
Magranon Fissure Site – Day 2

I’ve been hanging out at the Magranon holy site on Xanadu for almost a full day now – and wow, I think it’s fascinating! I know not everyone is as into archaeology as I am, but you can get some pretty awesome items from this site (you do have to be premium). I’ve been hanging out with 3/4 of my characters, a Mag, Fo, and Vyn. So far the neatest item I’ve gotten is also the only one I’ve managed to complete – an 88ql rare leather knife, silver, with three runes. I do have a LOT of archaeology fragments on me, so there’s a chance I might get something else / different / better, but I have to say, this holy site is a lot more interesting than the Fo and Vynora sites I visited. At the Vynora site you receive an extra boost to rare rolls while you improve – but priests can’t improve, so I find this particularly annoying and frustrating. The Fo site spawns some interesting animals, and a lot of fruits and veggies, but nothing that I really wanted to stick around for. The other Magranon site spawns meteorites instead of fragments, and I am not sure I’d be as interested in that, but I am just loving this fissure one.

I’ve spoken to a few people who said it just wasn’t worth it for them, and I feel like ‘worth it’ must be very different for them compared to myself. I’m already looking forward to my next Magranon site, if there were one on Independence that would be pretty awesome.

My Fo priest has managed to crawl from 89 faith to almost 93, and she will hopefully be the next 100 faith priest I have. I have a Libila priest over on the NFI servers (I wish I could transfer her), and of course Blesse, my Vynora priest who is at 100 faith. Minxes is just shy of 50, but I’ll be satisfied if she reaches 70 to reinforce tiles since she’s my Magranon priest and that’s all I plan on using her for. Then of course there’s meditation to work on, and wouldn’t it be nice if the alts could ride a horse (well, Blesse can, Faralithe can barely do anything though).

Anyway. Lots to do, and that’s just Wurm Online in a nutshell. It doesn’t matter what I’m doing, there are 100 other things waiting in the background. One of the (many) reasons I love this game. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s a Magranon Sort of Day

There’s a holy site up on Xanadu – and normally I wouldn’t pay too much attention to these, because holy sites are difficult to get to when they’re on other servers (especially Xanadu since it’s a HUGE place) but one of my friends was summoning to a Fo rite of crops cast, and I really wanted to get the achievement on my Fo priest, so I hopped on a boat and sailed over.

I’ve never actively participated in a Magranon holy site before – but I learned how neat they can be. Randomly (approx once an hour) archaeology fragments will spawn and drop into your inventory, and they can have runes / enchants and be items you can’t typically find in archaeology. I love this idea. LOVE IT. Some of the items linked were just amazing to me, and I understand that to some other people they may be boring, but I couldn’t wait to get my hands on something similar.

The holy site has already been active for a number of days, but I’ve got two characters parked there now doing sermons and other priest-like things. Hopefully I get some neat archaeology bits, and if not, well it was a fun experience at least. A thank you to the folks on Xanadu who are running it, I did leave 1 priest behind in a boat so I can find my way back home at the end, and I certainly appreciate the summons.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Working on an Almanac

Today was FINALLY the day that lingonberry would be ready, to study and harvest. These plants only grow on tundra, and can’t be created by other players, so after the dragon slaying on Pristine, I stuck around for a full day since it was on the tundra. I have just a few more reports to complete, and then my almanac (and thus my journal entry) will be done. It has taken a while, but I’m pretty pleased that I remembered to do it at all.

Down goes (another) Dragon

Another public slaying! This time the reward was some scale and a bit of butchering blood. I’m very close to having my knife finished with potions, so of course I took myself (Stargrace) + 3 priests to Pristine for this one. Someone brought along the token zombie champion whale, too. They’re neat, but they block so much of the view!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Large Deeds

There are some HUGE deeds out there in Wurm Online – mine is not one of them. I currently own three deeds, Quail Cove (main deed, upkeep is 1s10c a month), Quail Landing (mainland deed, upkeep is 1s60c a month), and the latest, Quail Island (upkeep is 2s a month). I’m paying less than 5s a month for upkeep all together for my deeds, and I feel like this is a perfect number for me. I can sell a few treasure maps and cover the cost of the deeds, and I tend to top them up to a year of upkeep once every few months. Anything larger would be too hard to handle (I feel). I haven’t planned anything out on the island deed yet, but the other two are well established and created places, with lots of buildings, bridges, and ‘stuff’ everywhere to make them feel lived in. Well, Cove more than Landing, as that one is newer and still a work in progress.

Anyway. I love looking at the gigantic deeds, but I know in my heart owning such a huge piece of land is just not for me. I like my cozy country feel, and I think if I were to have a gigantic deed it would just cause me a lot of burn out. What about you? Do you prefer small or large deeds? Let me know in comments below, and as always happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer