The Alchemist In Me #WurmOnline

There’s one more incredibly handy skill that Fo priests are allowed to do that other priests are not able to perform. This is the alchemy skill. I’m not quite sure why it’s removed from other priests, but I’m very thankful that Fo priests can still make healing covers and dye.  Lately I’ve been working on this skill in the hopes that I can make my dye stronger colours. Not that there’s anything wrong with the colours I’ve been making, but brighter is always nice.

To make healing covers you combine 2 bits of animal parts together along with some grass, leaves, and moss. The only bits you need to physically have are the two animal parts (handy chart on the wiki on what you can use). So while I write this blog post, my character in game is busy combining deer glands with black wolf paws. Delicious n’est pas? In the screen shot above, the list on the far left hand side is a barrel I have currently holding all of my alchemy supplies. The tab beside that contains kindling, then water, then the contents of my oven (I had a meal and some meat cooking) and then finally my inventory. I’m trying to use up supplies that are decaying first. I’ve made 35 healing covers so far, which is not a large amount. I still have a huge amount of supplies to work through.

I find these tasks incredibly relaxing. I can queue 3 actions at once, work on the 2nd monitor and easily go back to the game when it’s time to queue three more actions. I’m in the safety of my house so I’m not worried about being ambushed by creatures, and I’ve got food and drink with me in case they run low while I’m crafting. The only thing that stops me at this point in time, is when I run out of supplies (which is bound to happen sooner or later).

I’ve managed to reach 25 in my animal husbandry skill, this allows me to see one more trait on the list of traits. None of my horses (or cattle, or deer) have the trait that is related to this skill level, but it’s nice to know that if they did have it, I’d be able to see it. Did you know you can use 0.01 of a horse eye combined with a black wolf paw to make a healing cover? Turns out that’s what I just made.


As Arkenor and I are always saying in game, waste not, want not. There’s nothing that goes to waste in this game, it can all be used for something, even if it’s just a sacrifice to my deity for favor. I enjoy that aspect of Wurm, and I’m pleased that I’m now into my second month of playing with no sign of me wanting to stop any time soon – although I will admit, EVE has been calling my name pretty hard lately. I got an email about a 3 month deal for $30, and I may just take advantage of it. Maybe.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Loving The 3DS #SuperMario #3DS #Nintendo

I’ve wanted a 3DS for quite some time, and my other half finally gave in and bought one for me about two weeks ago. I’ve had a LOT of fun playing with it daily, and it feels really nice to have a hand held that’s “just for me” as it were. I’m picky about my games – and nintendo offers a nice collection of games that I’ll actually play. There is also an XBox and a PS3 here, but the last game I played on the XBox was Fable 3, and I don’t remember the last time I used the PS3 for more than just Netflix. I used to play Mario games with my Mom growing up, while my Dad was doing his late night radio show. I have fond memories of eating ribs together and getting my younger brothers to beat the harder levels for us. Of course one of my first purchases for the 3DS would have to be a mario game. Actually it was more like my 3rd purchase, but I’ll talk about the other ones in a bit.

I am absolutely loving this game. It was a bit hard for me to get used to the 3D option when I first started playing, but as long as I’m not playing hours at a time (and these days I never am) it doesn’t seem to bother me too much. I can’t get over how amazing things look with the 3D option turned on, it really IS 3D! It makes my mind boggle, to put it bluntly. Looking at the screen without needing any glasses at all is wonderful. I’ve only beat the first world so far, but I just got the game a few days ago, so that’s not bad.

I don’t have a very large collection of games yet, my other two favorites are Super Scribblenauts (and this is for the DS not the 3DS), and Harvest Moon. The 3DS was a bundle that also came with the newest Zelda game, but I haven’t played it yet so I don’t really have any idea about how it is. I’ve never played any Zelda games, actually. My other half has though and seems to enjoy it quite a bit.

Aside from the fun I’m having with games, I really like the camera and camera options. I took the 3DS with me to a hockey game, and red turns out VERY well in 3D, it just so happens that hockey jerseys for my home team come in red, and so now I have a bunch of 3D images of that game saved to the SD card that came with the device. I have also been having an incredible time playing with the “AR Cards” that comes with the 3DS. These cards are just amazing. You place a flat piece of card board on a table with a question mark image on it and using the 3DS suddenly that question mark comes to ‘life’ and all of these amazing 3D images happen based around it. Suddenly you’re not looking through a screen at a camera but you’re fighting a dragon that’s popped up out of your coffee table. Maybe it’s just that simple things amuse me, but I could stare at these illusions for hours and never tire of them. I have five cards right now, and I’m wondering if there’s any way to obtain more.

