Wurm Online

You Never Know

Way up on the side of a mountain beside gurubear’s crater on the Independence server is a deed called ‘Nightmare’ and on it I found an entire collection of little reindeer keeping guard over the deed. I was there working on my 95ql treasure map (which ended up being a bust, I got practically nothing and it was really frustrating after all the time I had invested) and it was just a little reminder that you never know what you’re going to stumble into when you explore the lands of Wurm Online.

GMs Having Fun (and helping me out)

I try to work with the neighbourhood of where I move to, but it doesn’t always work out. This week I was accused of blocking a road that the locals use, so Moumix volunteered to build a road around my deed so that I wouldn’t be blocking any roads. Honestly, I’ve been there for months and I’ve never seen anyone come by, and this is the first time anyone has even spoken to me about it (plus there are detours you can take) – but again, I want to play nice. There was an abandoned boat along the shore that was blocking road construction, so I sent in a ticket to the GMs to have them remove it for me.

They were prompt and came by and moved the giant ship to an opposite shore so it wouldn’t be in the way of the road. On their way out, they turned Faralithe into a pumpkin, and turned Stargrace into a huge red dragon. I barely fit into the smithy to continue my work on the horseshoes I’ve been imping.

Speaking of horseshoes, I bought four off of another player, low quality, but they each had 103 WOA (wind of ages) cast on it, I can’t wait to zoom around doing treasure maps with a bit more speed. I figured I can just imp them myself to 70-80ql which is simple enough, but trying to get 103 casts is something that is still quite far away. My Vynora priest is at 100 faith and 68 channeling, with benediction, but her casts tend to land around 50-60 power. Occasionally I get higher but that is rare. I imagine I need to work up my skills higher before I start seeing anything anyone would want to pay for.

Anyway, I had a great time, I’m thankful the GMs were prompt, and now construction can continue.

Sending Out the Wagoner

One of the reasons I wanted a deed on the mainland and not just the island that I live on, is for a wagoner. I wanted to make use of sending and receiving bulk goods. Until today, I haven’t had a reason to USE the wagoner, but I saw someone looking for 1k wemp, and low and behold, I had 1k wemp (and then some) to sell. So I sent out the order.

I was giggling away as I learned that the items don’t simple phase to their destination, oh no, the wagoner actually drives along the highway! You can see them and meet up with them in the world! How cool is that.

Fantastic job on making the world feel a little more populated. I adore this system, and I can’t wait to make more use of it. I know that by now it has been in game for some time, but little things like this remind me about why I love Wurm.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Stumbling Upon a Pillage Site (Pt.2)

The next day I came by to put the rare (now unsecured) forge in my knarr, and I noticed that a second floor wall had finally fallen. Peering inside, my jaw dropped. There were so many bulk supplies stored up on this level of the building. I knew if I could just find a way to get them all back to my deed on Independence, I would be set for a very long time.

It took a few hours and some creative thinking, but in time we were able to get everything out of the fallen house (once a wall falls the permissions are no longer in effect) and slowly get things loaded onto the knarr and the corbita. There were thousands of bricks, an insane amount of food supplies, some mortar, wemp, cotton, and everything in between. We even found some gems and a few more tools.

I found a pretty nice rope tool, too. Rare, with some imbues, and 94ql. It doesn’t really get much better than that as far as tools are concerned.

This was my largest WO haul, and it was incredibly exciting. I’m also very glad to make use of the items instead of having them sitting around and decaying. It will help me towards my goal of completing Quail Landing, working my HFC (hot food cooking) and various other skills. All in all, I’m VERY glad I went to pick up those Capybara Sultanate items, I came back with even more than I could have dreamed of.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Nomadic Gamer