
Addon Spotlight: CraftSim [recipe scan]

A lot of people might already be using the addon CraftSim for Dragonflight crafting because it has some awesome features that we all love when it comes to inspiration and crafting different ranks – but one of their newest features is the one I am most in love with.

You can now scan your recipes (learned or unlearned) and using TSM or auctionator price sources (I personally scan the AH with auctionator, then use those as they’re more reliable for my on the spot crafting) you can figure out which recipes you can craft for the most profit – and then you can queue those with the CraftSim Craft Queue, AND you can create an auctionator shopping list directly from that queue, and go purchase all of the items you want. Magical. I love it.

There ARE some things to be aware of! Number one, unlike TSM it does not tell you if it is perhaps cheaper to craft (instead of purchase) the subcomponent or even to go purchase items from vendors. That includes thread and other vendor sold items. Not really a huge deal, but something to be aware of.

Number two, if you want it to take sales rate into account, you MUST have TSM loaded. You can change the restock amount, the profit threshold, and the sale rate threshold.

At the time of this post, there are some small issues – number one, LUA errors when you open your professions. Number two, it seems like engineering in specific has some errors when you attempt to scan Shadowlands or BFA. The addon developer is VERY active and responsive! There’s a discord and a github where you can post issues.

You might recall I’ve been having some major issues using TSM to restock this season, it tends to lag completely out, even when crafting smaller batches, and I’ve just been very frustrated. There is some minimal lag with CraftSim that I’ve found but it’s MUCH more manageable, and honestly, I am just loving it so much for all of my crafting needs. You can grab this addon over on Curseforge, spend some time getting to know it. I find it’s pretty intuitive and simple to set up, and it is absolutely a crafting powerhouse for anyone who enjoys professions and making gold.

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau (71-80)

A bit better results this time around! I know I’m late posting this, but life(tm) got in the way. So where are we at with our 100 runs of Sunwell Plateau (killing only trash). This is now 4h of ‘work’ on my 61 speed run druid.

  • Total approx gold earned (runs 1-80): 1,134,000g
  • Actual amount of gold earned from sales to date: 197,623g
  • Actual amount of GPH: 49,405g
  • Value of items still listed on the AH: 17,046g

A few things to note (as always). Number one, if the value was below 200g I vendored it. In the past I didn’t do that, I just put it all up on the AH, but I know the AH fees would get to me over time, so to the vendor it went. Number two, wow, we’re running out of items to sell! I’ve only got 11 items of ‘worth’ left, for 17k. Hopefully I still have enough to interest a few buyers. All of my schematics sold, and I just have a few blue weapons left. I’m playing / selling on a high population server, so things tend to get undercut quickly (but there’s also more buyers, when they happen).

There’s only two more sessions to go and then it will be time to try out a new dungeon. I’m just shy of being able to purchase a token, but for less than 5h of game play, I don’t think that’s too bad. Of course if you REALLY don’t like running dungeons, then don’t bother attempting this. One of the most important points (to me, at least) is that making gold should be an activity that you ENJOY. You’ll be more likely to stick with it – an exception of course is if you’re trying out different methods for content creation purposes or you’re just trying to find what works for you.

Deep Dive: Why Having Multiple Accounts is Ideal (for making gold)

I know it’s difficult to think about paying for two accounts each month when you might not even be making enough gold for one – but there are some pretty big benefits when it comes to making gold – even if you don’t plan on multiboxing. ** note ** This does NOT mean you NEED two accounts to make gold! It’s just a simple list explaining why one might want more than one. Here’s a few perks that come from having more than one account.

