A Quiet Evening Gaming #EQ2

The little (not quite so little now) swashbuckler is coming along nicely. I had neglected her aa points (she only had 60 of them at level 81) leveling her up, with 18 hours played – but since picking the character back up I’ve switched her aa slider to a 50/50 method that seems to be working well. She’s now sitting at 155 or so, which is well above where I was at. I also managed to gain level 85 yesterday, and I’m inching my way towards 86 so that I can participate in public quests and earn a little gear. On that same note thanks to some helpful guild mates, I finished off the fabled portion of my epic.

My play time was spent going from dungeon to dungeon which I had missed leveling up – and it was a lot of fun. Unrest, Crypt of Valdoon, and instances in Cleft of Rujark all fell easily enough. Since I have 45 free days on my 2nd account I decided to activate it and boxed my 77 fury along for the ride, earning achievements in Sinking Sands and helping to level Ultann’s new illusionist. You may not like EQ2 very much, but in terms of “things to do” it still offers me more then any other game. Whether it’s adventuring, exploring, crafting, harvesting, housing, or something else of my own design (roleplay etc) there’s always a long list of items I want to work on. Next up? Probably those poor neglected Heritage Quests I’ve been putting off. Torrent Knights is about to hit guild level 55 and I’m very excited about that.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Why Be Rude? #EQ2

I’m tired of rude obnoxious people, next time you reply to someone who is trying to help you out – don’t do like this person did. My tell at the top was the first comment I made to the person after replying twice in channels what they were looking for (the rare for level 32 crafted gear).

The Story of Sharatan (RP) – #EQ2

Sharatan Reveur, a swashbuckler from Qeynos. She was the most common, ordinary woman you would have found wandering the streets of the illustrious city, and she knew it. She had no horrible background story to go with her heritage, she had no deep dark secrets buried in her closet (these days it seemed that everyone and their mount was a vampire), she didn’t have any outstanding warrants to her name (that she knew of, at least). She was quiet, kept to herself, and preferred it that way for the most part. Sure there was the odd time where she had peered into the Lion’s Mane Inn and wished that it were her at those tables bustling full of activity, but she knew deep down that after an hour or two of the attention she would grow bored. She spent long hours at the Raven Mythic, an inn that many from Norrath frequented. She sat alone in the center of the room and listened to the going-ons of everyone else around her while none paid her any attention and she was content with that. Content to listen and to learn.

Her parents were wealthy merchants who earned their living in North Qeynos, happily married for over forty years the couple still made people sick with their adoration of each other. Sharatan had no brothers or sisters to speak of, her parents had been satisfied with their one child. Secretly her father had hopped that Sharatan would want to get into the family business, but when she showed absolutely no interest in numbers (or selling things, or interacting with the public) he had accepted  her own decision to visit the local scout guild and move from there.

This early morning she was outside in Elddar Grove, training at the monk dojo. She often spent long hours here moving silently with her daggers strapped to her hips. She moved quietly through her training stances, trying to obtain the sense of flow and smoothness that she saw other swashbucklers move with. She bounced deftly from the balls of her feet up onto her toes, her arms brandished above her head in an imposing move. A grind stretched from ear to ear, after all how could she not smile when she was doing something she loved so much. The only activity she saw this early morning was Slipps, a ratonga, moving from store to store handing out pamphlets about the upcoming Festival of Unity. This would be Sharatan’s first time at the festival, and she was more then a little excited about it. In fact it was all she could think about (besides her training of course) for the past few weeks. She was sure she would meet some interesting people there, and have a fantastic time. After all, what could go wrong?

