Nomi & Me #WoW

WoWScrnShot_122913_215745I finally reached 600 in all the branches of Pandarian cooking, and saved up 50 tokens to purchase the bell that summons Nomi. This cute little kid is your student, and you’re in charge of teaching them how to cook. So far all Nomi can cook for me is dried peaches and that’s after I supply the fruit, but she’s cute so I keep her around.

I’m not sure if there’s an actual reason to teaching Nomi how to cook aside from unlocking more achievements, but that’s enough for me. My luck also changed a bit over the weekend and some how I managed to get my first ever cloth chest piece to drop from the Timeless Isles. Not only that but I got FOUR of them to drop. Of course I used a burden on one in my heal spec and got a horrible version of the one I wanted, but it is much better than the 479 one I was wearing before. Burdens have not been kind to me, some guild mates seem to have all the luck.

There is still so much I want to do but just haven’t found the time for. I’ve been a member of the elusive Brawlers Club for almost a month now and have only stepped foot into the establishment once. My battle pet team is still sitting at level 15. There are alts that I would like to get to 90 before the cap raises to 100 (Druid, Paladin, Monk, Warrior, Warlock, just to name a few..) and while it may sound like I am complaining, I’m actually very excited that there is so much to do and so much to keep me busy. It rarely ever stay subscribed for more than a month but this time around I seem to have found a nice combination of things to keep me occupied. That, and the fact that I’m still poking between both WoW and Wurm Online.

Tomorrow is Tuesday, and I’m looking forward to raids re-setting. Me and two guild mates also ran some heroic scenario this weekend which was a lot of fun (my first time doing them) once we realized we wanted a tank, a dps, and a healer as our three members. I didn’t get any upgrades but the guild earned xp and money for the bank and we all earned a handful of achievements and had a good time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

It’s all about the Pets (and Addons) #WoW

WoWScrnShot_122313_210823I recently picked up two very nice addons for my pet obsession. The first one is called PetTracker and to sum it up, this is an amazing addon.

  • Displays the locations of all pets, stables and tamers on the world map.
  • Tracks your progress of catching pets in your current zone.
  • Shows the rarity of pets in battle and warns you of upgrades.
  • Exposes pet breeds in combat, the journal and tooltips. NEW
  • Displays all your enemies and allies abilities as you fight.
  • Provides a journal of all tamers and their teams. NEW

If you’re working on pet battles I highly suggest you pick this little gem up. You can customize it to track only the pets you’re looking for and there are so many other options. The second addon I got was a suggestion from Kasul who has been leveling up multiple teams so that there is less downtime. This one is called Petbattle Teams.

  • Create an unlimited teams of pets and quickly switch between them in the pet journal.
  • Reliable pet switching even when spammed with requests to change teams.
  • The skills in the tooltip are the saved skill selections
  • The frames location is now saved.
  • Pets are saved to your current team as you make changes, no more hitting save. (This behavior can be disabled by unchecking “Automatically save teams” in the options).
  • Teams can be named, deleted or locked by right clicking the team.
  • Additional options are available from Game Menu -> Interface -> AddOns -> PetBattleTeams

So far my team has hit level 15, and I’ve collected pets in all of the zones that I’ve done battles in. My collection has grown to 183 owned pets, and I’m looking forward to finally hitting 200 and maybe even reaching level 25 one of these days. The battles have started to get a bit more difficult now, I have to fight three on three instead of two on three, but I haven’t had any great losses.

How have your own pet battle experiences been so far? Are you close to reaching level 25 with your team? Any advice for other addons that I may find useful? Let me know in comments!

