a rare quality of the pet you’re after, but it’s certainly worth it in the end.

Thanks to my adventures in Winterspring and then a bit of time in Hellfire Peninsula, I was able to raise my team to level 21 and I’m currently working my way to level 22. It has slowed down quite a bit, but it’s incredibly relaxing and I’m in no rush.

Lets Build a Tunnel #WurmOnline

wurm.20140111.2315Yesterday was an incredibly busy day in Wurm Online, though the screenshot above doesn’t exactly do it much justice. It has been one of my goals on Pristine to create a tunnel that goes from the front of my property (along the shore) to the top of the mountain that I live on. This serves a few purposes, but the biggest is just that it’s a quick way to get down to my boat or the mines from within my property. First I had to mine the tunnel upwards until I got a message that if I were to mine any further, I would be buried alive. This tells me that I’m at the surface but that the surface tile is not rock.

Next was to dig down on the surface (after counting tiles to make sure I was lining up) and then to tunnel and open an entrance. If everything went as it should, I would have a mine entrance. It did work out except for one small issue. The entrance is on quite a slope which prevents people from walking normally. I can enter the mine with a large cart drawn by horses but for some reason I can’t exit said mine. It is perplexing.  Thankfully my neighbour Naitey offered to help me out with the entire project, so he busied himself helping me dig and helping me mine and then applying concrete to the tiles we need to fix the slope of. It’s not completely fixed yet but it will be eventually and in the mean time I do have a tunnel and a way down.

Aside from my glorious tunnel I’ve been working on my craft building. The second floor has been started, though I need to get more clay and make more bricks to finish it off. I also built a little horse pen attached to the building so that my cart pulling animals are within reach. The rest of my pens are down a ways, a good place for the Fo priest to go for animal husbandry but not really practical for when you want to quickly hitch a cart. I also removed one of the walls from the building and added another double door so the cart and horses can pass easily. Once the building is done I’ll post a bunch of screenshots with my progress.

All in all, a great weekend building some really neat stuff. As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Sometimes the Loot Gods Smile #WoW

WoWScrnShot_120613_011832Every so often the loot gods smile down on me and I win something I can actually use. It’s rare, there’s no way I should let that one piece of gear entice me to thinking that I will constantly get something I want and can use, but it’s just enough of a tease that I keep coming back for more.

Yesterday I was headed off to the Timeless Isle in order to do my daily and as chance would have it there was a flex raid going on for the celestials. I’ve talked about them before, four giant creatures that roam around a center arena. You get an achievement for defeating all four but you only qualify for loot from one kill per week. Not per encounter either, just one total. It makes sense really. The loot that drops also comes from regular raids (there’s also PvP gear) and if players could attempt it every week on multiple encounters what would be the point in raiding.

I try to defeat at least one celestial a week but it doesn’t always work out that way as I’m spending less and less time on the island. Yesterday when I arrived I saw that a celestial was almost dead, and as luck would have it the group stuck around to take down a second one. I stayed outside of the raid but still contributed and decided on a whim to use my seal for an extra loot roll.

That’s when the loot gods smiled at me for a brief moment, and I won a pair of ilevel 553 pve gloves. Sure, they’re for my DPS priest spec and I spend most of my time healing unless I’m out and about on my own (I keep forgetting that I can designate loot to go towards any of my specs) but they were still an enormous upgrade and I’m really glad I won them. They’re my 2nd BiS (best in slot) and I couldn’t be more pleased.

I may spend an enormous amount of time working on pet battles, collecting silly mounts, and working on pointless factions, but I also enjoy being good at my class and one of the measures of being ‘good’ in world of warcraft, is gear. That doesn’t mean you can’t still be good without, but the game IS very gear driven (after all, you can’t even queue for some LFR without having a specific ilevel first, no matter how good a player you are). Is it the only qualification? Of course not, you can have the best ilevel ever and still be a really shoddy player. It just happens to be one more thing in an ever growing list of things that I enjoy working on while I play.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!