TSM Lightning Round: DBMinbuyout

A comment that comes up a LOT in the WoW economy discord is that the price of crafted goods in TSM doesn’t match up with the math on the auction house, or with the math in their head. That is usually because the method they’re using to reach an overall craft cost does not match the one that TSM is using. Players tend to use ‘dbminbuyout’ as a price source in their mind (ie: I am looking at the AH right this second, and THIS is the price, so THIS is my profit), which isn’t reliable (especially if you’re crafting more than one item) or recommended. The reason is quoted in the discord:

TSM does not reference dbminbuyout by default, and it’s not recommended to do so. You are not in a contract with a supplier to obtain all materials at the same price, and the lowest buyout is only representing the individual cheapest auction as of the last price snapshot, which may be old. Any reasonable craft, or crafting queue, needs more than one material, so what happens if the next auction is 10x more expensive?

You will always have to compromise somewhere between what you could pay, which is the market value, or what you have paid, based on your accounting data.

TSMBot 03/13/2022

To explain DBMinbuyout further:

DBMinBuyout is the lowest priced auction on your realms Auction House, as of the last pricing update processed from Blizzard’s Auction House API. This value is not ‘real-time’, your pricing data may be 30 minutes or older before the next pricing update. If an auction is posted between pricing updates, this value does not get updated with the new lowest priced auction until the next pricing update. If there are no auctions for a particular item on your realms Auction House, DBMinBuyout could be an invalid price source.


Some what related: if you’re wondering why your prices are the way they are when it comes to crafting and profit, make sure you enable your crafting tooltips, and work out step by step the cost / price sources of each stage so they make sense to you.

If I want to craft a glyph that is displaying a nice profit, I can see I need 15 sallow pigments.

It’s really easy to stop here and think ‘well TSM must be wrong! How on earth am I getting 6k profit when I need 15 sallow pigment at 1380g each?!

So then you mouse over sallow pigment:

Now I can see where the pricing data is coming from, and the profit makes more sense.

TSM might seem like a huge daunting prospect when you’re trying to learn all of the components all at once, but break it down into smaller bite sized pieces, take your time, and listen to what others have asked before you. It will make sense, it just takes a bit to get there.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

BDO – Seasonal Fun

I know I have too many BDO accounts (the total right now is three for those of you keeping track at home) but I have to say, this is probably one of my top favourite MMO of all time. It’s just that good. Anyway, I decided to cut down playing all three accounts and I’m trying to focus on just one. I swapped my 60 tamer for a newly boosted 60 guardian in the season, and I’m hoping to finish off the achievements they have before it ends, but one of those achievements is to kill 5k mobs and that one I’m a bit reluctant to get started on because ew.

Like most games I play I tend to spend all of my time crafting or doing life skills, so going out and slaughtering bad guys for a few hours doesn’t exactly speak to me. That being said, I have been having a LOT of fun in game. Artifacts were added, and new content releases just a few short weeks from now. BDO also recently celebrated their 6 year anniversary, a huge congratulations on that milestone!

I am unsure as to whether or not I’ll participate in the next season event. I think I have more than enough characters by now, and running through the same content at ultra fast speed has never really been my thing. I’m quite taken with my Shai, and I play very little else (the guardian is a close second, and the lahn is my combat character of choice). Next? Maybe working towards a dream horse…

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Solway Firth – The Largest Deed I’ve Ever Owned

Back when Wurm Online had their black Friday sale, I bought two years of game time (30% off) on two of my accounts. One on the Northern Islands, where I live on Independence (Hermit Island) and the other on the Southern Islands, on Cadence. It has been two years and I’ve waited for these islands to be joined together so I could condense things, but so far that hasn’t happened. In the meantime, I had done very little work on the Cadence deed. I’ve spoken about this before, but I am not a huge fan of building a deed from scratch. After playing this game for 10+ years, I prefer to work on my characters, decorate, and look at pretty things. Building from scratch isn’t something that has ever interested me that much.

I decided the best thing for me would be to see if anyone was selling a completed deed. I had 50 silver to spend, and I posted on the forums that I was looking for something with highway access so I could make use of wagoneers, something I’ve never been able to participate in before because I always seem to live on some secluded island.

Before the day was out, I had a response. Kookii was interested in selling Solway Firth, an enormous deed on the Cadence island. The deed was worth well more than what I could afford, but they seemed in a hurry to sell, and they were willing to accept what I was offering. This place is amazing, to say the least. It has over 1g in upkeep paid, and the monthly cost is 15s (I’m planning on downsizing it slightly to reduce this cost). It came with 10 completed buildings, a full mine, an enormous amount of bits and bobs, a magic chest, guard tower, clay and tar on deed, pens with animals, and so much more.

Considering I am only one player, it will take some time to get it set up the way I want, but I am VERY excited about this deed. I’ll have to remember to work slowly, so as to not burn out. It is large enough for multiple players to live here comfortably but I don’t think anyone I know is actually playing WO these days. I do know quite a few who continue to play WU (the self hosted steam version). I wish the company had not stopped support of WU, the new WO UI is so much easier on my hands and I absolutely love the graphic chances they’ve made to the game and the new features they’ve added over time (caffeine is their latest). Anyway, expect lots of pictures in the future!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

2022 Comes in With a Bang

Geeze Stargrace, it has been over two months since your last post, what the heck happened?!

Well. First of all, I’m OK. Now, at least. Back in January a bunch of drama happened that caused me to realize that friendships I thought were important actually meant nothing to those involved. I realized that I was working incredibly hard to foster these friendships and cultivate them but that I was in fact very easily forgotten about – which is fine when you expect it, but I actually thought these friendships had value and meaning, so it sent me into a sort of tailspin, emotionally. It hurt. I pulled back from twitter, I stopped blogging, and instead I focused on fostering healthy boundaries and relationships. Once I was done sulking, in any case.

I’m still posted at my isolated post in the North. We were due out in December but things happened beyond our control and we’re still here until around the end of May. We’ll be moving East to Nova Scotia eventually, but being here has been difficult. Add in the pandemic, global issues like the war in the Ukraine, and you have a high stressed Stargrace.

I am still gaming. I actually play World of Warcraft, and I started up a separate twitter account as well as blog depicting my gold making adventures. You can find my twitter account under: @girlgoblin1 and the blog is (gasp) girlgoblin.ca.

I am also still playing Wurm Online and just recently acquired a new deed that I can’t wait to talk about. BDO is still way up there on my games played, too. They’re releasing new content in April that I’m excited about.

I’ve also been reading some awesome books this year, and I am hoping to continue writing about them on my book blog. We’ll see how that goes.

I’m cautious about things. Consider this a return to blogging if nothing more. I don’t expect I’ll be back on twitter any time soon, but there are ways to reach me if required (discord, FB, steam, etc). I am hoping that I get to start streaming once we move to our new location, but since we haven’t even bought a house yet that is all up in the air.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.