Bring on the Warrior! #WoW

WoWScrnShot_120613_022203I had an urge last night to create a warrior. I’ve played a few low level ones but I always end up deleting for one reason or another. I need a blacksmith, and didn’t feel it would be a good fit for either my monk or rogue, so it was really the perfect excuse to start a new character.

I’m not really a fan of starting out in secluded starter zones (Wargen, Goblins, and Panda all share this fate). I can’t mail myself any heirlooms since there are no mailboxes, and once you’ve gone through the story one time, it gets old. I have a panda monk, rogue, and now the warrior, though the rogue has also not made her way out of the starter zone yet (something to work on today, I suppose). Thankfully the starter zone for this race feels much shorter than the one for the goblins and wargen, you leave on your way to Horde or Alliance by level 11. First thing I did was get situated with some bags and mail my heirloom over (I never realized just how much heirloom I have. There’s a lot of it). I didn’t own the plate pants (I don’t think I could afford them at the time) so I picked those up and decked the little warrior out.

I’m hoping to level this character up as a tank, and try a lot of LFG. I’m sure I’ll get lots of ‘creative comments’ from people and maybe even kicked out of an instance or two. That being said, it’s just a game, and I’m looking forward to it. Tanks are always the one class I tend to stay away from, but in WoW it’s just so easy to get a group, I would like to give it a go. We’ll see.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Pet Battles, iLevels, and Pandas – Oh My! #WoW

WoWScrnShot_120113_091555This weekend I spent most of my game time in World of Warcraft – something I had not intended on but seemed to just happen. It began innocently enough, with me working on pet battles. At this moment I have 151 pets in my collection. I joined some time ago and forgot just how much I love the site. I managed to get my first team to level 11, and completed a bunch of quests for pet trainers. I won an item that allowed me to upgrade any beast pet to rare, then learned later you can trade them if you don’t want to upgrade a beast pet. My team (so far) consists of Lil’ XT, Scooter the snail, and the Onyxian Whelpling. The weak link in the team is Scooter but I base that on the fact that he’s weak to the encounters I’ve been facing. When he’s fighting flying creatures he does quite well, and he has a lot of HP in order to survive encounters. Lil’ XT is my tank, as long as the encounter is not something he is weak to, chances are he can solo it. I’m trying to work up to the current pet level cap (25) on at least 15 pets so that I can partake in the celestial battles. I have a ways to go yet.

Speaking of celestials. When I returned to the game I was sitting on an ilevel of about 476, that was back in March. This weekend I spent a lot of time on the Timeless Isle, and am now sitting at 508 ilevel. It’s still no where near where I would like it to be, but it is a start, and I’m having a lot of fun. I really like the fact that I can ‘farm’ loot and gear for my alts by playing my main character. Of course none of my alts are even slightly close to level 90 yet, but one day I hope to get them there, and it’s comforting to know that I won’t necessarily have to grind the exact same quests to gear up that I’m currently doing. I like this process a lot, and to be honest it’s probably also one of the main issues I have with EQ2’s latest expansion, Tears of Veeshan. Unless your alt happens to use the exact same gear as your main character you are forced to complete the exact same quests in the exact same timeline that you just did on your main. When you have as many alts as I do, this makes for a painful experience.

I appreciate the fact that I don’t HAVE to raid in order to earn Valor points. I did partake in the first Siege of Orgrimmar that was unlocked to me, but I didn’t feel like dealing with LFRaid over the weekend, so I did my dailies, some scenario, and earned my valor that way. Choices are great.

All in all it was incredibly relaxing, very fun, and I’m surprised. WoW gets a bad rap from a lot of people that I know but it’s not ALL bad and sometimes it is exactly what you’re looking for.

Back on Argent Dawn #WoW

WoWScrnShot_112913_101654A number of my friends have decided to wander back to World of Warcraft for a while, there’s no telling how long it may last but I decided to join them for at least a month and see how it goes. I’ve been playing WoW for just as long as I have played EQ2, but I tend to take much more frequent breaks because I typically find the content and community lacking. Now it seems like a good portion of my friends all play on Argent Dawn, and this could be the temptation I need to keep me playing for longer than a month straight.

I last played March of this year, so things have changed. My ilevel is well below the current acceptance, and there are many scenario I’ve never completed before (or even seen before). In other words there is LOTS to do. My first course of action (I believe) is to head to the Timeless Isle. I’ll see where I go from there.

I have also missed the pet battles, and lets be honest, playing Hearthstone does install me with a bit of nostalgia. With BlizzCon out of the way and juicy details about the next expansion being released, it just brought about the feeling that maybe I should play again for a while. We’ll just have to see how long it lasts.

For those looking to meet up, please feel free to add me to your friends list, my battletag is Stargrace#1783

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Games I’m Currently Playing #EVEOnline #GW2 #WoW #WurmOnline

gw813I’ve got four games on my plate lately, and I can’t help thinking about what each one adds to my over all ‘wants’ out of an MMO.

First, I’m still playing Wurm Online. Sandbox game where you can shape the world around you, but the game requires a LOT of time and dedication and that time only rises if you incorporate things like animals into game play. See, animals need food. Grass eventually becomes packed, and thus animals can starve. Also everything in-game aside from your personal inventory can decay. If you take off for a week it’s not that big of a deal, but any longer and your virtual items in game are going to suffer. Lately this has been more and more of an issue for me, feeling ‘tied’ to a game is a good way to make me not want to play it. I shouldn’t feel like I’m going to lose my time investment if I have to step back from playing for a little while. Still, this game just reaches out to me and it’s held my attention far longer than I would have thought when I first started playing.