Lets Talk Lists #WoW

WoWScrnShot_121113_092818I read a post over at Tales of the Aggronaut that made me think about creating my own WoW Bucket List of sorts, things I want to accomplish in game (slowly, over time, these are not all easy tasks). Of course I created one and it includes the following things:

  • Level a team of pets to 25 (11/25 Progress)
  • Collect the following pets: Ashtone Core, Azure Whelpling, Black Tabby Cat, Chrominius, Harbinger of Flame, Stitched Pup, Untamed Hatchling
  • Earn the Loremaster achievement (2/6 Progress)
  • Collect the following mounts: Raven Lord, Deathcharger, Sea turtle
  • Finish Hemet Nesingwary: The Collected Quests (2/3 Progress)
  • Finish What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been (2/8 Progress)
  • Earn 25 Exalted Reputations (20/25 Progress)
  • Earn Champion of the Frozen Wastes (Progress Kel’Thuzad and Malygos)
  • Earn Glory of the Hero (Progress: Share the Love, Zombiefest, Experienced Drake Rider, The Incredible Hulk, Ruby Void, Amber Void)
  • Collect 200 pets

I also marked where my current progress with each item was, how many tasks to the achievement I had earned, and over time I’m sure I’ll add (and subtract) to it. I love lists (who doesn’t!) and I’m looking forward to having some goals in game to work towards besides the usual suspects (gear, etc).

I’m hoping this weekend I can hit up some older raids in an attempt at getting pets to drop, but we’ll just have to see how that goes. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Pets and Guild Levels #WoW

WoWScrnShot_121113_092925Yesterday WoW added a new patch, 5.4.2, that allows players the ability to shop from their store in game. I have no issue with this and think it’s quite neat, not to mention that to kick it off they put almost all of their pets and mounts on sale by 50%. That means I was able to add two pets to my collection guilt free. I already own a small handful of the cute little critters, so deciding which two to purchase wasn’t too hard. I eventually went with Lil’ Ragnaros who can also be used as a cooking fire, and the Cinder kitten because it was just too cute not to pick up.

Dragon Flight also managed to ding level 21 thanks to some alt leveling, I know experience is quite easy to come by these days (you get 60,000 experience per quest no matter what it seems) but considering the guild only has three members, I’m still tickled. We unlocked faster flight paths, and at 22 we’ll unlock greater tradeskill skill ups. I’m looking forward to reaching level 25 and being able to mass resurrect.

I’m hoping to inch my shaman closer to 90 this weekend (maybe even reach 90, dare I hope) as well as work on some pet battles and raids. I should also be able to master pandarian cooking, but we’ll just have to see how many white turnips I can collect.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Choices, Choices, and more Choices #WoW

WoWScrnShot_120713_111031A few other bloggers have mentioned just how much stuff there is to do in WoW lately and I completely agree, especially if you have been away for a while like I have. I only have one level 90 character and I would like to get at least a small handful of my alts up to 90 before the next expansion. I’ve slowly been leveling my shaman who just reached 87 yesterday. I also have a 85 paladin, druid, and an 86 warlock not to mention my newly created 15 warrior, a level 2 rogue, and a level 24 monk. Oh, and a horde deathknight that I believe is level 67 or so.

There’s pet battles, collecting new pets, working on crafting, collecting recipes, and achievements just to name a few things I’m interested in. I’ve done timeless isle enough that every alt has a full set of gear – except my main – I can not for the life of me seem to get a cloth robe to drop. I’ve gotten everything to drop, multiples of most of it and not a single chest piece for the priest.

I managed to finish all but one “way of” for cooking, the last one requiring about 250 white turnips before I can complete it, so I’ll be farming for a little while first. I could try to buy them all from the broker but I would rather collect them myself. Once that is completed I can move on to completing my recipes and factions.

I’ve also been working on Shado Pan faction, and I still can’t ride a serpent mount yet (faction required). Faction grinding is the reason I left WoW to begin with, but it hasn’t been bugging me yet since I’ve been back, in fact I quite like the process since it requires no thought (and that’s what I was looking for). Whether or not it will continue to hold my attention has yet to be seen, but in the mean time I’m having a lot of fun.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!