Everyone into the Pool

Screen shot is myself and three guild mates splashing around in a froglok pool that I added to the guild hall yesterday. The kerran is Craw, halfling is Egon, and the mouse is Wpus with his best friend Smiley watching from the back. Center is my little defiler who managed to ding 78 last night – and – brought her Tupta faction high enough to purchase the recipe book that allowed me to craft such a fancy little pool. I really do love those craft books. 

Just so people don’t think I’ve forgotten, I do still have big news in the works. Town Crier even mentioned it which surprised me (and flustered me even more). I haven’t wanted to release too many details yet in case I jinx it and it doesn’t end up working out. I should find out the remainder of the details either today or tomorrow – the suspense has been causing many a restless night and inane ramblings to my close friends to say the least. 

Wpus wanted to work on his conjuror epic a little bit last night and had very little left to go. I am always eager to get the group killed help out so off we headed as a duo to Sebilis. We actually made it quite far in our ‘barely a group’ group and when Craw (bruiser) had some spare time he came to help as well. The update was from researchers, though we did try the dreadmages in the blacksmith area first. Update obtained, that was the end of my evening. 

I’ve been thinking a lot about what a wonderful group of friends I have in game. How understanding they can be, how they listen (and how I hope they can say the same about me) and the entire support network. I’m so thankful every day that I have been given the opportunities in my life that I have, and I really appreciate what everyone has done for me. 

I do have two smaller projects on the go (or just starting off I suppose) that I’ll probably write about here as time goes on. We’ll just have to see where they go!

See you in Norrath!

Moors of Ykesha and Faction Recipes (finally!)

I managed to do it – finally. On at least one character. I figure now that one character has managed to get this far, it should be easy to get the rest of what I want, right?

Of course I’m talking about housing items. In specific, the TSO faction recipes that come from one of the three main factions in the Moors of Ykesha. Still no idea what I’m talking about? Take a look here on EQ2 Traders and then prepare to drool. You need to be at neutral faction (0) in order to purchase these recipe books. The recipes themselves are level 65, thankfully my tailor is level 69 and was able to scribe them. They use the general craft skills that everyone has, so there’s no worries about having to be a carpenter or woodworker or any other particular class in order to make use of them. 

I spent the better part of the evening discussing when GU52 would be implemented (more like arguing), and crafting the new pretties and then wondering where I could stash them all. They really are nice. I can’t help it, I’m one of those people who just loves me some house items. 

The quests in the Moors were not too bad, either. I FINALLY learned Tik Tok. First thing I wanted to do was head to Steamfont and find out what all of the clockwork have been screaming at me. I’ve been waiting for this language since release. I also finished the other two languages within the zone, and worked on doing the first hub of quests along with resident conjuror Wpus. The defiler is inching closer to level 78, right now she’s about 60% into her level. While I’m not particularly fond of quest grinding, it’s not as painful as doing RoK quest grinding for the 7th time. 

Short term goals are to get enough faction with the other two Moors residents to purchase their craft books as well. In specific, Grobb. The grey stone items are wonderful and I can see so many possibilities with them. I’d like to build a cave of sorts surrounding the guild forge, and I have a few other ideas floating around. 

I also got a very odd tell about joining a raid guild yesterday. Not that I’m complaining at all. The odd part was not getting the tell to begin with, but the fact that it was asking about my 77 defiler. The majority of guilds that I know who raid want someone at least level 80. In fact on the Kithicor server alone I rarely hear anyone advertise their group is looking for more unless it’s followed by “must have mythical” or “must not suck”. Thankfully selective reading allows me to completely ignore those calls for help. 

Hopefully I can get a few more HQ under my belt, and earn some more status. Other then that, things in game have been pretty slow since I’ve had to concentrate on real life (ugh!) for a little. Hope everyone else is having a great start to the week, no matter where you are!

