
An Experiment in Kindness

It bothers me a little bit that we get a weekly quest to complete public orders – some professions have significantly more ‘value’ when it comes to these orders, and for other professions, there’s rarely anything you would ever need. In a lot of cases, players end up sending these craft orders to their alts, and fulfill them that way. I think that’s a poor way to complete a quest – and on some servers I don’t even have any alts. So, I decided to ask on my realm for some help.

I asked in general (since that would target people in valdrakken) for someone to help me out by providing 3 blacksmithing orders. I would compensate for the cost, and provide the materials.

Within less than a minute, I had some personal orders – it had worked! Thanks to the kindness of strangers, my character was able to complete her quest. I even got a little roleplay out of it.

In the main screenshot to this post you can see where 1 person posted 40+ statue orders for the public to complete. They came with a note asking for the orders to be left unless you needed to complete your weekly.

I thought this was a really unique way to give back to the community, but on the same hand, I feel it’s not exactly the way that Blizzard had intended this quest to go. Three of my professions have no issues with this quest – Engineer, JC, and Inscription. The rest, I rarely ever see a public order for, and when I do, everyone else is fighting for them. It’s an important quest, if you miss out, you might feel as though you’re behind. Having alts request the craft order is one method of getting it knocked out of your journal, but it sure doesn’t hurt to be a little creative.

As always, happy gaming! No matter where you find you

Weekly Wrap Up [Jan9-Jan16]

Another Monday means another weekly wrap up! There’s things to keep in mind with these, and the main one is that TSM isn’t tracking crafting orders, and these days a fair portion of gold I make comes from that. This week I earned just over 400k through public and private craft orders. I focus on jewelcrafting (neck/rings), leather working, engineering, and inscription. I have the other professions too but I haven’t been spending much time with them. I’m using the addon ‘accountant’ to track my crafting orders.

I tried to buckle down this week, focusing on my ‘main’ (I use the term loosely) and getting raids & world quests done. My renown levels are not that great, Tuskarr was the easy one since I could just throw gold at it. Everything else is taking some work. On the plus side I’m really enjoying Dragonflight a large amount, on the downside there are not nearly enough hours in a day.

Sales this week were pretty steady. You can see that I’ve moved into selling pets – with moderate success. The numbers are not huge, but they’ll add up and hopefully I’ll learn / get better. I’ve been trying to buy low, sell high, and build up stock. The Dragonflight “Rhinestone” sunglasses also did well this week (but not as well as last week) with another four pairs sold. I know I didn’t keep on top of it as much as I could have.

The prospector’s boots was a flip, I think I bought them for a handful of gold months ago. The haunted steel warboots are blacksmith crafted, and the two blue recipes are from fishing leftovers. I didn’t take any big risks, and I’m OK with that. I know a lot of people are frustrated with their lack of ability to make gold in Dragonflight but I actually think I’ve been doing better than I did in Shadowlands (remember I never touched legendaries in SL). I’m excited for 10.0.5 and I can’t wait to see what new exciting transmog it brings.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!

A Lack of Creativity

I finished my cardigan just before the new year, and I absolutely love how it turned out. I wish I had filled 2022 with all sorts of knitting projects, but between our big move, the kids, buying our first house, etc. I just couldn’t fit that much in.

I’d like to make 2023 a more creative year, but finding the spoons to get everything/anything done has been difficult. I had grand goals of completing one knitting project a month, but I haven’t even really started on anything. I also wanted to do 52 digital drawings, but I’ve met up with some sort of artistic block where that is concerned.

For now, I’m at least keeping up with my bulletjournal. It’s a bit of creativity, and an attempt to organize my life. I can only hope that I find my muse before too long and I’m able to continue.

[Unpopular Opinion] So you Can’t Make Gold in Dragonflight

For the past few weeks I have been listening to people in the WoW econ discord, and on reddit, and on twitter, talking about how it is impossible to make gold with professions in World of Warcraft at the moment because absolutely everything sells for a loss. My unpopular opinion is that this is simply not true. What is true, is that it takes a lot more work and thought to make gold from professions then it did in the past. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, it makes gold making much more engaging for those who manage to put in the time and effort. Keep in mind that ‘time’ is going to be relevant to how much you want to do, and what sort of server you’re on.