  1. Monitoring the auction house while you do things on your main account. If you create a second account on your main bnet (you can have 8 across each bnet) you share all achievements, appearance gear, mounts, pets, and more. You can create a level 10 allied race character, and park them at the AH to run PBS while you do battlegrounds / raid / whatever.
  2. Hanging out in Valdrakken doing work orders while not having to hang around in Valdrakken waiting for work orders. In Dragonflight there is a LOT of gold to be made with the crafting system, but being tethered to the craft table is a whole lot of NOT FUN. Plus you want to be able to see trade chat. Maybe.
  3. Posting on two accounts at once. Adding a second account can be a HUGE time saver. Split your items up (either across servers or just across characters) and you can post twice as fast if you’re using TSM. You can use a mouse scroll wheel to post and a hotbar macro to post (make sure the macro window is the one in focus, and just mouse over the 2nd window but don’t make it your focus).
  4. Cross server trading. Want to buy something cheaper some place else and sell it where it’s expensive? Well you can – with two accounts (or a friend). Sure, pets can be easily moved between servers with one account, but moving items is a great way to expand your gold making empire.
  5. Phase to a quieter server (or a busier server). If the item you’re camping is too crowded, or maybe you need more people for an event, you can easily phase over to where your alt might be. I know a lot of people seem to prefer keeping all of their characters on the same server, but I’ve got mine spread out all over the place (minus my core crafters, who I keep together). This allows me to swap over to a low pop or a high pop based on whatever it is I need.
  6. Alt armies. This could be anything, from doing the shadowlands mission table, alchemist transmutes, tailoring cool downs, or just running dungeons / raids on as many characters as you want. The lockout of 10 dungeons is also account specific but NOT bnet specific. Once you run 10 dungeons on one account, you could swap to the second one for less downtime between runs. Having more characters is almost never a bad thing.
  7. Collecting more – of everything! Currency, transmog, mounts, pets, toys. If you’re dragging along a second character, you’re going to potentially earn more of ABC123 just by having an extra body there. Doing world quests on two characters at once is really no hardship (more than that might become cumbersome but there’s nothing stopping you) especially when you can act as a personal taxi with the dragonflight buddy system.

It is not essential to have multiple accounts – but it is one of the first things many goblins end up doing after they make the decision to expand their gold making empire.

Have your own suggestion? Let me know in comments! As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau (61-70)

Well, the latest runs of Sunwell have not been kind with their drops, nor have their sales been that interesting – but the real question is, what has the GPH been. This is 3.5h of ‘work’ farming Sunwell Plateau (no named, just trash) on my level 61 speed druid.

  • Total approx gold earned (runs 1-70): 919,000g
  • Actual amount of gold earned from sales to date: 167,739g
  • Actual amount of GPH: 47,925g
  • Value of items listed on the AH: 102,972g

A few new things to note here. Number one, I’ve decided to vendor anything with less than a 200g value, which has cut the amount of trash I’m putting up significantly. Number two, the last few runs were done over the Christmas holiday, and the RNG deities did NOT play nice. You can see from the screenshot above that the ‘value’ of my 10 runs, is 13,77g – with only one ‘interesting’ item that dropped. That is my lowest run yet. I was hoping to get lucky with a schematic or two, but that would not be the case.

We’re nearing the end of this little challenge, and I’m sure I’ll find something interesting to do for the next one. I feel like 47.9k gph is still a respectable amount considering the effort required, but it’s not something that’s instant as these items did take time to sell. If you combine it with professions, or other dungeons, or even just world quests, it makes your overall gph a lot more attractive.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

A List of Addons to Help with Gold Making in 10.2.0

These are the addons I currently use to help with gold making in Warcraft, updated for 10.2.5. They’re not in any sort of order, it’s just what displays in CurseForge. Keep in mind there’s no requirement to use ALL of these addons, especially if you’re not doing things like professions. This is just my current list (I also have other addons for other activities, which you can find listed). These addons cover a wide variety of gold making, ranging from professions, farms, mission tables, and even AH flipping.

  • Tradeskillmaster – a complete AH overhaul suite, it allows me to create custom strings to price items for sale on the AH. There is also a bunch of crafting / restocking capabilities, but I no longer use TSM for these due to performance issues.
  • Auctionator – This gives up to the minute information about auctions, and comes with some fantastic plugins also listed.
  • CraftSim – A powerful tool for Dragonflight crafting.
  • WorthIT – Using TSM pricing sources, this addon can tell you if a particular farm (herb, mining, etc) is “worth it” for you to go after. You can also create your own farms and track your gold per hour earned. They also have a few guides if you’re not sure where to start.
  • World Quest Tracker – Used to track all those quests worth gold.
  • TLDR Missions – Used for Shadowlands mission tables (a must have)
  • Routes (and Routes Import/Export) – Used in combination with Gathermate2 for harvesting information
  • Rematch & Rematch_TSMPetValues – This modifies the pet window and allows you to see the value of your pets at a glance.
  • Profession Shopping List – You can track recipes / reagents and import them into Auctionator
  • Point Blank Sniper – A plugin for auctionator, create shopping lists and search your AH for items to snipe
  • Master Plan – Modifies garrison mission UI
  • LootAppraiser – Gives information on looted items (uses TSM price sources)
  • Journalator – A plugin for Auctionator, this tracks craft orders (and everything in between)
  • GatherMate2 / GatherMate_Sharing – A farming overlay.
  • FishingBuddy – Track your fishing gph.
  • FasterLoot – Does exactly what it says.
  • Call To Arms – Queue for dungeons / raids when the satchel of participation is rewarded for some extra gold.
Nomadic Gamer