Real Life

The Snugg ipad Case Review

photo (1)I was sent a free Snugg ipad case to review from the fine folks over at The Snugg, and since I’ve been really unsatisfied with the $60 one I purchased from Apple, I decided to try it out. It shipped very quickly (less than a week) and came in a nice clean box with instructions on how to use it, along with a cord for recharging. In specific I decided to review the snugg ipad3 ultra slim bluetooth keyboard case. I know this probably sounds silly, but I didn’t expect the case to actually come with a bluetooth keyboard. I have one of my own and I figured I would have to slip it into the case. This case comes with one along with a USB cable so that you can recharge the battery which lasts for approx. 55 hours of use. I haven’t had to recharge it yet, and I’ve had it about a week.

The case is a hard plastic, which is much sturdier than the previous one I had been using. The ipad snaps into it easily and (go figure) snug (via the picture above).

photo (2)The case itself props the ipad open like a miniature laptop, you basically just prop it up against three small pegs at the bottom that hold the ipad in place. My only issue with the case is that these pegs don’t actually secure your ipad so if you were to use the case on an unstable surface that tilts, you could drop your ipad out of it very easily. If you’re using it on your lap and tilt the case backwards or forward it would eventually slide out. However, I don’t believe that this sort of case it meant to be used that way, so the chances of that happening are quite slim and would be something you are (hopefully) planning for. Using the case on a flat surface works best, pictured above I have it set up on my desk. I also used it just fine on the couch or coffee table or even in bed beside me.

All of the components to this case are well made which I was pleased about. The USB cord is sturdy, the case has an off and on switch for the bluetooth, and gave separate instructions on how to sync the bluetooth keyboard up to your device.

Over all I was pleased with this case – especially since the price point is lower than the apple triangle cover I had purchased with the ipad. My original case is incredibly flimsy, and gives practically no protection what so ever. As I mentioned above the only downside is that the ipad is not actually secured into the case, it’s propped up but as long as you’re not bouncing around I don’t see it being that much of an issue.

Eliza Droverson #D&D


Eliza crouched down behind bush, waiting for the pair of figures in front of her to part. Her fingers were wrapped tightly around the smooth blade of a dagger and she held her breath in anticipation.

“What’cha waitin’ for Missy.” The sudden stench of day old cabbage and mead filled her nostrils along with the shrill voice of a man everyone simply called ‘Snake.’ Eliza’s eyes bulged and she frantically backed away from the bush hoping that the pair she had been following didn’t hear or notice her mentor speaking so loudly to her. She was never going to get promoted in the guild if this happened every time she went out on her own. “Why Snake, of all people,” She sighed to herself.

“Thanks a lot. I almost had them!” She huffed, slipping the dagger back into her sleeves.

“Oh Ya did, did ya?” Snake grinned, he was obviously having a lot of fun with her discomfort. “Well, yer parents want ya home Missy, so you had better run along now and leave the pilferin’ to those who know how to act quickly, before the next day begins.” He taunted, and before she could send out a scathing reply he turned from her and walked away.

Eliza groaned. As much as she disliked Snake, he WAS her mentor these days, and he didn’t tend to lie when it came to her parents. She began walking back to her families house in Harkenwold, a small village made up mostly of farmers, woodcutters, and woodworkers, like her mother. She was the youngest of five, all daughters, and her parents absolutely dotted on them all. As Eliza grew up it became apparent that she didn’t share the same skills as the rest of her family. She wasn’t strong enough to cut down heavy logs, and she killed pretty much every plant she ever touched, which left her father shooing her from the farm fields more often than not. While she was apt enough with her daggers and a short sword, she couldn’t use them to carve figures into wood like her mother could. So Eliza had begun training with the thieves guild, under Snake. This worked great in two respects, it kept her out of her parents hair while they decided what to do with her, and it was something that she was actually good at. So far she had done nothing more than pit herself against the simple bandits that wandered along The King’s Road to the West, but it was something.

“Eliza, you’re home!” Her mother came out of the house, brushing wood shavings from her apron. “We’ve been looking for you..” She spoke too fast, and her smile was too broad. Something was going on.

“Of course I came home when I heard you were looking for me. Why did you have to send Snake..” She frowned.

“Well, because he knew where you were of course!” Her mother didn’t look daunted at all.

“I have great news. Lets go get your father.” She started to pull Eliza towards the fields in behind their home. Her father was working with a handful of other people, taking in this seasons crops. It was never much, but it was enough to feed them and leave a modest amount to sell afterward. The real money the family made came from the miniature carvings that Eliza’s mother did. She had such talent, each piece carved with painstaking detail.

“Oh you must be getting ready to tell Elizabeth the news!” Two sisters came up behind Eliza and her mother, sounding like a flock of excited ducks.

“Tell me what! No one has told me anything yet..” Eliza was beginning to feel a bit left out. Some big news that involved her, that no one would tell her about.

“Why, that you’re getting married, of course!” One of her sisters piped up.

“I’m.. I’m WHAT?!” Eliza screamed, freezing in place.

“I KNEW she would do this!” Her father stood up with a rake in his hand, pointing at Eliza’s mother. “She’s acting as though the undead were here, forcing her into marriage with them.”

