Yeah, I Still Play That “Other” Game Too #WorldofWarcraft #WurmOnline

When I tell people in other games that I still play (and enjoy) World of Warcraft, they seem to look at me in a different light, a negative one, at that. Suddenly I’ve lost some online points with them. Trying to explain why I continue to play has been my new challenge, and the one point I keep coming back to is that sometimes, I like not having to think.

While my heart is forever drawn to those complex sandbox games like EVE and Wurm Online, there are days when I don’t want to have to do anything that requires any thought process what so ever. Where I want simple fun and the quicker I can get it, the better. WoW fills this desire perfectly. I can queue for a raid or a dungeon and be happily killing mobs in no-time. I can quietly harvest, craft, or work on achievements. If I’m in the mood for pvp it’s even simpler, and it’s a lot of fun (personal opinion of course).

I think it’s important to play different games, especially if you work in the gaming industry. You don’t want to become so involved that you shut your mind down to other methods of gameplay. You also don’t want to play your game of choice so much that you become bored with it – having other options eases this slightly.

So even though I work mainly with Wurm Online, and yes, it is by far my ‘game of choice’ and has been for quite some time now (as is evident on this blog) I do continue to play other games, and will probably continue to do so as long as I game at all. Because I’m not looking to get heavily vested in another game I tend to swerve away from the more time invested ones that everyone else is talking about these days, but I’m sure I’ll pop in eventually.

Video games are supposed to be fun. As soon as they’re not, it’s time to stop playing them. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

One of Those Weeks #WurmOnline

When it rains, it pours, and wow does it ever rain here these days. So for those who have not heard, Wurm Online was hit with a virus this week, and as a result we’re moving our forums / web page / wiki. The game is safe to play, so that’s a bonus at least. There is a temporary blog set up at Tumblr for more information, as well as updates on the wurm web page. You can also join us in IRC on the #wurm channel, irc.rizon.net port 6667.

The sad thing is the wiki is almost essential to play Wurm Online, and without it things are going to be difficult. Hopefully everything is back up and running before too long, and I’m also hoping that players bond together during the rough patches and help one another out.

It’s been a long week.

On a completely unrelated note, Sunday is Mothers Day here in Canada (and a few other places) so make sure to let yours know how important she is to you!

Adventures In Chaos #WurmOnline

Some how, when you cross over to a new server, it just doesn’t ‘feel’ like home any more. That was the case when I crossed over into Chaos, at least (formally known as Wild). Chaos is a pvp server, but there are some restrictions on it, it’s not like the Epic servers. The first thing I noticed was that there are a LOT more creatures on Chaos. A lot fewer players. MASSIVE hills. Deliverance is relatively ‘flat’ when compared to some of the older servers. There’s a few ‘hills’ but I can climb every one of them without needing any wine to replenish my stamina. There are mountains on both Independence and Chaos that I doubt very much I’d be able to climb so easily.

I love exploring these ‘new’ places. There’s so much to see. I was ambushed by slow spiders which I have never seen before, they are PURPLE! Or at least a shade of blue. There were trolls EVERYWHERE, I mean I’ve never seen so many trolls before! Bears, goblins, unicorns, dogs, deer, I even managed to grab a wild horse that was floating on an island, and lead it behind my boat.

While the population is a tad low compared to other servers there are plenty of old deeds to explore and of course since it’s a pvp server you have to be careful. The whole reason I’m over there aside from visiting and exploring was to enchant a few mailboxes. So far my casts have hovered in the 70-73 range, but I know I can do better if Fo would just smile on me for a minute or two. Multiple casts later and I haven’t gotten a better cast, we’ll see how it goes today.

There have been a lot of other adventures in Wurm Online these days, too. Did you know reeds are in game? Have you tried cutting grass yet? I have a penned up wild boar over at Darkpaw that I’m eager to go visit, I can’t charm or tame the creature at all but since it’s one of Fo’s creatures that only spawn in his domain I thought it would be neat to try to keep one as a pet.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

70 Faith on the Vynora & Fo priests! #WurmOnline

Ah, sermons. Now that they’re not religion specific, it’s very easy for players to gain faith. My goal was to reach 70 on both the vynora and fo priests I have and thanks to Moumix, Arkenor, Yetian, and Hord, I was able to reach that this weekend. While 70 is not that important for the vynora (no new spells, but I did get a new title) for the fo priest, it’s exciting times.

It means that I can now cast genesis on my animals, and remove bad traits. This is incredibly valuable to me since I’ve got a handful of midnight coloured horses that have misshapen legs and could do with a cure so that this trait is stopped once and for all with future breeding.

The spell has a 30 minute timer, so I’m not instantly curing animals all over the place, but given enough time I’ll have taken care of the 30 horses or so that I have. Of course not ALL of those have negative traits, only a small handful, but I’m still really excited. It also means that I can link up with Moumix and his fo priest in order to cast Life Transfer, one of the really nice weapon enchants that will take life from your enemies while you attack and heal you. I absolutely love this spell, whether or not I can cast it successfully however, is another story.

Now it’s time to take a break from the sermons and get back to working on my skills. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Progress! #WurmOnline

Compare the screen shot above with the one from yesterday and you can pretty much guess what I’ve been up to. I converted three of the 2×2 animal pens into houses for alts and storage, leaving pens between each house for animals (and double doors for carts to have easy access).

I really like the over all look of the dock area with these new changes, it makes things look a little more ‘lived in’ and since the deed only had two houses to begin with it gives me a bit more room. The center storage area I’m planning to use for ‘liquids’. I know, that sounds pretty odd, but I don’t actually have a place to store barrels where I won’t just trip over them. I’d like a location where I can store olive oil, maple syrup, milk, juice, and lye. For now the barrels line a wall in the main crafting building, but it doesn’t really fit the area.

Thanks to those changes in sermons, my Vynora priest managed to reach 70 faith yesterday. The Fo priest is almost at 69, which means before too long I’ll be able to attempt some genesis casts and remove bad traits from animals. I’m incredibly excited about this (which is why I keep talking about it). I do still want to take a trip to Chaos but it seems like there’s always ‘something’ to be done on my deeds. Isn’t that always the case?

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!