I’ve also played with Netflix a bit, but the load time and screen reaction is quite slow, so I’d rather just watch it on the Ipad 2 or my PC. Once I got the show I wanted to watch playing it was nice and smooth, but I just felt that the interface was a bit lacking.

Over all? I’m incredibly pleased with the purchase. I love wandering around with the device in my purse, hoping to come across other “mii” who have streetpass on. I’ve only found a few so far, but I don’t venture very far from home so that is probably why. I’m thinking of picking up a pokemon game, I’ve always been interested and have played the card game a few times but never any of the video games. I was thinking of the black or white pokemon games that are out there. Anyone have a suggestion?

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

The Bounty Hunt and Useful Sites #VGD #Vanguard

Looking for things to do in Vanguard never seems to be a problem for me. Remembering what I was doing, and what all the pieces in my inventory were for, now that is a problem. Hampooj and I decided to continue working on the bounty hunter chain of quests in Qalia, hoping for some gear upgrades. The quests are not too difficult in a duo at our level (35) but if you’re doing them solo you may want to be a level or two higher. As it was the later quests were all red, with mobs around level 37-38. We did end up finishing a large portion of the quest chain, and walked away with some nice necklaces as well as a new pair of pants. Next we’ll be going back to get the chest piece.

I mentioned before that information on Vanguard is pretty slim, but that’s not to say there’s none out there. I’ve decided to share some of my most-used favorite Vanguard sites, in the hopes that other readers out there who are giving the game a try will also find them useful. If you know of  a site that I don’t have listed, please let me know and I’ll add it!

  • VGWalkthroughs – a handy site with a few detailed guides on what to do from levels 1-50. It’s missing the newer additions to the game (50-55, flying mount quests, etc) but it’s still great when you’re trying to come up with ideas on where to go.
  • Telonica – A newer wiki that’s attempting to fill in the blanks for people. It still needs a LOT of work, but they’ve got a good start.
  • VGTact – This has been moved, but you can still access this diplomacy wiki and it’s one of the best ones out there.
  • Mount Guide – Created by Warriormonk this doesn’t detail EVERYTHING in game at the moment, but it’s a great start. They have information about all of the vendor sold mounts, a few of the quested. At the bottom of the article you’ll see links to other Vanguard guides, including fishing, griffon quest (incomplete), a leveling guide (incomplete), etc.
  • Soresha.net – A long time supplier of map mods for VG, this site is essential to anyone who has issues with the in-game maps (and that’s pretty much all of us). They’re easy to install, and work wonderfully. I highly recommend players download InfoMap.
  • Gestalt guide – TenTonHammer has a write up about where Psionicists can find their Gestalts. I’ve no idea if it’s up to date or completed, but again it’s better than nothing.
  • Racial Mount Guide – Kayoss.net still has the best racial mount guide, thankfully. Complete with pictures.
  • VGInterface – for your interface needs. Not updated often, but they still work and it’s great to have. I personally use CoreUI.
  • VGNecro – A forum for necromancers with some guides. Hasn’t been updated since August 2011, but there’s still useful information on this site.
  • Leveling Guide – The Vanguard Vault still has a handy leveling guide, even though it doesn’t have any new information on it (50+).
  • VG Crafter’s Resource – Final Resolve has kindly made this portion of their forums public for users, there’s a lot of handy craft information that was lost when the main craft site was taken down.
  • VGCrafters – A newer site that has taken up the collecting of craft information. They have walk throughs for the Artisan’s Saga, which are incredibly handy.
  • Swamp Armor Guide – Another great guide at TenTonHammer, at 45 this armor is available, and you can start faction for it around 42 or so. It can take you up to level 50 as you work on each piece.

If you know of any other active Vanguard sites be sure to let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.


Life As a Priest of Fo #WurmOnline

Life as a priest is not quite as bad as I had imagined it. I pictured long hours staring out windows, doing nothing but raising my channeling skills. Unable to perform ‘useful’ tasks, much too delicate for manual labor. There are downsides to the direction I’ve chosen, but I’m managing. I think were it not for the fact that I have an alt who is also premium, things would be much harder than they are.