There is one exception to this rule, and I will say that lower population servers do have a much more difficult time simply because there are less people looking for things to be crafted, and more people crafting. My perspective for this post is coming from a medium/high population server.

The first issue – crafting for a loss. Well, if you’re used to simply opening your crafting book, taking a look at your list, crafting that, and then putting it on the auction house – yes, most items sell at a loss. Dragonflight completely changed how we craft, and those basic items we all start with are in low demand and VERY high supply. If this is how you expect to make gold, you will be selling at a loss.

Where Dragonflight actually shines is for those who have put in the work to make connections on their server, or those who manage to camp the work table. I do this for roughly 15 minutes each day on my jewelcrafter, and she has made over 400k in gold from public commissions. I do own the BiS lariat recipe, I also bought the two rings, the titanic & hour-glass. I did not spec down gems. I am spec’d into both rings, necks, and multicraft / inspiration.

So for JC alone, there’s necks, rings, gems, and then there are also some toys you can craft for people if you’re lucky enough to find the recipes. So far I have not managed to get a single one (frustrating). Then there’s the cosmetic items we can make, like the rhinestone sunglasses. Dragonflight has a recipe for those that comes from fishing. I usually sell at least one pair every single day, for 20k. Yes, it takes time or money (or both) to get started, but it’s a goal (I fished mine up). Then there’s the JC that’s selling from previous expansions. That’s right, don’t forge that Dragonflight is not the only expansion out there! For whatever reason, 233 and 262 gear is still selling VERY well on my servers. More so if you include speed sets. Then there’s transmog, battle pets, mounts! DIVERSIFY.

The second issue – You don’t HAVE to be hardcore about any of this. As you can see by the screenshot above, my renown levels are pretty sparse – minus Tuskarr, and that one I did by turning in fish. I also have around 130 JC knowledge points from just casually completing my weekly goals. Yes, I realize this is just one example of a profession, and sadly not all professions are made equal, I will admit to that. My JC is paired with Leatherworking, and I do not make nearly the same amount of gold. I also don’t spend nearly the same amount of time on it, I don’t own LW patterns from expansions gone by, and I don’t check out the LW table very often (most people want that artisan’s sign (toy), go get that and you should be getting lots of orders).

It is NOT too late to start. Be diligent about collecting your knowledge points, and wait for your way in if you’re absolutely certain you can’t make a profit. Check the work order table often! Talk to people in trade chat, let them know what you can craft. Use the crafting sim addon, and use a little research into where you want to spend those points. Stick with it.

Saying there’s absolutely no gold to be made with professions in Dragonflight is just wrong. It does take work. It does take knowing your server, and it does take using a different method that simply “level 1-100, bam, put items on the AH!” but it’s also completely worth it and rewarding. If you’re used to the pre-regional-auction house times, you may also need to simply adjust what your idea of “good gold per hour” is. I’m seeing brand new gold makers upset that they didn’t make a million a day – that is simply an unrealistic expectation. Set yourself with some realistic goals, and you’ll be a lot happier.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself!

A Dingo ate my (Dwarf) Baby

My Dwarf Fortress game has been going pretty well. I think I’m approaching my 3rd year at this location, and I have 58 Dwarves – well, now I have 57. Some dingo creatures moved in and they ended up slaughtering my Dwarf children. Whewps.

Before that though everything was going pretty well. I’ve had a few dwarves taken over by a Fae mode, and one even created a really fancy wooden mug worth $18,000! Of course shortly after a baron moved in and he demanded that he have the best of the best, so I made him a very fancy bedroom, office, dining area, and tomb.

He then promptly put a ban on exporting leggings. What have the leggings ever done to you! The mayor also has a ban on exports, in his case it’s short swords. So for now at least, we won’t be selling those items. I have no idea what the point of an export ban is except to create frustration for you. I don’t know what happens if we don’t abide by it, either.

I was disappointed by the dwarf who required SEVEN items for his mysterious creation, only to fabricate a spear that was worth a measly $5400. With such a high item requirement I was certain it was going to be something very impressive.

Still, it looks good on display at least.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer