
Blaugust – Day 1

I’m taking inspiration for this post from Tipa, who is another long time blogger – she started talking about what she posted on August 1st through the years, and I thought that was a fascinating topic, so here I am shamelessly copying. My blog started out at and gradually transitioned to NomadicGamerEh since I have always bounced around from game to game, and I happen to be Canadian. Let’s face it, I’m not very creative when it comes to names.

Back in 2006 I was writing about EverQuest2, I was playing Silverstep who was a warden (druid), and I was very excited to get an ultra rare recipe book from my guild at the time, Valorous Union. I don’t actually remember that guild, but I like that there’s a record of it on my blog. I complained about being East coast when everyone else was West, and time zones just not matching up (I still complain about this).

In 2007 I was still talking about EQ2 (go figure, this would be a theme for many years) and player housing. game update 37 was all the news, and included a lot of crafting changes. I sure did love player housing. I still think EQ2 was one of the best systems out there, and I loved the creativity of the player base.

In 2008 I’m still talking about EQ2 but this time I featured a member of the community – Coniaric. I interviewed this player just for the fun of it, and I actually asked them what kitchen appliance they would be. Alright then!

In August of 2009 I’m still going strong, with 31 posts that month. I think August has probably always been one of my busiest blogging months – not only because of Blaugust which I’ve done for the past 7(?) years now, but also because August is just a hop skip and jump away from fall, which is my favourite time of year. I have so much energy and happiness during that season, I can’t help but write and share.

Player books were a thing and my 2009 August 1st post was highlighting a book that I have in my Norrathian Library (EQ2, of course) – which still exists to this day. I have hundreds of books written by players through the years. I no longer collect new books, but I’ve always been VERY proud of my collection.

In 2010 we start to see what would soon become my nomadic nature. I’m playing Vanguard, running a guild, and talking about a holiday coming up where I’m headed to the newly revamped museum of nature in Ottawa. I still remember that place, I loved it.

I don’t want this post to be too long, so let’s sum it up. 2011 has me playing EQ2 again but I also see some posts on Rift further into the month. In 2012 I have no posts around the 1st, but I’m playing Guild Wars 2. In 2013 I release my very first book – it’s a book of poetry, angst ridden teenage poetry. I think I just wanted to prove to myself that I could. In 2014 I start my very first Blaugust, but the August 1st post is actually my goodbye post to Vanguard after the announcement that it would be shutting down. I volunteered as a guide and I had a lot of fun with it. I was incredibly sad when they announced the shut down. You can read the rest of my posts over on the right with the drop down menu. I can see my post counts and know immediately when my children were born, when I moved across the country, when I had a lot of time to write, and when I had zero time to write. It’s a detailed online history of my life as a gamer (with nods to other hobbies), and I treasure that. I think one of the most important things about this blog is that it has always just been written for myself, due to my love of writing. I appreciate and thank anyone who has stumbled into it, but at the end of the day I just write what I want to say and if I have nothing to say, I don’t write.

Happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

The Demise of Wurm Online?

I’ve been away from wurm online for two entire days – and in that time period shit hit the fan. I’m still trying to figure everything out, but between the forums, and the Wurm Online discord, what I assume is that some staff were presented with options / happenings from the ‘new’ CEO / company, disagreed with what those were, and decided to take a stand and leave. An enormous number of staff have left this week, more than I’ve ever seen before in the history of Wurm Online – and that worries me. The overall health of the game worries me. As a 15+ year player I am considering that it might be time to move on before it gets bad. I’m not one to make that decision lightly.

I like Wurm for what it is now. Yes, more players would be great. Yes, it’s old, and it’s niche, but I’m happy with it (usually) and I enjoy it for what it currently is. I do not want to see it change THAT much so that it loses the soul of what I consider to be Wurm. It’s an old niche game and I am so thankful it is still around when so many others are not. I do not think it’s healthy to think it can ever be something like Valheim or similar. Most of the staff of Wurm Online (including but not limited to developers, forum moderators, discord moderators, etc) are volunteers. They do this as a passion project, and get experience. They are there because they WANT to be. It makes sense that if the future is not one that they feel the same passion about, they would leave. I wish them nothing but the best, no matter how involved they were.

I’m incredibly concerned about the future of Wurm and the direction that it is headed. I understand that a lot of players are excited about what might be and how it can potentially grow, but I personally love Wurm for what it already is. I would be incredibly sad to see it lose what makes it special.

For now, I’m not doing anything about these feelings except listening closely to the forums and discord to see where we’re headed. We haven’t been given a lot of information on the specifics as to WHY staff left (for obvious reasons people cannot talk about it or don’t want to talk about it) but I know it couldn’t have been an easy decision.

I guess we’ll just have to see.

6th Annual Friendalong

Today is the 2nd last day of a player run event on the Pristine server called a ‘Friendalong’ it’s an impalong with games, arena fights, and of course working on skills and improving tools and items for other players. The last impalong event I went to was the Deliverance one, and this one is quite a bit different. One of the games I really thought was fun, called slap slap. Two players will strip down, turn on auto fight, and be handed some sort of fish. Then they have to dual each other, and the host will pick a body part (kept secret). First person who slaps them with the fish on that body part wins. It was cute and fun, I’d never heard of it before.

Some of the events are frustrating for me, including the main one to find tickets each day. They’re out in the bay, and you’re allowed to submit one a day to the grand prize drawing. The problem is I tend to stick close to the sermon area for folks, and I can’t see very well even with settings adjusted. I stayed all 5 days at the impalong, but only had 2 tickets for the grand prize that other people donated to me since I didn’t find any on my own. I spent about 2h looking, but eventually wandered back to the sermon area. I’ve had these ticket type events before, and my preference is the one from the Deliverance impalong where they hid riddles all over the deed on signs. You would send in your answers to an player and they’d go over their logs at the end to see how many you answered correctly, then you earned a ticket for each correct answer. I thought that was a fair way of doing it so players still interacted but didn’t have to leave the event area.

I also absolutely loved a game called find the cheese that was at the Deliverance event. I wrote about it, it was so creative and fun. I found the events at this impalong a bit lack luster and repetitive. The hosts were briefly around but then had to tend to real life – which is also why I think impalongs are best served in shorter bursts, 3 days is about max. This event is running for 6 days, with the same 6 events scheduled for each day.

There was a dragon slaying but I didn’t make it for that event, I did participate in horse racing but only the 1st place winner received anything. Lawn darts was a lot of fun to watch, but I didn’t want to risk dying. I do wish there was a bit more creativity to the events, how about a fashion show where people vote for the winners, or something involving treasure maps. I know impalongs take a LOT of time, effort, and coordination and I appreciate all the efforts that are made but I felt a bit let down.

That being said, I DID have a good time. I love visiting with everyone, but I know one of the hosts is dealing with a family medical emergency, and I’m not sure what happened to Sidereal, they insisted they’d be there but they’ve been gone for 10 days now and I’m concerned. I hope everything is OK.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

TSM and Dragonflight – Is it Worth It?

Let’s face it, updates that break our favourite addons suck, and we all hope that the developers of these mods are able to roll with those changes and get everything working again in a timely manor. Tradeskillmaster has undergone some massive changes in the past few years thanks to gold making changes on World of Warcraft’s end, and some of those changes I’m a fan of while others not so much.

The staff is dedicated and passionate (as are the goblins who use it) and the updates do come, but TSM updates in DF have been lacking (IMO). Unfortunately some things that I personally want to make use of (restocking SL with crafters marks) remain broken after 6 months. We all know that as goblins the whole point is to get in before the masses get in, and TSM has fallen well behind in function for anything relating to this.

4.13 has released and cross-realm trading was enabled only to have Blizzard pull the plug on that one temporarily while they look into server stability. This single feature is amazing for anyone who works on multiple realms, it not only tracks gold but also your craft components. There have also been some changes to professions (inspiration function has been added!) which you can read all about on their blog post linked above.

