
Time Out Sweater

This Silver Bell Sweater has been in time-out since December. If you’ll notice where my fingers are, there’s three dropped stitches right there. It runs along a V-neck collar. I didn’t notice these dropped stitches until it was much too late and the entire piece was finished. I’ve been meaning to frog it since December, but instead I put it in a time out and forgot about it. I was furious at myself for having dropped the stitches. I put so much work into it, only to have it ruined.

I do have some options. I’ve been trying to decide which one is best. I could frog the front of the shirt (the front and back are joined at the shoulders with a 3 point bind off) and then re-knit the front. I think this is probably my best bet. I could frog the entire piece. I could try to pick up the stitches and attach them somehow (since the piece is finished, I have no idea how this would be accomplished without adding extra yarn to ‘tie’ it off to). I think my best chances are to un-do the three point bind off at the shoulders, and frog to just past the dropped stitches, and see where I sit at. Then once I can access the situation from a better vantage, I can decide how to move forward.

The yarn is amazing, and I was really looking forward to wearing this sweater ages ago. It’s a shame that it hasn’t worked out at all. I figure the sweater is just cursed.

Stillness Shawl – 80%

It’s really hard to get good pictures of shawls while they’re being knit. They’re all bunched up on the needles, the cloth doesn’t lay the way you want it to, and the lace doesn’t open at all. That being said, I’m about 80% of the way through my Stillness shawl, and I’m VERY excited to perhaps even get it completed within the next two weeks (end of March, if all goes as planned).

Knitting Goals – March 2021

Completed in February:

  • Nothing – I didn’t actually complete any projects at all this month, but the shawl is a large on going project, so I don’t feel too bad about that. It takes a while to knit 1200 yards after all!
  • I did do a little bit of spinning! I’m working through my large stash of alpaca fiber.

Current WIPs:

  • Sockhead Cowl (50%)
  • Scrap Blanket (2%)
  • For the Horde Mitten Liners (0%)
  • Stillness Shawl (50%)
  • TAAT January Sock Club socks

Completed February Goals:

  • 50% of my Stillness shawl (YES!)
  • Frog Silver Bell Sweater (No)
  • Complete Sockhead Cowl (No)
  • Work from stash only (YES!)

March Goals:

  • I want to carry over a few that are from February
  • 90% of my Stillness Shawl completed by the end of March (hopefully)
  • FINALLY frog that silver bell sweater
  • Try to get 1/2 way on the TAAT socks
Nomadic Gamer