Second I’ve been playing Guild Wars 2. I think this game is fantastic, especially since it has no subscription in order to enjoy it. Buy the box, and play it like a single player game if that’s your preference. Of course then you get to level 80 and realize that there’s no way for you to do dungeons unless a mass of your friends are playing OR you PUG them. Plus these are not your typical dungeon where everyone has a role and can act on it. There are no tanks no healers you’re all just bodies and it can be a whole mass of confusion and a lot of deaths. It’s a game where (imo) there’s a lot of ‘go go go’ constantly happening. There’s very little relaxing I can do, if I want to harvest I’m going to have to engage in combat, there’s typically always a mob or event going on by every node I come across. Beautiful lands, with a lot of puzzles and vistas, and yes I could work on zone completion in the cities, but it’s still not the quiet I look for.

I’ve recently resubscribed to EVE Online using some plex I had stored up. EVE scratches my sandbox urges as well as the quiet time I look forward to, or exciting ‘go go go’ time if I feel like it via PvP and missions. It’s almost the perfect game for me, except as much as I love EVE I’m not a giant fan of science fiction – so I still prefer to have a fantasy genre game on my plate. Today I’m making a run out to my PI planets to collect all the goods I’ve been stock piling, and then I’m going to put a few more manufacturing jobs active before I begin doing some missions. I’m almost able to finally fit the heavy missiles on the Tengu that I want to use, but in the mean time it’s back to my old ship until those are ready.

Finally I’ve decided to resubscribe to World or Warcraft. I know, an odd choice when I’m playing two sandbox games and a non-subscription game, but WoW is like a comfortable sweater to me. It’s ultra causal and you’d never wear it out of the house, but it’s great for those sleepy cold days where you’re huddled down not doing much of anything. In other words it fits the ‘relaxed’ bill that I was looking for above. I can solo some dungeons if I feel inclined to do so, I can PUG dungeons and raids (which I frequently do), work on alts, craft or harvest, etc. It’s not new or innovative, but some times that’s just not what I want. Plus pet battles are just plain fun.

There are other games I still dive into here and there, like Vanguard, but I’m not currently playing them on a steady basis, so I didn’t count them in this post. There’s also a bunch of single player games I’ve been enjoying such as Sim City (March 5th can’t get here fast enough!), The Sims 3, Triple Town (a cute puzzle game from Steam), and Skyrim. Of course there are always a handful of games I wish I were devoting more time to, too. Those include The Secret World, Pirate 101, and Lord of the Rings Online. Sadly, there are just not enough hours in the day to play them all.

What games are you playing lately? Share below in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

2012: Game Year in Review (The Year of the Wurm) #WurmOnline

January: I fell in love with Wurm Online, and my readers dropped to the lowest I’ve ever seen them. Turns out that even though I adore playing this game, very few people like to read about it. Not a big deal, since I write for myself, but it was still an eye opener.

February: My nomadic gamer senses kicked in, and I played some Vanguard along with Wurm Online and Eve. SOE was going through their first phase of ProSiebenSat.1 talks, and it was messy. I took part in the awesome Kyklops killing on Deliverance, which just reinforced how much I love Wurm Online.

March: Guess what! Still playing (and posting about) Wurm Online! A little Vanguard in there too and some Rift when they had a free weekend going on (but it couldn’t pry me away from Wurm).

April: Completely Wurm filled – along with the awesome DAW (Developer Appreciation Week) hosted by Scarybooster. I contemplated trying out the epic servers, but never did.

May: Celebration opens in Wurm Online, and I drift to Diablo 3 and World of Warcraft. Both games much neglected shortly after.

June: Back to my nomadic self. I spend some time doing dungeons in Vanguard (Greystone), play some EQ2 and get an award for the housing hall of fame, and I even manage to start playing some Guild Wars in preparation for GW2. There’s even a little Glitch in there, along with (of course) Wurm.

July: Sims 3 eats up a chunk of the month, along with EVE, and World of Warcraft where I’m counting down to Pandaria. Guild Wars 2 beta is in full swing and I’m slowly becoming addicted.

August: An odd month for me. I dip my toes into The Secret World and enjoy the game quite a bit but find it too dark for my tastes. Most of the month is spent in GW2, GW1, Vanguard, and World of Warcraft. Me? Play too many games? No such thing.

September: The nostalgia bug bites me and I head back to EQ1 to see if the planes of power gods are up. I start a new character, and am still playing GW2 but the novelty is starting to wear off because I’m max level and don’t like to dungeon grind.

October: I pop into GW2 for the Halloween event, and was disappointed. I play a few hours of EQ2 during the weekend, and I join a guild in EQ1 (that doesn’t last long). SOE Live also takes place and there’s all sorts of news and announcements going on.

November: It’s NaNoWriMo month and my posts show. I get a little Sims 3 time in, get completely bored of WoW, try some EQ2, and then re-discover Wurm after leaving in the summer.

December: I barely write. There’s only 8 whole posts which is my lowest month since I started the site in 2006. A lot of stuff not gaming related went on, most of it not fit for this blog. So. Here’s to 2013, and a better year.