Wurm Online

Stumbling Upon a Pillage Site (Pt.1)

While picking up my Capybara deed decorations I happened to notice this, pictured above. A house with heavy decay, all along the bottom floors. I recognized it as a deed I had visited in the past with Moumix (though I cannot remember why we were there) called Festival Spiritual Center, created by Festival in 2022. The deed disbanded due to lack of upkeep on April 28th 2023, which isn’t that long ago. Normally deeds that have houses tend to stick around for some time, but in this instance the house was made of very low quality wood, which decays incredibly fast.

The problem was I could only access the main floor of the fallen deed. The two doors along the front of the building were locked, and there was no other way to get upstairs. Peering through the windows I could see some bulk storage containers, but not much more.

The main floor had a rare forge along with some green chests filled with enchanted tools and weapons. A few bits and bobs, some furniture, all of which I decided to collect and bring back with me to Quail Cove. The forge was secured to the ground, but if items take enough damage they become unsecured, so Moumix volunteered to stay behind on an alt and bash the forge until it was freed. Meanwhile, I tried to figure out a way we could access the next level.

Outside of the building were 10 reindeer secured to the ground, a Christmas gift for players in previous years. We took care of those and I found a few horses I wanted to take back with me too. Over all, I was incredibly pleased with this initial haul, but I still really wanted to see what was upstairs. I figured I’d have to be patient, and wait for another wall or two to fall before we could enter upstairs.

Mystical Order of the RHR

I recently received a bit of mail in Wurm Online that spoke about the Mystical Order of the RHR, and how at public events we should locate our brothers/sisters and identify them by wearing our fancy hats. The note mentioned that we were chosen by the gods, and the whole event was shrouded in mystery and very awesome.

Reason #1138469565-J that I love Wurm Online. The community is top notch, and when you least expect it, you receive some mail.

It’s a Capybara Life for Me

It took some work, but I managed to get an exception made, and was granted 4 banners, 4 tall flags, 4 kingdom flags and a wagon for the Capybara Sultanate – one of the best PMK (player made kingdom) designs of all time. Of course I immediately decorated.

I love the colours and it inspired me to expand my kitchen (finally) and hopefully once I dig (a lot of) dirt, I can get a proper dock set up. As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Quail Cove Lighthouse – COMPLETE!

It’s only 8 floors for now (I wanted to keep the colour scheme the same, and I can build 9 floors but I can’t build 10) but the lighthouse at Quail Cove is finally complete. I created a rendered stone brazier for the top, and improved it to 70ql. I love it, and I can see it some distance from the deed, which is great when I’m concerned about what I’m looking at, lol.

Next up is working on a new kitchen area, my 5 ovens are cramped and there’s no room to move around let alone have it looking as magnificent as it should. I’m planning to put it beside the temple, and fashion it like the other larger buildings, with stone base floors and timber framed for the higher levels. I’m sure I’ll remember to post screenshots when it’s completed (please don’t hold your breath, I will probably forget).

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!

The Most Magnificent Deed I’ve Ever Seen

This deed captures exactly what I love about Wurm Online, and I can honestly say it is probably the most impressive build I have ever seen. It’s located on the Melody server (NFI) and is called Shimmering Sands Citadel. There is nothing I dislike about this deed except that I do not own it. The creator must have spent hundreds of thousands of hours building it. If you ever get a change to see it in person, I HIGHLY suggest checking it out.

Honestly, as I wandered around I didn’t even feel like I was in Wurm, it was just that impressive. I can’t wait to see if/when they decorate the interior. For now it is only the outside of the deed that has been build – and I also realize they’ve spent an incredible amount of time changing the outside of their buildings from sandstone brick to rendered stone. It is simple amazing.

Nomadic Gamer