Why not enjoy playing in some leaves

Velours Legacy (yep, fantastic name, I know) is well on her way to riches – or, not so much. She spent most of her evening at the neighbour’s abandoned home, where they have an easel outside. Since she wants to be an artist, this is great. She also ordered some pizza and left it on the lawn. Perfect spot for pizza. Since this is a legacy start, she only had $1800 and that was enough for four walls, a door, a cot, toilet, and sink – oh, and a bicycle. You know, making those important cost effective decisions.

Work? Oh yes, she does have a job! She hopes to further her career as an artist – but for now she’s starting at the bottom of the ladder, cleaning palettes. With a lack of ‘stuff’ to do around her own lot, she’s made friends with the local wildlife (there’s a fox named Mr. Fodder who lives some place near by) and played in a lot of ponds. I’m hoping tomorrow she’ll get to afford a fridge. Maybe even a shower!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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