At the start of Dragonflight and for the months following I actually stopped using TSM and instead relied heavily on auctionator and craftsim. TSM wasn’t taking into account the DF specific specials like multicraft, inspiration, etc. Craftsim is a much better addon for these things. Queuing anything into the TSM craft queue was creating an unplayable game with lag and stuttering. I am happy to say that this looks to be mostly resolved, so long as I keep the queue under control. Instead of doing multiple groups at once, I tend to just focus on one section, so for example I’ll restock blacksmithing – > current content, in one go, and then after I’m done I’ll clear the queue and do blacksmithing -> old content.

I have yet to find another addon that offers everything TSM does despite the issues I have with the latest renditions. I continue to use it exclusively to post auctions, restock crafted goods, and check my gold & supplies across multiple servers. For ease I use a profile created by BilisOnyxia for his patreon’s, and then I’ve customized and adjusted it for my server specific needs (transmog) – I use a different profile that I’ve built for pet sales which I do cross realm. In Shadowlands I used a combination of profiles from Penguin & Manthieus.

Is TSM worth it?

It depends on what you’re doing. I think if you’re well versed in using it there’s still potential, especially in posting things like gear / transmog – but when it comes to professions (specifically DF professions) and crafting – other addons like Craftsim really do a much better job. If you’re restocking SL speed gear or anything that uses crafters marks, then TSM won’t be of any use to you (at the time of this post in any case).

Have a favourite addon that makes your gold making easier? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Weekly Wrap-Up [July 9-July15]

Well, it was an interesting week to say the least. Some key points! Wednesday 10.1.5 hit, and cross realm trading was enabled. Sadly, it created some server instability because of all the phasing we all do from one realm to the next, so they disable it a day later. It has not been turned back on yet. I did manage to complete a few trades and move some things around that I wanted to move, but now I’m back to a waiting pattern in that regard. It’s not a huge deal, after all we barely had it live for one day, but I know a lot of people are really looking forward to that change, whether they’re buyers or sellers.

Sales for the week held strong, with last Sunday being far beyond what I expected – I imagine people were stocking up. There was talk in the WoW Economy discord about taking advantage of the new Naxx items, most notably righteous orbs, but I decided to go the opposite route and sold before the event went live to those who were stockpiling for after. The price of orbs dropped from 600g to 300g and have risen slightly since then to around 400g. I wasn’t interested in playing the long game for this item when there are bigger fish out there, so I let mine go.

I did start unlocking the secrets to old scholomance and old Naxxramas – I’m not sure if I’m actually going to sell anything / recipes / components, but I do want to be able to unlock them for myself, and if gold happens to come from that, all the better. It’s slow and annoying with lots of RNG in there, so if you’re also working on that, just hang in there.

One thing to note, there was a LOT of confusion about whether or not we’d be able to MAIL across server – you cannot. This was never implied or hinted at. Normally when Blizzard makes these changes their language is clear – for example when they told us we’d be able to mail cross faction on the same realm, and when they told us we could trade certain items in dungeons. Their announcement was for trades, and that means you do need either a 2nd account or a friend to help if you’re looking to trade with yourself. The intention of this change is NOT to benefit gold making goblins – it is a QoL change for regular players who are spread across multiple realms from their friends. This allows them the opportunity to help out their friend with gold or items without feeling the barrier of the server. You do also have to be same faction (as far as I am aware).

That isn’t to say it won’t change in the future, but you have to remember that World of Warcraft is an OLD game, and the code wasn’t meant to allow any of this stuff. Managing to change it and adjust it in a way that does allow for cross realm trading is a BIG DEAL and of course there are going to be unseen issues with it since it’s old and was never intended. Let’s give them our support through these growing pains, and keep our fingers and toes crossed that they get it sorted (soon).

With this update also came a region wide update to TSM – but I’m saving that for its own post in the near future.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer