The Month of Gaming Stuff #EQ2 #EQ #VGD #TS3 #Riftgame

Not only is NaNoWriMo going on this month (which I have been failing at, horribly), I’ve opened registration for this years Gamers Secret Santa, Rift released Storm Legion, Sims 3 released Seasons, EQ2 released Chains of Eternity, EQ1 is releasing Rain of Fear, Vanguard is releasing City of Brass, Planetside 2 is releasing, and that doesn’t even begin to touch on the other console games that came out this month like Halo 4.

What a month to be a gamer, hmm?

More Carnival Goodies #RiftGame #Rift

Even though I should be working towards getting on of the four awesome balloon companions available, I couldn’t help but spend my glass beads on this carnival mask. A bit scary, no?

I moved all four of my defiant characters to Faeblight yesterday, deciding that I’d much rather be on a heavily populated server. So far, I haven’t regretted the decision to move, nor my decision to come back to the game. There’s a lot to do!

A short post today, so as always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

Lets Go To the Fair #RiftGame #Rift

I stopped playing Rift a few months ago because I had reached level 50 and not being a fan of raids I found myself with very little to do. Those months were not spend idle, and Trion has added a lot of content to the game since then so I decided to log in for free on my lower level characters to poke around. Needless to say the sirens call was too strong for me to avoid, and I ended up signing up for 3 months (I love multi month deals).

One of the current in-game festivals is their one year birthday celebration, and Meridian is decked out with a fair for players to enjoy. The fair reminds me a lot of the one you find in World of Warcraft, with games for players to enjoy. One game in specific is almost exactly alike, where you toss a ring on a critter that is penned up running around in circles. They do have a unique game that I absolutely loved, it involves the screen shot above. You speak to the NPC and pick a team to cheer for (I picked the red team). As the horses run around the tracks, you jump on the platform and the horse pulls forward. Jump too much and your horse will run out of steam and fall behind. I had no one against me, so I naturally won (woohoo). I loved this little game and found it a lot of fun. In the background of the screen shot to the left hand side you can see players mounted up jumping on balloons. Pop 30 balloons and win a prize, was the basics of that game. There are also vendors with treats for players, and fortune tellers, and even an NPC who will try to guess your weight if you stand before him. He of course has nothing but snarky comments to toss your way in return.

The fair is not the only new thing pulling me in game, there’s also Ember Isle, which I have never explored before. I headed to the zone briefly yesterday to poke around and was astonished to realize that it is actually an entire zone. I thought perhaps it was just a small area. I did a few of the beginning quests, and then headed back to Meridian, content that there’s enough content to last me a little while (not to mention my alts, and all of those quests I never did).

Getting a feel for the game again is a bit difficult, I wouldn’t want to jump right back into a dungeon without at least re-familiarizing myself with my class. I’m also contemplating moving to a heavier server, for now I’m on a medium population. There’s also my guardian characters that I haven’t played yet, they’re sitting at level 4. All in all? I’m quite happy to be playing again.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Thoughts on Staying Power #MMORPG #EQ2 #SWTOR #WoW


This post may come off a little negative, but that’s not how it’s intended. I’ve been giving a lot of thought lately to why SWTOR didn’t grab me, or rather, it did, but couldn’t keep me. One of the major issues I had wasn’t really an issue at all, but is just how gamers perceive things. There are a lot of ‘things’ that I’m used to having in games, thanks to those who have been around for 5+ years. I realize it’s incredibly unfair to judge a game that releases today against a game that has been around for many years because after all that game has had time to grow – but – as a gamer, we are not interested in how things were 5 years ago, or how they will be 5 years from now. What we are interested in (and I use the term ‘we’ loosely here before someone throws a fit) is what is available NOW. At this exact moment that we are playing. If I can play a game that offers me 5 things that I really want from my video game, as opposed to a game that offers me 9 things that I really want from my video game, which game do you think I’m going to play? It doesn’t matter how old or how new a game is – in order to KEEP me playing, it’s going to have to appeal to those things on my list, and lets face it, the older games have had more time to work out what those ‘things’ are and to add them.

I feel very strongly that in order to actually compete with games that are 5-10 years old, games that are being released today need to take that progress into account. Dusty made a very good point yesterday regarding SWTOR – if you are leveling alts you can’t simply say “well, I leveled in Balmorra last time, so this time I’ll go to planet X instead.” There’s no alternate rout for you to bring your characters, where as (as an example) in EQ2 if you leveled in Thundering steppes last time, you’re more than welcome to head to Nektulos Forest. Or Butcherblock Mountains. Or do dungeons. In WoW you also have the choice of where to spend your time. In Rift? Not so much. SWTOR? Also not so much. Again this is an unfair comparison and I know it is, because the two later games are much newer, and thus haven’t had the time to add new content – but that’s simply how it is. In order to compete with games that are 5-10 years old, you must think of yourself as one of those games. I realize that there’s only so much manpower a company can dedicate to a game, and I also realize that this is pretty much an impossible task – but for us selfish gamers, that’s how we’re thinking. We’re going to constantly compare any new game to those we have played previously. Those older games have already gotten their hands on us, we’ve already got ties to them – new games need a way to get those hands on us in a MUCH faster way, so that we’ll stay.

When it comes down to it, that’s why SWTOR didn’t have the staying power required for me to keep playing. Were the stories amazing? Sure they were, I loved them. I loved having choices for my characters to make. I experienced very few bugs (personally, I know others have a long list of bugs), and datacrons and exploration were fun. The problem is (aside from the story lines and character choices) I can get those things in any other game on my list, plus more sandbox features which is key to me sticking around in any game. I play alts, they need choices that will be different from my mains. Sure, I can choose a different *story* for them, but they’re basically doing the exact same things (as long as we’re the same factions) as my main, minus the class quests. They’re visiting the same zones, collecting the same datacrons, and when I dislike a zone like Balmorra (those lifts.. that map.. OUCH) I have no alternate rout. Now, maybe game companies have given up on trying to retain players and instead are working to build up their first-time sales, which is completely fine if that’s the way they’re trying to operate. Obviously that’s not how I’d prefer things done but hey I’m not a gaming company trying to make money, I’m just a player.

Anyhow, those were just some of my thoughts on player retention. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!


Trion Joins the Ranks of Compromised Databases #Rift


It seems that these emails are becoming the norm, compromised databases in games that we all know and love. Trion sent this out last night with a promise of 3 days of free game play, and a ‘moneyags’ purse’ which increases the amount of coin looted by 10% as long as you update your password and security questions. I have a little piece of mind since I have no credit card on file with Trion, I’ve used paypal for all of my transactions. While paypal is not immune to being hacked, I do feel a little more ‘secure’ with them, because there are far larger fish in that sea than little ‘ol me. Still, it’s a bit uncomfortable to know that personal information is in someone else’ hands, someone who was never intended to have it. When we fill out this information about ourselves to these game companies we trust them to keep it safe.

I always wonder what the purpose of someone gaining access to this information is. Do they actually do anything with the data they’ve obtained or is it just a show of ‘hey look what I can do’ and to put some fear into companies and their subscribers.

While I personally don’t think this is any reason to run from the hills screaming (after all, it’s not the first time this has happened) I’m sure there will be plenty of cries of outrage. I hope everyone gets their personal information changed without any hassle and things go smooth from here on out.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!