IntPiPoMo 3/50

One of the bosses I had to defeat recently was this dude. It was an awesome fight, I love the character models in this game.
One of the bosses I had to defeat recently was this dude. It was an awesome fight, I love the character models in this game.
My latest horse in BDO, this is the result of breeding two Tier 5 horses together.
It is November and that means it’s the start of another IntPiPoMo – International Picture Posting Month. It’s a lot like NaNoWriMo which also starts this month except instead of writing 50,000 words (which is a lot, let’s face it) you post 50 images throughout the course of November. I used to love doing NaNoWriMo but then I had kids and my time became exceptionally precious, so I have really enjoyed participating in IntPiPoMo instead. It’s run by the lovely Chestnut over at Gamer Girl Confessions, and there’s a sign up sheet and all that info over on her blog.
In other words, for this month, expect a LOT of BDO screen shots (I’m sure there will be some art, knitting, and all the usual posts too).
I’ve played a lot of games where it’s detrimental to have a small guild – especially in MMOs where PVP reigns supreme. It makes sense, the biggest collection of people tend to be required for objectives.
This isn’t the case in Black Desert Online – at least in some aspects.
Guilds are categorized based on their size. From 1-15 you’re considered a small guild. Right now we have 10 members, and about 6 of us are actively playing. When I first started the guild I thought we’d always be too small to obtain any of the guild buffs that I wanted active because in other games that is most certainly the case. Opening the guild mission window though, I was pleasantly surprised. The missions are also organized based on the size of your guild, so if you’re a small guild, you have small missions.
These missions are broken into three categories. There’s combat, life, and trade. They can be completed (with effort) solo – and they’re even easier if you get together and do them. Last night three of us joined up (well, I hardly counted, I was level 15 and being power leveled by my husband’s Sage) and in less than an hour we had defeated the 1200 mobs required for our mission.
This gave us enough guild experience for me to purchase the next tier of gathering buff, essential to collecting items. We’ve also already finished obtaining the fishing perks, and next we’ll be working on AP (which I think means attack power) to give a nice little passive boost to that.
It’s nice not to feel completely useless as a guild. It’s nice to be able to earn coin and buffs and to join together and get things done. I wish there was a bit more selection for the other categories (there’s rarely any trade quests, there’s a page and a bit of life, and most of the missions are combat centered) but I’ve come to appreciate what we do have. If any mutuals out there are looking for a guild to call home you’re welcome to look me up in game and come join us.
As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!
Black Desert Online has a lot going for it – but this game relies almost exclusively on RNG and that can sometimes be incredibly frustrating. To reduce RNG in the game you can earn items, get free ones from claim, or of course purchase them from the shop.
Everything. Is RNG. Your loot, your gear, your horse breeding, there are elements in all of it.
Last night I got Elma (my female T5 horse) to level 30, and Melvin (my male T5 horse) to 29 – I paid the 30,000 silver fee to start the 2.2h breeding process. RNG stated I had an 8% chance at a T8 horse, and some other random chances at T7 or T6 horses. At least it would be an upgrade, no matter which way the tokens fell.
I ended up with a T6 female that looked very much like the T5s with a bigger mane. I sold the T5 female I used to breed (Elma) since females only come with one chance at breeding unless you reset them (and I wasn’t going to use a reset token on a T5) for 30,000,000 silver which I was quite happy with. Now I have a T7 female, a T6 female, a T5 male, and another horse that I haven’t registered yet. Breeding horses isn’t an enormous money maker for me personally, but I do hope to one day get a T8 that I can attempt to make into a dream horse, and it’s something I can work on while mostly AFK doing other things.
All in all? It was a pretty great night.