

While end game players are exploring around the final installment in the Heart of Fear, I’ve been doing some crafting. Of course don’t let that fool you, if I were geared up enough I’d want to be in the heart of fear too. Although I did manage to play a bit with my regular group, this week has been quite busy all around.

So in the meantime I’ve been working on my prayer shawl 2.0. It’s an incredibly lengthy quest that takes you through each of the Underfoot zones. There’s killing involved along with the crafting which is well beyond what the current cap is so you should be prepared for a few failures – although I haven’t failed any of my combines yet, I DID accidentally eat one of the food turn ins I needed to make. Whewps.

In other news I’ve decided to try to apply to a raid guild on Drinal. A part of me is very nervous about this and another part is telling me that if I don’t try now, I’ll never get the chance again because who knows what will happen when EverQuestNext releases. There’s one guild in particular that a small handful of my friends have joined, so I’m going to make the attempt. We’ll see how it goes. I’ve never actually raided anything current tier in EverQuest before, so there’s (as always) a good chance they won’t want to take me along. I like to think I’m a relatively quick learner, so we’ll just have to see.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

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