EA Games, I Just Don’t Like You #SimCity



I love sim city. I’ve played pretty much every version of the game since it started – but I have a problem with EA and their latest sales pitch. See, I’m a firm believer that the game should come with THE GAME. All aspects of it. If I’m going to shell out $60 for a video game I want it to include the whole game and not have to micro transaction my way to unlocking the rest of the game. So.  For $60 you get the game. It’s apparently a limited edition and comes with a heroes and villains set.

Then there’s the ‘deluxe’ digital edition. That one comes with Heroes and villains, a French city, German city, and a British city.

That’s a lot of money to spend. I mean that’s almost $100 CAN (and they tax at Origin, too) for a single video game. Digital.

Yes, I pre-ordered the game. No, I didn’t get the deluxe. I simply can’t afford to spend that much money on three extra city sets. If I could afford it I’m sure I’d be all over it. Either way, I’m sad that in order to get this content we’ve got to shell out more money for an already expensive game. The details of what each city has as far as bonuses include things like special buildings to draw in more tourists and items that will make your citizens happier with you as mayor.

I played the beta and enjoyed the game enough to go ahead and make the pre-purchase, I just wish that it actually came with all of the content.

Adventures Through Telon #VGD #Vanguardsoh

ScreenShot_00364Level 40. My shaman switched from bird to bear, and it’s been going pretty well. I’m thinking once my partner in crime (Hampooj, level 40 death knight) reaches level 45 I may switch back over to my blood mage. The shaman is a fun class but it’s not really my *favorite* class, they have a combination of spell and melee and you can choose to buff particular aspects. They seem more of a ‘jack of all trades’ healer. My blood mage on the other hand is a pure spell caster (cloth wearing to boot) and also my highest level crafter. Thus I have a bit more attachment to her.

I started out adventuring in Qalia but the sand there is just so bright, it hurts my eyes. So we moved back to Thestra and off to the northern part of the map to deal with skeletons and undead. While I was struggling to find quests to complete from 35-39, 40 seems to be one of those magical levels where a lot of content opens up. It should (hopefully) bring me fairly close to 50 – although like I mentioned above by then I may switch back over to my blood mage. Then there’s also my disciple who has been sitting at 50 for quite some time now (I haven’t leveled anyone to the cap of 55).

I noticed the store has gotten a few more items in it as of late, but I’ve been pretty good about not spending all of my station cash. I’ve saved up quite a bit from the last triple station cash day, although I did purchase a mount for my level 50 character – I noticed there’s also one for level 40. I’m debating picking that up for my shaman, it’s just not really a colour that I enjoy and if I’m going to spend station cash on something I want to make sure it’s something I’ll use. The mount in question is a giant flying dragon / lizard type creature, and a shade of green that I don’t particularly care for. Still, flying around Telon is an amazing action all in its own. I really enjoy being able to explore out of reach areas that way.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Singing, Snow, and.. Dog Pee. #TS3 #TheSims3

Screenshot-32Today another ‘stuff’ pack came out for The Sims 3, this time representing the 70-80-90’s.  I normally stay away from those mini expansions, they rarely offer me anything I actually want unless they are discounted heavily.

My sims family has been doing well. The twin girls are still away at school, the dogs are barking at everything under the sun (and moon) and peeing all over the floor. I’ve been trying to reinforce NOT doing that (you can scold them) but so far neither dog seems to want to give up the “piggy” trait.

It’s winter time now, which means a lot of snowball fights, snowmen, and playing in the snow. I haven’t ventured down to the festival yet, but I will. I also haven’t used the cheat to get more money for my family, although I’d really like to because their house is quite tiny.  As soon as I sent the girls away to school I converted their bedroom into an office. If they come home any time soon they’ll have to sleep on the couch, or in the shower or something.

I also noticed that if my sim uses the computer there’s an “online dating” section. I haven’t tried it yet, but you can add your profile, read other peoples profiles, and edit your profile. Each time I play the game I seem to stumble into something that I didn’t realize was there.

