January 2007

The Screaming Mace (Screaming Mace)

Level 50

– Starts from examing an “Ill Fated Cleric Journal”.

– In order to get the journal, you must farm a rare spawn of wraiths in the Feerott called Agony and Despair (-1859,+638). They spawn by the lake near the entrance to the Temple of Cazic-Thule. Agony and Despair run on cycles, you can go hours without him spawning, and then he will spawn 4 times in a row. He works consistantly so that if your entire group wants it, they will have their chance.

– You must first kill 40 random lizardman in Cazic-Thule.

– You must then kill four named spawns in the zone.

  • Kaxor the Cenobite: On top the temples on the sides of Venekor.
  • Hukulan the Despoiler: Up top, between the stone walls.
  • Tzugaax the Torturer: Downstairs in the Torturer Area.
  • Xilarga The Tae Ew Champion: Side overhangs of the big temple.

– You are then instructed to find the Fountain of Fear. This is the waterfall from the back of the large temple in Cazic Thule.

– Once you complete this step a one hour timer starts. You have one hour to find the Basin of Ba’Kur in Cazic Thule. This is at (+68,+2). To get there you enter the tunnels, and after passing the rooms with the glare lords, turn to the left. The room after the thulian fiend is the basin.

– You must then kill Thulian Terrorfiends in Cazic Thule until you obtain a key. This is an uncommon auto-updating piece.

– After finding the key you must kill the Keeper to obtain your mace. He is in a special instanced version of the Sanctum of Fear. Once inside you will find a small room with four totems. You can right click to activate these. When they activate either four mobs will spawn, or the Keeper.

– After killing the Keeper the mace will spawn above the table in the back.

Receive Reward: Screaming Mace
Receive Reward: 63,000 Status Points

The Teachings of Yoru (Flowing Black Silk Sash)

Level 45

– Starts from Yoru the Old at Windstalker Village in Antonica (-1814,-519).

– The first order of business is to harvest 10 pieces of wood in Antonica. You forest these from Wind Felled Trees, which can be found nearby Windstalker Vilage. This requires 21+ Foresting Skill. If you don’t have 21+ skill you can gain it by foresting in tier 1 zones. After doing this return to Yoru.

– He will then send you to create some Sunfish Casserole. This requires you to do some crafting. After baking the casserole, you must bring it to Yoru the Old.

– The next step is to retrieve some ale for him. This is a timed step. You must run to a tavern in 15 minutes and grab the Ale by clicking the keg at (-725,-231). This is along the road, just before the two towers on the way to Qeynos. After that you get a new 15 minute timer to run back. The run only takes about 4 minutes if you know where your going, so don’t worry too much about it.

– Yoru will then ask you to sit and meditate with him. Shortly after this you will be jumped by some level 41 highwaymen. This step is a bit buggy. We’ve seen several instances where the highwaymen just would not spawn for a player. If this happens you need to have someone else spawn them and then you can kill them and get credit. Kill them and then speak to Yoru again.

– You must now visit Cythan in the Feerrott. He is on the right hand side near wall (0,+961). It is important that everyone in the group speak with him at the same time. After speaking with him a ring event starts, and you have 5 minutes to complete it. Spirit Monks will keep spawning one at a time, a total of nine of them. These are solo mobs that range from level 40 to level 42 in difficulty. After you kill one a tougher one will spawn. After several waves a Spirit Master will spawn. After killing him you can speak to Cythan to receive the next step.

– The next step is to kill several spirits in various zones. You must speak to an NPC first to spawn the spirit, and then kill the spirit. They are in the Enchanted Lands, Rivervale, Feerrott and Zek. The names and locations of these NPCs are listed below:

  • Feerrott: Tarnis (-1870,+749) Sartar the Unrivaled
  • Enchanted Lands: Lo’volonus (-99,-1127) Oodan the Tranquil
  • Rivervale: Burdop (-27,-212) Borbin the Prevailer
  • Zek: Zan Filis (-23,-368) Brother Raster

– After doing all of this you return to Cythan and speak to him, one person at a time. Cythan will then despawn and a couple minutes later he will return at Cythan the Last. He will attack you. You must kill him. When he dies the original Cythan will respawn, and will remain there for one hour before respawning.

– The person who just killed Cythan the last must first speak with this version of Cythan, and then click the rock behind him to complete the quest and receive their Flowing Black Silk Sash. The next person in line will then talk to Cythan which will respawn Cythan the last. Rinse and repeat until the entire group has received their sashes.

Receive Reward: Flowing Black Silk Sash
Receive Reward: 50,000 Status Points

An Eye for Power (Tobrin’s Mystical Eyepatch)

Level 45

– Starts from Master T’Lys in Everfrost (+80,+81).