(( Every so often I like to post a roleplay story about my characters, I do play on Antonia Bayle after all! Sharatan is my 83 swashbuckler who I have been working on as of late. I’m always looking to mentor and do smaller things in game, so if you’re looking for some dps, please don’t hesitate to send me a tell! I am really enjoying playing something that is not support or a healer, it’s very different then my usual branch of character, and coming up with a background story for Sharatan is just a pleasure. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself! ))


The End of My EVEOnline Blog Posts? #EVEOnline

There’s an interesting Devblog post up on EVE that states that CCP is going to charge people $99 a year for the use of applications or services which uses the EVE online Intellectual Property (such as the screen shot I have above) – if you’re making money (or attempting to make money) from where those intellectual property things are. Let me explain better – see that donate icon I have on the right hand side of my site? Yep. That counts. Even though I have never ever gotten a donation from having it there. Notice how I also have google ads on nomadicgamer.com because they are there by default with wordpress? That counts. Even though I don’t see a lick of anything that gets made from google ads.

Needless to say I have a few thoughts about this. Number one, if EVE thinks they can do a better job at promoting their game then the small bloggers and MMO sites out there – then kudos to them. I think they’ve forgotten that a lot of these people who are running ads on sites are their fan base, and word of mouth is a powerful thing. I can understand why they may be thinking this is the best plan of action with things like iOS and android apps that are hitting the market requiring payments – but EVE has allowed players to access their character information without cost from 3rd party apps (EVEmon?) for years now, and if those 3rd party apps are accepting donations I don’t see what the big deal is – and I certainly don’t feel that they should be charged $99 a year to keep those apps running to the public. Here is the part of the post that irked me the most:

  • Will corporation and alliance websites require a commercial license?
  • No, private websites do not need a license. However, if you have an external facing part of the website that uses the EVE IP you will require a non-commercial or a commercial license, depending on your use.
  • Will services for in-game currency require a commercial license?
  • Yes, if you require any sort of payment for your services you will need a commercial license.
  • Will website ads require a commercial license?
  • Yes, for ad-supported websites you will require a commercial license.
  • Will donations require a commercial license?
  • Yes, for donation supported websites you will require a commercial license.
  • Will I be able to charge real life currency for in game services?
  • No, the commercial license does not allow you to charge real life money for any in-game services.

I certainly will NOT be paying $99 a year to make blog posts about the game and include a screen shot here and there simple because I have a donation button. I’m going to retaliate (small time blogger that I am) by not writing about their game at all when this goes live, and they can deal with that instead. I realize I could simply remove any intellectual property of theirs I may have, but as one of the little guys, I have very few options presented to me on ways I can ‘fight back’ when I don’t agree with their decisions.

** Lets say that even though screen shots are considered intellectual property, I am not personally affected – but – you know who is? EVEMon, who I use daily, Battleclinic, who I also use daily, and numerous other 3rd party apps who accept donations of ISK or cash. This is going to hurt ALL of them. If you have an OPTIONAL donation addition to your project, and you use the API or any other intellectual property, you will be affected. There are 28 (at this moment) pages of comments from developers and fans alike, who are trying to speak out against this. **

What are your thoughts about this new ‘service’ being implemented? Be sure to check out the dev blog write up for all the details. They HAVE mentioned that due to comments they will certainly reconsider some things if required, so be sure to make your voice heard.


5th Annual Festival of Unity Starts Sunday! #EQ2

It’s almost that time again, time for the largest eq2 player run festival! The Festival of Unity has been around for a number of years now (5!), and this year it’s bigger then ever. I’ve gone to every single one, and even if you’re not a large roleplay gamer I HIGHLY suggest you check it out. Here are some of my older posts about the festivals on Antonia Bayle – I’m including posts from the counter-part, the festival of discord as well.

Each year the festivals grow in size, and this year there are 15 different guilds involved. You can check out the Festival on facebook, and you can also check out a map of the events as well as the time over on their guild portal page. The opening ceremonies begin June 19th (this Sunday) at 2pm EST and will end at 10pm EST. They’ve also included a very thorough FAQ about the festival, so if you have questions be sure to check out their forums.

Some events previously have included Feyiron Chef (one of my favorites) as well as races, matches of strength, and of course the grounds are filled with vendors selling their wears and entertaining the crowds. So many people show up to this that you may have to adjust your settings or risk crashing. I will be wandering the event in one guise or another (I haven’t decided which character I’ll be bringing yet) so if you want to say hello feel free! It’s worth creating a character on Antonia Bayle just for this event.