My gold making has been looking pretty sparse lately, with nothing but pets filling the sales queue, but it has given me a lot of time to work on my characters and enjoy the game for a while, which I’m glad of.

This week I saw 659k profit, 719k in sales, and spent 60k (mostly on leveling up some professions and crafting a few spark items for alts). I know there’s a LOT of gold making potential coming up tomorrow (Tuesday) with the 10.0.5 patch, and I’m INCREDIBLY excited – but I’ve also prepared zilch. Zero. Nada.

Some sure hits? The legendary base items (mail and plate) from Shadowlands – this will grant you mythic transmog. More hits? Grey/white items will be items you can (finally) transmog, and people are going to be on the hunt for them. I meant to run through a bunch of dungeons and pick some up, but life got away from me (again). I hope everyone else out there is preparing better than I have!

Taking a look at sales – pets. Pets continue to dominate my sales. Since that’s what I’ve been spending most of my focus towards, it’s no real surprise. Crafting orders are also still dominating the charts.

I imagine the amount of gold I make from public orders will change once we’re limited from 20 to 4 – I’m not a fan of this change, I don’t think it will do what Blizzard expects it to do. I wish professions were made more evenly, I don’t see a reason to ask someone else to craft things for me in a lot of professions. I think that’s why there’s a lack of public orders. JC/Insc/Eng have all treated me very well. The others, not so much. I haven’t had an MS relapse in a little while, so I’m always on the lookout for that, if it happens I’ll most likely be going back to fishing (I’m not even sure how much profit fishing is giving these days, I’ve had such a good run with no relapses I haven’t had to do any fishing for a few weeks!)

I’m trying to get my paladin caught up with all the things out there, and then I can focus a bit more on making gold. In the meantime, at least there will always be pet sales.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

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