A bunch of my friends had started to play, and I was looking forward to reading a bunch of sims 3 stories, but so far there have been relatively few (yes, this is a nudge, get writing). My sim ended up casting a fire spell on a paparazzi who was hanging around outside the house, and they turned into a giant ball of flame and then a blackened ball of  ash. It was amusing to say the least. It’s always an exciting time in the household because the female character is a witch, and the male is a werewolf. The twin girls are also supernaturals. Each time a full moon comes around the male sim starts howling and turns into a bristling creature. The dogs of the house (Otis and Taylor) both freak out, probably wondering what that weird smell is.

Still, when I’m feeling anti social and don’t relish the idea of playing an MMO, The Sims 3 is my go-to game. It’s hilarious, comfortable, and barely takes any attention since I can just put everyone on high choice and let them do their thing.

What’s one of your favorite aspects of The Sims 3? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Ding 95 (And Jenni’s Stained Pants) #EQ2

EQ2_000114I finally managed to reach level 95 on my main, Stargrace (defiler) last night. I was cruising along doing quests, and ended up completing the Chains of Eternity line with about 75% still needed. The rest of the level was spent in Palace of the Awakened, one of my favorite places.

I final quest was a bit of a let down. I did get an incredible cloak from completing the series, but I was expecting a bit more when I went to meet Drinal. I did have a lot of fun finding a suitable mate for Jenni’s bug, skitters, above shows the map with all of the potentials – however. The quest right before the cute mate one happened to be called “Jenni’s Stained Pants” – and that threw me for a loop. I couldn’t get over the fact that I was working on an EQ2 quest actually called that. Now, as you’re doing the quest you find out it’s because of Jenni’s bug, but to see that as an actual quest title was a bit disturbing. It could have been named anything else and not left such a sour taste in my mouth.

What’s next now that I’ve reached 95? I’d like to attempt a few dungeons, but I’ll have to do a bit of research and find out which ones are within my range. I’d also like to work an enchanter to 95, and perhaps a handful of other alts. My shadowknight may be useful. The enchanter is still only level 90 at the moment though, so there’s work to be done on that alt at least.

I really love the new guild depot boxes. I purchased the L&L one as well as the shiny one for my small guild (two people in it, we’re inching towards level 65) and gladly cleaned my bank and inventory out from all these items. It was also really nice to be able to click ‘deposit all’ and not have to sort through the bags myself.

Next I’ll have to place the 40 or so house items I got from working through the Chains of Eternity quest lines. I still wish I had of gotten a bit more gear as rewards instead.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Trying to Tell a Story Through Quests #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000112I’m about 50% into level 94 now, and I’m having a bit of an issue trying to “get into” the quest chains I’m doing in Chains of Eternity. The zones look absolutely incredible, but almost every single quest is exactly like the quest before – what I mean is this.

Person A explains their situation and sends you out to collect 10 flower petals. You happily do so and cure them of whatever ailment they had. Then you speak to person B who needs 10 flower stems. So you head back out to those same flowers and help them out. Person B sends you to C who needs – you guessed it, flower leaves. You’re back out at the same flowers you’ve already been to twice before.

It feels like I’m doing almost the exact same quest for each person with just a slight difference in their story. Now, I’m determined to complete the Chains of Eternity story line at least once, but I’m having a really hard time ‘getting into it’.

When I completed the story line for EQ1 and their whole ether realm I felt quite pulled into the lore. It was exciting – and new. I just can’t say the same for EQ2. I feel that EQ2 has lost the art of story telling. Now, I don’t blame the developers for this either because lets face it, most of us are never going to read the stories we’re presented with. We’re just going to eagerly click through every conversation and ignore and tidbits of lore.

On the plus side I am having a fun time “running into” old dead EQ2 characters, like Jenni from Everling Castle and as I already mentioned, this is probably the ‘prettiest’ expansion I’ve ever seen them put out. Really, kudos to the art team on this expansion, it’s just amazing.

I just wish I felt more ‘compelled’ to help out Vie or whomever, as it is I get a sense of “oh great you want me to go right back to where I JUST was, and collect what now?” each time I finish a quest.

Anyone else get this feeling? Or is it just me?

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!