New Levels, New Gear, New Memories

Yesterday was a little bit of everything game-wise, well EQ2 wise at least. It was great. The coercer crept into New Tunaria with Wpus and we lay waste to all the elves that came in range, dinging her 66. Out of vitality (and most of my experience potions now) it was still refreshing to hit that level with less then two days played. I also spent some time working her tradeskill level, and she’s sitting at an even 30. Out of vitality in that department as well. 

I also helped Kasul out with an epic kill in Neriak (assassin epic) which was no easy feat for me because I had to invis my little templar out that way. I thought the lag I was experiencing was going to kill me before any of the orange epic guards did. Glad to help him progress that though.

I was going to work on the defiler, who is sitting at about 30% through level 77 but wasn’t really in the mood to grind quests. Even though I’d love to get the Moors faction recipes that I’ve spent a few months talking about now. I just can’t seem to stick with the quest grinding. Upgraded the coercers clothes, and today maybe I’ll upgrade some spells. Aside from her charm, mez and root, she’s only sporting app1 of everything. When your charmed pet is killing things for 17,000 damage you spend most of your time just watching for adds and making sure charm doesn’t break. Have I mentioned how much I love that coercer? Thought so.

I’ve been spending a lot of time just thinking, too. I’ve been playing EQ2 since release,  something I never had the chance to do with EQ1. In fact I had just started playing EQ1 (had been playing for a year) when EQ2 released. Over the course of the years some of the memories I’ve had have been exceptionally amazing. I’ve met some amazing people. Before I started writing for Beckett I was a guide, and though it was really hard not to write about any of my experiences, it was some of the greatest (and also some of the most stressful) in game times I had. Being a guide fulfilled the whole ‘roleplay’ aspect to the game for me that my regular playing was missing. I loved the adventures and I loved interacting with the player base on that level. I won’t soon forget it. Not to mention the absolutely incredible people who run the program. 

When I started writing for Beckett, I found that between playing the game, being a guide, playing other games I was delving into, and keeping that thing called ‘real life’ going something was going to have to give. While I loved being a guide, writing for Beckett pays, so it was (in the end) an easier decision for me. I don’t regret the choice to this day but every so often I still get that roleplay urge and have to find a creative means of venting. 

I know that some people think these games are ‘just games’ but when I look back on so many years of memories and friendships that have grown into real life friends, all of the stories shared, it is just an incredible experience in general, and I’m so happy to have been a part of it all.

Templar hits 80, with LOTS of instances!

Up early yesterday for a family get together and then spent most of the afternoon napping (I wasn’t feeling too well) so when I finally got up around 7pm I wasn’t really expecting to do too much before heading back to bed for the night. Turns out, I was wrong. 

My ‘usual’ group was around, Kasul, Albrta, Eyenstein, and Shadowgeist, so we decided to do some instances. The daily double was Najena’s Hollow Tower, and none of us felt like doing it. So instead we headed to Scion of Ice in Everfrost. Before doing Scion I had done a quick maidens run in Jarsath Waste, first time running Petites (templar) through there so the experience was fairly good. Finished off the weapon quest from the zone too. Anyhow, Scion of ice hurt. Plus our second shadowknight was apparently fairly drunk and left unable to continue part way through the instance. I was the only healer, and everyone seemed to be getting pummeled by AoE’s and my templar (yet) is not exactly geared up for solo healing. But we managed it, cleared the zone. I picked myself up a new healer cloak, as well as a new ring. 

I was a little reluctant to solo heal, but some times you don’t always get the perfect group. After we finished with Scion we headed to Crucible which has always been the easiest of the Everfrost instances, for me at least. We picked up a swashbuckler who was LFG – and for the first time ever I had to ask someone not to use a particular piece of gear. Not because of them, but because of me. 

I was still 79 at the time, solo healing, without very good gear (my own fault I know, but what was the point of upgrading everything when I was wearing the EoF set gear and I’d just be wearing void shard gear before too long) my spells were all adept3 but I didn’t have any illusionist with TC or any of that stuff. Anyhow, the item in question is the Bloodthirsty Choker. If you’ve never heard of this item before it’s the one that quickly drains your health as you dps to boost your attacks with a proc. It drains about 10% health (at least on the swashbuckler) every tick or two. 

Being the only healer, I didn’t feel as though I could effectively keep my heals concentrated on both the tank, and this swashbuckler in group without letting someone die. If I were on my warden, I’d have no issue at all with this. Afterwards, I did learn a few tricks in regards to the bloodthirsty choker. For example, apparently shield of faith which is a magic ward / buff will work on the choker. Apparently so will a few other things, like shield ally. 

Was it unfair of me to ask them to remove the piece? Well, I’m not sure. It really did make me feel like a crappy healer, but I know my limitations, and I wasn’t about to risk heals because someone wanted to boost their dps. Not to speak down about them, but pet peeve of mine is someone posting the dps parse every fight into group chat. It’s fine to want to know your dps, but posting (and they’d only post the ones where they were on top) like that just rubs me the wrong way. Maybe even more so because I play a healer and I’m always at the bottom of that list, with big fat 0’s by my name. 

The fabled healer / mage item from Crucible dropped and Petites won it, all in all it was a very nice day for the templar. That also makes my 5th level 80 character which means my account has a 50/50 bonus for both tradeskilling and adventuring (which is the cap). I started the templar epic, which has been fairly smooth so far. Lots of running around, which seems to be the case for every epic. 

Next? Not sure. I’d like to work a pure DPS class up to 80 simply because I don’t have one. I have two healers, and 3 utility (two enchanters and a bard) and then of course there’s the paladin tank I have at 70. Still on burn out from that one though. So what do I have left? Well, there’s the 61 bruiser, the 61 necromancer (who I’ve had since 2004 and just never leveled), I have the 58 swashbuckler, the 70 paladin, and a 30 warlock, as well as the 74 defiler. It may sound like a lot, but keep in mind the experience from 1-70 was drastically increased, there’s mentor bonus, and there’s experience potions, AND there’s the account bonus I have. It really takes no time at all these days to level up a character in EQ2 and honestly as long as I’m having fun that’s all that matters. 

Hope everyone has a fantastic weekend, and had some great holidays no matter where you game!

Happy New Year

I’m not exactly a big fan of crowds or large noisy parties, so last night saw me in EQ2 for new years eve talking with online friends as I drank some sparkling wine (which was really good, the empty bottle attests to that) and today I’ll be doing the family thing and finish up putting together a plate of appetizers before I head out. Even under the influence of a little wine I still had good fun, and managed to do a few instances. 

Petites headed to Deep forge to complete the daily double and I was really pleased to learn that I can obtain the shard quests at level 79. I thought they started at level 80. So now she has four shards in her bags waiting for her first piece of TSO gear. I’d never been to the deep forge and the group blew through it with no issues at all. It was a Shadowknight, Dirge, Troubador, Wizard, some scout DPS that I forget at the moment (I want to say Swashbuckler or Assassin) and myself as Templar. 20% experience later, we headed to the Obelisk that you find in the Moors. I needed it for my signature quest anyhow, and the chest within that zone drops a few plat for everyone in the group. Plus it was quick and easy even if there are no shard rewards unless it’s a daily double location.

After that we headed to Commonlands to help the coercer out with a quest update for the book of Thex heritage quest. You have to zone into an instance and defeat a named who spawns adds – without killing a single add. There are a lot of them, too. Apparently it was supposed to be difficult, but we had no issues. The coercer rooted the adds that spawned far away, and mez’d the ones who spawned close by. We had a lot of dps and that helped take down the encounter. 

Earlier in the day I completed a tradeskill instance on my tailor with Kasul from guild, his carpenter hit 61 I believe. My tailor managed to slug her way to 67, three more levels and it’ll be back to writ grinding for me. I also logged in the alchemist late last night before bed and inched her to 66 and part way through. Made a few adornments to put on the broker, I’ve been holding onto the shards and dusts for a long time now stock piling. 

All in all the evening was spent exactly as I had hoped. I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and may it be as wonderful as the previous.

Nomadic Gamer