“They may as well be!” She exclaimed, still not believing the news. “Why on earth did you think I would want to get married! I mean.. Why.. What..” She floundered, unable to express herself properly.

“It’s time.” Her mother said, finality oozing over each word. “You have been running a-muck for far too long dear. It’s time you settle down, with babies!” Her mother blushed a bit, but didn’t stop her excited speech. “We had an offer from the next town over. They’ve offered a VERY nice price! The young lad is quite handsome you know, we should count ourselves to be so lucky.”

“I don’t feel blessed or lucky at all.” Eliza sobbed.

“You don’t exactly have a choice in the matter.” Her father said, the exasperation in his voice ringing clear. With that the conversation was ended. Eliza ran to her room, slamming the door behind her. Life was so unfair. She didn’t want to get married! She had heard rumors of things happening to the West. She wanted to be there, she didn’t want to be chasing after children and changing diapers and growing old. It was a life that her parents had envisioned for her from the start, she realized. The life of a daughter. “I’ll show them..” She thought to herself. She began tossing a few things into an old leather pack, planning her rout. She would leave after night fell, when the farm was silent. She would travel along The King’s Road and prove to them all that she had more potential than to simply be someones wife.

I’ll show them all..” She murmured to herself, as she waited for darkness to come.

(( A brief introduction to Eliza Droverson, my human rogue for an upcoming D&D campaign. She may seem young and naive but I’m sure she’ll come into her own as time goes on. ))

End of Holidays and Back to Gaming! #WurmOnline #EQ2 #3DS

wurm.20121224.1100I hope everyone has had a very Merry Christmas and Happy Holiday this year. As you can tell by the lack of posts I fully enjoyed my Christmas break, and I’m gearing up for new years (with a lot of baking involved).

In Wurm Online I’ve acquired yet another deed, this time on Independence. That brings my total up to three, one on Deliverance (lets call this home base), another on Pristine (separated from the rest of Freedom, what I consider my future vacation home) and my newest deed I’m currently setting up to be a refuge for my priests, to work their skills and hang out at.

Speaking of my priests, they’re coming along well. The Fo is not a priest yet but still only a follower, but my Vynora priest and Magnaron are both doing well. Faith gains have slowed down on both but the Magnaron is inching towards 70 faith which allows me to strongwall mines. The main reason I want this particular priest to begin with.

I’ve also been playing a little EQ2, I started up a necromancer and started leveling her through some older content. Thanks to triple station cash and a few Christmas presents I’ve got a nice stash of station cash and while there hasn’t really been anything lately that has caught my attention, I’m sure it won’t be long. Perhaps a new house or some furniture, or a mount. I’ve always loved the choices in EQ2’s station store.

I also got two new 3DS games for Christmas (and an amazing laptop that I’m completely in love with) one of the games was Epic Mickey (loads of fun, think Mario but with Disney characters), and the other is from the Professor Layton puzzle series of games. This one is my favorite so far, you listen and follow along with a mystery story while solving puzzles of various degrees. Plus I’ve just acquired a bunny that I’m training to perform, I think if the game was only that I’d still like it just as much.

So, what geek goodness have my readers gotten this holiday? Please share in comments below!

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself

A Little WurmOnline, NaNoWriMo, Sims 3, EQ2, and WoW

I made my 50,000 words for this months NaNoWriMo, but it was a very difficult run. I would start a story, get interested with it, get bored of it, and then write a new story. I even gave up for a week or two. After some consideration I decided there was no reason for me to give up and so I started again. I’m very glad that I did. I’m not really sure why this year was so difficult compared to others, it was my 5th year attempting it so there really no surprises, but it seemed like everything hit this month, and I really felt it so maybe that’s why.

Of course in between writing I still played games. Wurm Online being my main choice these days as far as MMOs go – but I’ve also decided to pop back into WoW now that 5.1 has come out. I’ve been playing a little EQ2 (have you seen the incredible new house they added that’s a ship? Much love) and I’ve been playing some single player games like Sims 3. During the black Friday sale EA had some fantastic deals on their Sims franchise, so I picked up the last expansion I was missing, and now all I’m missing are three “stuff” packages that I don’t exactly care about getting. The base game was going for as low as $9 which was really great to see.

TODAY is the last day to register for the 2012 Gamers Secret Santa. I’ve gotten over 150 replies so far from interested parties, and I’m really happy that people are still interested in this. I’m also doing a card exchange this year, so if you’re interested in exchanging your address for that, please email me!

What has everyone else been up to this month? It feels like it went by so quickly! Before we know it, Christmas will be here!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

The Month of Gaming Stuff #EQ2 #EQ #VGD #TS3 #Riftgame

Not only is NaNoWriMo going on this month (which I have been failing at, horribly), I’ve opened registration for this years Gamers Secret Santa, Rift released Storm Legion, Sims 3 released Seasons, EQ2 released Chains of Eternity, EQ1 is releasing Rain of Fear, Vanguard is releasing City of Brass, Planetside 2 is releasing, and that doesn’t even begin to touch on the other console games that came out this month like Halo 4.

What a month to be a gamer, hmm?