
The Construction of Quail Landing

Each year around Black Friday Wurm Online has a sale on their subscriptions, and this year it was 30% off, so I picked up a year long subscription for my main (Stargrace) and my priest alt (Stargrazer) – and 6 months for my 2nd priest, Blesse. These days I’ve been working on my mainland deed on the Independence server, Quail Landing. I recently temporarily deeded a section of mountain so that me and Moumix (partner in Wurm Online related crime) could construct a proper highway out of the deed. There was a partially completed 1 lane tunnel running from the Northern Steppes to my deed for years now, and I’ve always wanted a proper highway, but lacked motivation.

The highway is completed now, and includes branches that reach to the East and West as potential expansions. Moumix has started working on the Western branch, which included a whole lot of digging to secure an entrance. Highways are fantastic, especially if you do any treasure hunting, which I tend to do a LOT of. Before, I’d have to make sure the 1 lane road North was clear, or I’d have to take a very roundabout way through the neighbours deed. Highways are public use, so anyone coming through should have a nice clear path now. YAY!

Aside from the highway, construction has been taking place. I’ve only got two buildings left to complete (granted, they are quite large) and then decorating. I’ve started with the simple tasks like completing solid floors, building staircases, and Moumix created all sorts of furniture. I also learned some of the PMK banners I have can be placed on walls, which really adds to the overall look of the deed. It’s a very different aesthetic compared to Quail Cove, Landing is a castle – Cove is a cottage village. Either way, I’m loving things.

What I’m not loving is some player interactions. I disbanded an island deed I had in my care for a number of years but I had never done anything with, so that I could instead deed and work on the tunnel. I left my structures up, in case I changed my mind. Someone else deeded the island (as is their right, there’s a reason deed it or lose it is the wurm motto) but they demanded I take down my structures, and then threatened GM action if I didn’t comply. Had they offered some silver or at least acted less combative, maybe a resolution could have been found, but instead, I’ll just let the buildings naturally decay and I will avoid the player, per their request (even though they were the one who reached out to me). Ah well.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Making Gold – One Sale at a Time

The good thing about making gold is once you know how to go about it, you fall back into those habits pretty easily after taking breaks here and there. Thus it was that I returned to Warcraft and am already making a few million each day, mostly with pet sales. I reached 100 in both leatherworking and jewel crafting professions, and also started leveling up my alchemist / blacksmith character. I now have 3 characters at 80, with another slowly working through pet battles today. She should be able to reach 80 by tomorrow, I figure. Paladin, demon hunter, and monk are the classes who are already there. This will create my stable ‘main’ characters, one of each profession who I play on a semi regular basis.

There’s still so much more to do, but it’s a good solid start. Rumor has it I might even start streaming again as we get closer to the new year. I haven’t come to a solid conclusion about that yet, but it is something I really want to continue to try to do. Each time I try I seem to give up, but who knows if this will be the one time it sticks.

Curious about the gold making statistics from above? They’re from the revamped site, previously known as the ledger. I absolutely love the changes they’ve made this year, and I hope other players are taking advantage of it too. I like that I can see all of the gold I’ve made per server, so if some servers are doing better than others, I can focus on them a little bit more and make sure I’m restocking.

I’ll try to be a little more consistent with updates, but no promises. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Timewalking, Gets me Every Time

I’ve mentioned before that I don’t have a community in World of Warcraft, I just sort of go along doing my own thing – and it has been that way for years now, since my closest friends all decided to stop playing. I’ve been contemplating transferring to a roleplay server to try to seek out some sort of community, but I’m not sure if that’s the path I want to go.

This week when I logged in, it happened to be timewalking. I love this event, and I quickly took my 80 retribution paladin through 5 of them to get her some upgrades. I’ve only got the one character sitting at 80 so far, though my demon hunter is very close, at 78. After that I’ve got a monk and a priest I’d like to max out, so that would be my 4 ‘main’ characters (one of each profession, basically). I had grand plans of one day getting ALL of my characters to 80, but I’m not sure if I have that dedication any more. I was surprised at how much I enjoyed myself, I haven’t really dedicated myself to WoW for quite some time (in part due to my lack of community as I mentioned above). I’m very excited about player housing coming sometime in the future, and I’d like to be fairly established as ‘back’ before that happens.

For once I probably won’t be focusing on gold making, but instead I’d like to focus on collecting. I’ve already got more gold than I can ever possibly use, and I feel like that portion of the game is ‘solved’ for me. There’s lots of other ‘stuff’ I don’t have completed yet, mounts, pets, transmog, and achievements. There’s never a lack of things to do, it’s just a matter of choosing which one of those things I want to work on.

In any case, it’s nice to be playing. Now I just need to find my ‘home’.

Big Updates in Wurm Online

The US Thanksgiving holidays are always a lot of fun in Wurm Online, because that’s when they have a huge Black Friday sale, and I end up picking up a year of game time on a character or two. This year they also made some game play and decoration announcements which I am incredibly excited about. First, they’ve finally announced ceilings – no more having to look at the rafters all of the time. Not only that, we will be able to hang things from them! Starting with chandeliers. There’s also a few different types of ceilings as far as graphics go, and wood types also display. I always love it when Wurm does a decoration update. The game has really come a long way in the past 20 years.

Goblin camps have been something that has been on the ‘we’re working on it’ side of things for about 10 years now – so when the announcement came out that they’ll soon be going into beta for testing, well, a lot of skeptical people said they’ll believe it when they see it. Apparently that’s in the works, and I think it will add an interesting aspect of gameplay, especially for people who are looking to gain those 70+ fight skills. There’s also talk of being able to raise some of the more difficult skills like lockpicking, and being able to sneak into the goblin camps at night to pillage from them. I’m very excited about all of this, even though I’m not really big on combat in Wurm (I’ve always felt combat was one of its weaker points).

There’s also a new item for premium players to claim in celebration of Thanksgiving. A cornucopia! You can obtain little food items from it, and I can’t wait to see it (at the time of this post it hasn’t been released yet). In the meantime, I’ve been working away on my deed, building up the main floor of the remaining buildings, and then it will be time to build upwards. Once the structures are completed, it will be time to decorate. I also need 16 braziers crafted and they are INCREDIBLY slow, requiring 50 bricks, 50 mortar, and a gold crafted bowl. Even with my high skills, it’s difficult to attach each piece.

Still, it’s nice to have projects to work on, and I’m enjoying myself as always.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Player Housing? FINALLY

(I’m very excited that Blizzard announced player housing, so I thought I’d write a little story)

A Hearth Restored

The sun dipped below the horizon as Yamini Reveur, a seasoned paladin of the Silver Hand, guided her weary charger down the familiar cobblestone path to Hearthglen. Her armor bore scratches from countless battles, her shield dulled from years of service, but her heart was light. She was finally home.

The village hummed with the sounds of evening life. Children’s laughter echoed from the square, mingling with the clinking of blacksmith hammers and the savory scent of fresh-baked bread. Yamini smiled under her helm. Hearthglen hadn’t changed, and that was a comfort she hadn’t realized she needed until now.

At the gate, an elderly farmer waved enthusiastically. “Yamini! Back at last?”

“Aye, Jonah,” she called, dismounting gracefully. She rested a gauntleted hand on his shoulder. “How’s the harvest this year?”

“Better now that you’re here. The village missed its champion.”

She chuckled softly. “And I’ve missed it.”

Her cottage stood at the edge of the village, a modest home with ivy creeping up its stone walls. The sight of it brought a lump to her throat. Yamini pushed open the wooden door, stepping into the cozy warmth of the hearth she had long dreamed of. Her boots echoed on the worn wooden floor as she looked around.

Everything was as she had left it—her shield hung above the mantle, her bookshelf brimming with tomes of Light and lore. A soft meow broke her reverie, and a tabby cat padded into the room, brushing against her leg.

“Hello, Ember,” she murmured, crouching to scratch behind the cat’s ears. “Still holding down the fort?”

The evening passed in a blur of small joys. She shed her armor and donned a woolen robe, lit the hearthfire, and brewed a pot of spiced tea. Villagers stopped by with baked goods and hearty stews, each one eager to share news and laughter. Yamini basked in their warmth, grateful for their stories and their steadfast kindness.

When the last visitor had gone and the village had grown quiet, she sat by the fire, her faithful cat curled in her lap. The crackling flames cast dancing shadows across the room, illuminating the tapestry of her life—a tapestry woven not just with heroics, but with the simple, enduring threads of home.

For the first time in years, Yamini felt whole. The call to adventure might come again, but for now, she would rest, savoring the peace she had fought so hard to protect.

Nomadic Gamer