– Master T’Lys asks you to acquire four pieces of his shattered wand. They are ground spawns, with semi-random spawn locations:

  • Red Shard: In the behemoth area
  • Blue Shard: In the cat/stag area
  • Green Shard: In the terrors area
  • White Shard: In the cougar area

– After completing this task and returning to Master T’Lys he will ask you to kill the leaders of the Frosthorn, Icegill and Numbfoot tribes in Everfrost.

– Head towards minotaurs and slay all the minotaurs at western campfire (-10,-430). It will trigger a group with executioners or Bloodrage. Bloodrage is who you need.

– Head towards the icegill goblins, on the islands past Permafrost. There is an island the north, 2 islands south of the raid mob (+511,-1400). Slay all the monsters and Webclaw will eventually spawn. Kill him.

– Head towards the cougar/stag area where the blue shard was and kill the Numbfoots around the tree. Eventually Chieftain Iceburn will spawn here. Kill him.

Now that you have all three pieces you must head to Miragul’s Menagerie. Zone in and kill everything in the dungeon.

Receive Reward: Tobrin’s Mystical Eyepatch
Receive Reward: 60,000 Status Points

By Hook or By… (Heirophant’s Crook)

Level 40

– Starts from Rukir Pineleaf in Rivervale (-806,-276).

The first step is to collect 100 horns from nightbloods in Rivervale. After doing this speak with Rukir Pineleaf again.

– The next step takes you to the Tower of the Drafling to find some Jum Jum Juice. The tap can be foud at (+353,+104). After obtaining the Jum Jum Juice you must return to Rukir.

– Rukir will then send you back to the Tower of the Drafling and find the Queen’s Chamber. The place you need to advance the quest is at (+477,-28). Once you find it the quest will update and you can return to Rukir in Rivervale.

– Asajj An’duuth and some assassins will then spawn. Kill them and then speak to Rukir again.

– Rukir then sends you to deliver some vegetables to Franny in Rivervale at the Fool’s Gold (-83,-25). You have a five minute time limit to reach her.

– These vegetables will make her sick and die, and you must then return to Rukir. It is important to note that she dies within seconds of talking to her, so the group has to time the turn in so that you all turn in your vegetables at the same time. If she dies and some players haven’t finished you will need to wait 10-25 minutes for her to respawn.

– After returning to Rukir you should once again time your hails. Everyone needs to finish his dialogue before he dies. Rukir will then turn hostile and must be killed to complete the quest. He is a level 46-48 ^^ mob.

Receive Reward: Heirophant’s Crook
Receive Reward: 57,500 Status Points

The Bone Bladed Claymoer (Bone Bladed Claymore)

Level 40

– Starts from examining the Glowing Sword in Stormhold (-150,-96).

– After closer examination of the blade you are faced with the task to kill Opalla who is located inside Blackburrow. You can find Opalla directly south of the bridge, in the farthest room. Opalla is Lvl 42 mob.

– After defeating Opalla, once again examine the sword and find out you must now slay Troll Warrior Redak who is a level 44 and located in the chapel in Stormhold. Easiest way to get to the chapel is to go down the spiral staircase, go down the hall to the atrium and enter the door to the left of you, Their will be a “pond” in front of you take the path to the right and follow it down until you are in the room with the cavaliers, go up the staircase and follow the hall that wraps around the room to a door that will be on your right. Inside Redak awaits.

– Once again examine the sword and find out that you must now re-forge the hilt and bone blade and make it one again. Now the bad news for some of you, In order to re-forge the blade you must have a ebon cluster which you will lose when you forge the sword. You can buy these or mine them in tier 5 zones. When you are ready head to Runnyeye and head down the path just past the bridge until you come across the first room with goblins past the archway there will be another room with more goblins, Once you enter the room to the left there will be a small outcove and inside will be a forge and a anvil sitting in front of the forge. Inspect the anvil to reforge the blade. Now the fun part!

Receive Reward: Inert Bone Bladed Claymore

– You will need to slay 1,000 sentient beings, no animal killing. This means any non-animal.

– Kill Gynok Moltar, the first wielder of the claymore. He is level 47 heroic mob, and is located where you first grabed the Claymore on top of the spiral staircase. Enter the room and he spawns. Slay Moltar and for the last time examine the sword.

– If you have completed the Berik’s Revenge (Sword of Thunder) quest in the past you will have a option to strike the claymore with Berik, Sword of Thunder. Doing this will create the Electrified Bone Bladed Claymore! If you have not completed than you will can only accept the Bone Bladed Claymore.

Receive Reward: Bone Bladed Claymore
Receive Reward: 58,500 Status Points