
Unlock the Blue Dreamsaber Druid Form – 10.2

Druids are a LOT of fun in patch 10.2 and here’s how you can unlock the Blue Dreamsaber form!

You’ll learn this form from the Moon-Blessed Claw, but first you’ll need to loot a small box of vials, in the Eye of Yesera subzone of the Emerald Dream.

/way #2200 54.90 25.40 Emerald Dream, Eye of Ysera – Small Box of Vials

Each vile is linked to a specific continent, and you’ll need to fill them.

/way #80 67.37 61.14 Moonglade (K)
/way #641 49.35 38.05 Val’sharah (B)
/way #47 49.15 33.34 Duskwood (E)
/way #115 29.37 55.65 Dragonblight (N)
/way #622 65.75 59.81 Stormshield, Ashran (D)
/way #108 45.13 23.56 Terokkar Forest (O)

/way #2200 41.75 66.92 Feral Dreamstone

You can use Dreamwalk for quick access to Duskwood, Moonglade, and Val’Sharah. You can collect these while stealthed, too. That’s it! That’s all you need to do to unlock this druid form. Get collecting!

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau [11-20]

Last week I did my first 10 runs of Sunwell Plateau, and LootAppraiser told me I had a looted item value of 122091g in 30 minutes. This week I ran another 10 dungeons, and LA gave me 252,247g in valued items. In actuality, with sales, I’ve earned 436g (that’s the raw gold from this week) plus 7,757g (that’s how much everything sold for this week) plus the 483g in raw gold from last week. That brings me to a total of estimated looted: 374,338g in 1h of farming. Actual gold earned with raw + sales: 8,676g. Now, earning 8,676g in an hour of farming isn’t exactly THAT bad, but it sure isn’t that great, either – and it’s a far cry from what LootAppraiser claims I’ve made. The plus side is that I do also have a lot of stock – and that has value even though it hasn’t sold yet. Right now my stock value is:

Now if those items sell, that would be fantastic. Even if a small number of it sold it would be great. Right now though we’re just sitting on stock hoping it sells, with a total of less than 10k gold per hour.

We’ll just have to see what next week brings!

Dungeon Dive: 100 Runs of Sunwell Plateau [1-10]

This isn’t the first time I’ve done a dungeon dive – but I used to post them over on another blog, and I decided instead of keeping multiple blogs I’d merge them all into this one. It’s been a while, so here’s the next dungeon dive that I’m doing – Sunwell Plateau.

122,091g estimated gold earned

I’m using the TSM region market value avg to price my loot from LootAppraiser, and I’m using a heavily modified profile from BilisOnyxia to post them to the auction house. In the past I was on a low population server, but these days I’m spread between many servers, and for this particular challenge I’m on a medium pop, so we’ll see how things go. If you’re not familiar with how I run these challenges here’s the basics.

LOTS of videos out there boast about making thousands of gold an hour, but they fail to take actual sales earned into consideration. I run 100 runs of a dungeon, adding up the “looted item value” and then compare it to the “actual sales value” each week. Then I create a GPH from the actual gold earned rather than the assumed amount. In the past this worked out pretty neat, it was a more realistic view of how much gold you could potentially earn. RNG of course plays into it, the type of server you’re on, and other factors. I use 1 character to run the dungeons & sell the materials so they’ve never got more gold than what the dungeons provided. If you’re interested in my older runs of Sunwell, you can find those posts here.

These days it takes me roughly 30-35 minutes to run 10 instances of Sunwell Plateau, and that’s the time I’ll use to frame GPH instead of rounding up to 1 full hour. I know you’re locked from doing more instances (10 per hour is the cap, sometimes you can squeeze a few more in) but you could also go and do something else to make gold in that free time that doesn’t involve running a dungeon.

Here are the addons I’m using, too:

  • Auctionator
  • LootAppraiser
  • TradeskillMaster
  • MonkeySpeed
  • Dejunk
  • Faster Loot
  • WoWThing Collector

Next week we’ll see if anything actually sold, and add to that the next 10 runs.

Streaming? Streaming! (Again)

It has been a few years since I actually sat down and streamed with any regularity (hmm, have I ever?) – and I keep wanting to change that, so I’m making another (another) attempt. My schedule will be all over the place, since my partner is a first responder on shift work, but I plan on streaming from 9-11pm Atlantic, which means 8-10pm Eastern. I’m sticking with what I know, for now that means World of Warcraft and I tossed some RimWorld in there as well. I’d eventually also like to expand that to a few hobbies, like drawing and fiber arts. Maybe some knitting or spinning. We’ll see how it goes!

Why? Well, when the other half is on nights, I find it difficult to feel motivated and I tend to want to go to bed at 8pm. That’s a bit early, even for me. This way I get a little social interaction and can plan some things to do. I’m excited about it! Will it take off? I have no idea. We’ll just have to see.

If you’re interested in seeing this crazy Canuck fumble her way through some games, you can check me out on twitch this Wednesday!

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

What’s Happening on the WoW Economy Discord This Week [Oct5-12]

Sniping has been a big conversation this week, thanks in part to the Saddlebag Exchange community. This is an API sniper that links to discord, with plenty of guides on how to set things up. First timer snipers and long term snipers alike have been making use of the product, and the snips/flips/sales channel has been booming because of it. If you’re not into API sniping, it still might be worth it to lurk and figure out what items you want to add to your own server sniping list. I’ll be posting a more in-depth look at this one shortly, so watch for that.

Maybe farming is more your thing? If you’re looking for something low key to farm, you might want to try the Glimmer of Satisfaction from BFA. This is used in a number of pets, and is a random event while eating from a feast. Who wouldn’t want to eat their way to 100k+ gph!

Crafting has also been a popular topic of conversation this week – with Graceland boasting their profits of over 3 million gold from 18 days of crafting orders. That is some dedication right there.

Stockpiling for 10.2? Some are, some have learned their lesson from previous updates and are not. Whatever your decision, you can talk about it with the rest of the WoW Economy Discord.

That’s it for this week! Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer