A Little WurmOnline, NaNoWriMo, Sims 3, EQ2, and WoW

I made my 50,000 words for this months NaNoWriMo, but it was a very difficult run. I would start a story, get interested with it, get bored of it, and then write a new story. I even gave up for a week or two. After some consideration I decided there was no reason for me to give up and so I started again. I’m very glad that I did. I’m not really sure why this year was so difficult compared to others, it was my 5th year attempting it so there really no surprises, but it seemed like everything hit this month, and I really felt it so maybe that’s why.

Of course in between writing I still played games. Wurm Online being my main choice these days as far as MMOs go – but I’ve also decided to pop back into WoW now that 5.1 has come out. I’ve been playing a little EQ2 (have you seen the incredible new house they added that’s a ship? Much love) and I’ve been playing some single player games like Sims 3. During the black Friday sale EA had some fantastic deals on their Sims franchise, so I picked up the last expansion I was missing, and now all I’m missing are three “stuff” packages that I don’t exactly care about getting. The base game was going for as low as $9 which was really great to see.

TODAY is the last day to register for the 2012 Gamers Secret Santa. I’ve gotten over 150 replies so far from interested parties, and I’m really happy that people are still interested in this. I’m also doing a card exchange this year, so if you’re interested in exchanging your address for that, please email me!

What has everyone else been up to this month? It feels like it went by so quickly! Before we know it, Christmas will be here!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

What Else is There to do? #WurmOnline

Despite the fact that a lot of my posts talk about me creating my deed in Wurm Online – that’s actually my least favorite thing to do. I would prefer to purchase a full deed already built, which is what I did when I first obtained Thorin’s Bay. There was very little work that needed to be done. Since this time I was starting over completely from scratch (literally, no tools or armor or anything until Yetian donated some) I had no choice but to build Mystic Cove from the ground up. Now that the village is up and running I’m enjoying myself 100x more than I was before, which is a huge amount since I was enjoying myself while building the village too. That’s just how smitten I am with Wurm Online. Anyhow.

What else is there to do if you’re not working on your deed? Well. There’s a LOT of things. Some of my favorite things to do include alchemy (making healing covers, and dye), animal husbandry (taking care of animals, grooming them, breeding them), working on a skill like weaponsmithing, leather working, chain armor, or cloth. Creating bows, or arrows. Exploring and pillaging old lands that have since been abandoned. Building ships. Working on hot food cooking – and under that same category, making wine. Farming. Fishing. Working on my meditation skill.  That doesn’t even include the ‘basic’ skills that people tend to work on (especially to sell in bulk) like mining, making bricks, digging, making planks, etc.

There’s always a LOT to do in Wurm, and it really depends on what you enjoy doing. If you don’t enjoy building your own village then don’t do it! That’s the fastest way to get annoyed at the game. Later this week I’ll be posting a few “what the tutorial doesn’t tell you” posts, so look for those in a few days time.

Meanwhile, I’ll be working my weaponsmithing. Slow. That’s the word that best describes this skill, lol. It’s perfect to do while multi tasking though and watching shows on Netflix or writing a blog post and working on NaNoWriMo.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Progress on Mystic Cove #WurmOnline

A week back in Wurm Online, and Mystic Cove is coming along nicely. The digging has been completed, which took the majority of the week to do. The dirt from the hills Moumix and myself have cleared was used to fill in the waterfront and square it off. The land used to have rows jutting out for people to try to park between but they were really difficult to navigate and I more often than not found myself parking the boat up on land, through a fence. Now that it’s squared off, parking is much easier. There’s also a lot more usable land, having covered a good portion of water.

That’s one of the (many) things I love about Wurm online. You very literally change and adjust the layout of the land. You can build mountains or take them down. You can create islands (so long as you have the dirt), tunnels, caves, anything in your imagination.

The kitchen was completed out of wood. The public shrine building will be stone, which is my project for today. The workshop is also stone, and my villa is wood (which I should also be able to complete today). Working on one deed for so long can make you a bit stir crazy, so I’ve taken some trips exploring old lands, to see how they’ve held up since I’ve been gone. Sadly Arkenor’s place is no more, but I did salvage a few items from where his buildings once stood.

I also read today about the December “Impalong” which is a player run event on the Independence server. I’m going to try my hardest to attend, it runs from December 19th until January 2nd, and there are some very amazing prizes being given away. It will also be the final time that the event is hosted by Willow, who is an amazing person.

I’m still sorting through my progress pictures, but I am going to have an album organized fairly soon. It feels very good to be back in game, even if it’s not the most popular game out there. Wurm has always felt like home.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Back in Wurm Online #WurmOnline

Progress pictures of Mystic Cove, my new deed in Wurm Online. It used to be the old location of ‘Thorin’s Bay’ but the previous owner was unable to keep the land (they own another place on another server) so they took all of the buildings down and disbanded. When I came across it there were locked gates everywhere so I couldn’t get INTO the area, but I did manage to set up a deed outside, which unlocks the gates.

What me and a friend have been doing is slowly leveling the massive hill (seen in the screen shots) and taking the dirt from that hill to expand the waterfront. The area with the boat in the shot all used to be water. In fact everything from the wooden door on the right hand side to the path on the left hand side, was water. We’ve extended the land quite a bit.

Looking forward to all the teraforming being completed so we can move on to building the actual village. Then I can get to things like crafting gear, weapons, breeding animals, working on a farm, cooking, etc. For now it’s just a lot of chopping, digging, bashing down old walls, and placing dirt.