See, priests can’t continue crafting structures, and that includes things like guard towers, houses, fences, and smaller items like bulk storage bins, beds, or anything else that has a ‘continue’ portion to the crafting process. Just because I can’t continue an item, doesn’t mean the character is useless. I can begin an item just fine and I can continue to craft bits and pieces for items. My process now is to have Arysh (my ‘main’ and the Fo priest) begin an item, and continue to craft the required pieces. Stargrace (my ‘alt’) then picks up those pieces and continues on the project until it’s a completed piece. This is actually working out quite well, because Arysh has better skills than Stargrace, so her creation process has less failures. An example would be these bulk storage bins I’m crafting tonight. I need at least two of them, Arysh crafts the ribbon, nails, and planks, while Stargrace is busy hammering it all together.

Why do I need more storage bins when they can each hold an absurd amount? Well, it’s all to do with quality level. When you put items into a storage bin it takes the average of the items and combines them all. It also takes any partial bits and pieces and expands / subtracts them into the ‘universal’ size for that item. When you’re working in higher quality items, you don’t want them combined with 1QL items, thus lowering your supplies.

I’ve got four bins so far. One is for QL 1-9, then 10-19, 20-29, and 30-39. My skills are not quite near the point where I’m working on anything higher at the moment, so that should do for a while. As I work on my mining I’ll want to make sure my ore is kept ‘pure’ especially if I want to improve items with lumps.

When Arysh isn’t busy making bits and pieces she’s taking care of the ‘general’ deed chores. These are things she can easily do, even as a priest. She grooms the animals by hand, even though I do have a spell that can take care of that particular chore. I do it by hand in order to work up my Animal Husbandry skill, I’m eager to discover new traits among my horses. I do the gardening in the pens, animals pack down the grass, and you need to fix it up for them.

I work on gardening, picking sprouts, cooking meals, I can’t repair houses or fences, but I can repair my own tools. I make sure everything is ‘ready to go’. I’ve also been working on my jewelry crafting skill. I can’t mine with Arysh, but I can mine with Stargrace and then Arysh can process the ore into lumps and create things from there. She can’t improve the items (also known in game as imp) but so far I haven’t really had a need to, either. You can imp items up to 10 points past your current skill level.

Over all, things are going well. I AM working on the spell casting portion of becoming a priest, and I’m looking forward to raising my favor / faith high enough to cast charm. That will be fun. In two months I’ll be able to cast enchanted grass, and my animals will require a lot less care.

As always, happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!


My Deed in Pictures #WurmOnline

This is Squid’s house (aka Petter). He hasn’t played in quite some time but I still keep the house there for him especially since Arkenor and I spent a good 8 hours building it when I first started the game. I need to finish the floors for it still, and for now it’s being used as a storage area. Can never have too much storage in game.

This is my dock house, there’s a really nice willow growing on the left hand side in the yard, and I’m thinking of changing that concrete slab path into planked wood. It will take a while, but the effect would be much nicer I think. At night the area is lit up with the imperial lanterns that Arkenor found on his travels one day. It gives a really nice glow.

The dock area, lined with lights. My corbita that I adore (especially if there’s a gale) and the dock house at the end. There’s a line of birch followed by a line of maple on the right hand side, creating a nice boarder between the dock and the rest of my deed.

On the right hand side leading along down the hill is my farm area. It’s a row of field followed by a row of fruit trees, followed by another row of field, for four rows. I have wemp, cotton, veggies, and grains, in their own rows. The fruit trees are lemon, cherry, and apple.

The mostly finished portion to yesterdays screen shot. You can see where I now have two pens, one has horses and the other has cattle and deer. I’ve planted a few maple trees along side the path that leads to my house, and I’m still deciding what I want to plant along the slim boarder on the right hand side of the pen. That’s actually a giant slope that leads down into Squid’s house, so I can’t do too much with it. I’m thinking of planting trees there to buffer the pen some what.

Once the deed is quite to my liking, I can work on other things. Crafting items for my characters to use, fishing, butchering animals and cooking. Exploring and coming home with armloads of sprouts. Filling out the forest both to my north and south. There’s always lots to be done which is the entire point of Wurm. If there was nothing to do, no one would play.

As always happy gaming no matter where you find yourself!