Feeling Extra Entitled?

These are logs from a conversation on the auction channel in EQ2 last night. They’re a conversation that has happened many times before, on many different servers, in many different games. It’s about entitlement, and what players think they deserve these days in MMOs.

Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”

(this went on in channel for about 50 lines)

Ssriv tells Auction (1), “BTW, what kind of problem are you having in a solo zone?”

Bootas tells Auction (1), “cant ban me for trying”

Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”

(this went on for another 50 lines)

Mezzedup tells Auction (1), “try /petition it usually works… or pickup the phone tomorrow at 8am PST”

Thorlanin tells Auction (1), “why do some people have to act like little kids when they don’t get something immediately?”

Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”
Bootas tells Auction (1), “I need a GM ………NOW!!!!!!!!!!”

(another 50 lines of spam)

Bootas tells Auction (1), “i am so close to having my Shades of Drinal done and the name did not give me a key”

Caylisa tells Auction (1), “that happen to me before”

Caylisa tells Auction (1), “just did it again and got key second time”

So ‘Bootas’ was having issues with a quest. Instead of trying to run the zone a second time to see if it worked, he spammed the auction channel to try to get the attention of a GM. Instead of petitioning, or calling during business hours, or trying to post on the forums asking for help. When your go-to method of trying to get the attention of a GM for a simple broken quest is to disrupt the entire server, there are issues. I wish I could say this was a one time issue, but it’s not.

Visiting Sentinel’s Fate #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000248It’s no surprise that I love running through older content, no matter what character I use. There’s just something about it that I find refreshing. Perhaps it’s the fact that the zones are typically less crowded (the exception lately being the areas that the new 85 heroics start at) or the neat stories I come across, or the memories of completing the zones back when they were much more difficult.

My second account has been around for years now, but until recently I never bothered to level anything up on it. I had a 77 fury who had patiently been waiting for me to start boxing again, and since rediscovering the account, start again I have. The account now has a 95 fury, 95 beastlord, 87 paladin (hopefully my next 95) and a level 30 coercer (that I may delete and start with a different mage, I’m not sure yet). This weekend I worked on the beastlord, since she was level 91 and still needed alternate advancement.

Ibeogur and myself ran through all of the old Sentinel’s Fate zones, completing the quests for each one. I completed the puzzles to the Vigilant zones which were a LOT of fun, and zones that I had probably not explored much because they used to be really hard to complete. This time I had no issues. I was also rewarded for my time with a lot of house items, something that’s never a bad thing. The beastlord doesn’t have a very fancy house yet, but when she does, it will be decorated up properly. It was a great relaxing way to spend a weekend, and I earned a lot of achievements for it too. The best part is that the guild dinged 68, which means we’re only TWO levels away from being able to purchase a T3 guild hall – that has been one of my dreams for a very long time now. When the guild only has three active players, this is a big deal.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Adventures in Cobalt Scar #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000246I’ve been exploring around Cobalt Scar, which is (at the moment) one of my least favorite zones. Well, portions of it in any case. The zone is quite difficult, especially if you’re trying to solo or “molo” (soloing with a mercenary) named. They’re not your typical pushovers. The zone itself is also difficult at least in the zombie othmir portions which are the sections that I simply do not enjoy. They’re annoying to navigate through and having zombie othmir from 100 feet away suddenly start shuffle towards you is just not fun.

Still, the quest rewards are pretty nice, and you’ll want to play through the story line none the less. I haven’t been able to complete the Siren’s Grotto instances as a proper group yet (I’ve done the advanced solo versions numerous times) because it’s just too hard. Maybe once ToV releases and it is old content I’ll have a better chance of staying alive during the instance.

Have you explored Cobalt Scar yet? What are your thoughts about the zombie invasion? How does it compare to the old Cobalt Scar from EverQuest? Let me know in comments!

Adventures from 85 to 90 in Kael #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000235(Side note, the screenshot has nothing to do with Kael, it’s Kingdom of Sky, one of my other favorite expansions). In a rare moment last night, everyone in guild was logged in (almost, we were missing one). Armed with our newly created level 85s we headed to Kael to get a little experience before one (or all) of us would have to log for the night. It wasn’t exactly an evening of astounding gameplay, but it was quiet, fun, and productive. Ibeogur has been leveling up a wizard and managed to level from 85 to 88 in our two hours of playing together. Ultann has a new templar who also dinged 88, and Zerrek (a new player all together) inched his way to 89 with his defiler. I decided to play my beastlord, a character I created on my second account, and she is now resting comfortably mid-way into level 91.

I’ve been having fun playing the beastlord, although it does take some time to get used to. The level 85 heroic characters start with a grandmaster bear pet, I’ve been leveling up a wolf. There’s a lot to keep track of with special hotbars all over the place just for this class, but I think I’ve managed to get the hang of it now. I’m looking forward to having a second 95 on my second account, after that I’ll have to decide who to level next, either the paladin or the coercer I created on the account. I’m going to (try) to limit the account to four characters in case I should ever drop from gold, we’ll see how that goes.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nights of the Dead Excitement #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000238I admit, I love in-game holidays. I love the achievements that come with them, the special treats, and the fun and games. Nights of the Dead has started in EverQuest 2 and so I spent most of my evening working on the achievements for that particular holiday. In the past you could earn a title based on an item you would receive in the mail, becoming the nights of the dead devotee. However, that was removed and you now earn it for completing the in-game achievements. Two of the achievements involve crafting all of the special novelty items that are found in craft books. Another is for completing the ghost races in both Antonica and Commonlands. The final is for completing all of the quests involved in Nights of the Dead. This includes the Loping Plains and Freeport / Qeynos haunted houses, as well as the Hedge Maze, and the zone that emulates Plants vs. Zombie.

I managed to take down the Scarecrow King and made a discovery of his helm, which was pretty neat. Although none of the quests are new this year there are a few new rewards including one really awesome voodoo plushie that I am completely in love with.

There is an achievement for participating in all of the Live Events for EQ2, but I’ve never managed to complete it. See, I normally wander away in the spring months, and it shows. I’ve obtained the achievements for Tinkerfest, Nights of the dead, and Frostfell but I’ve missed out on Erollisi Day, Bristlebane Day, and Brewday. Maybe this year will be my lucky year and I’ll manage to obtain the bauble of Holidays past, and the Festive Spirit title. We’ll just have to see I suppose.

What is your favorite in-game holiday (if you have one)? Have you been exploring through the Nights of the Dead content? As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer