
The Rift, The Master of the Fluttering Wing, and wuwu for house items!

The idol of the Soaring, quest reward from FD

I know, I’ve been slacking. I keep meaning to post and then get side tracked by something else, it’s just simply the way it goes. So this post will update what I’ve been up to concerning the Fallen Dynasty adventure pack, and then hopefully tomorrow’s post will be a general update and an rp one soon to follow. Busy busy busy! First thing first. The picture above is a bird head, hard to tell from the screen shot though. When you click it, this apparition shows up and does these weird hand gestures in lights around it. It looks really cool and also gives a chunk of status reduction (not needed quite so much since I’ve moved to a 3 room instead of a 5 room). The item is from completing a quest called ‘The Master of the Fluttering Wing’ which is a quest on the 3rd floor of the tower of wind. Which means it’s part of an annoying (but fun!) chain of quests, as there are two per floor and they each need to be completed before you gain access to the next floor. The quest is completed in a two group raid instance called Xux’laios’ Roost and wow was it fun. The zone itself is quite small, with a chance of a few named showing up if you get lucky when you zone in. The fight is pretty much all about the dps. Xux’laios teleports your raid to them if you click on his door, so it’s best to click and rush, then wall him. He has a huge knock back that flings you all over, and during the fight spawns sets of adds. The key to winning the fight is to dps him down before the 4-5th wave of mobs spawn because they’re orange epics and pretty much impossible to beat (at least for my guild currently). Anyone who knows me or reads this site knows I’m a sucker for house items, so this was a great fantastic quest and I’m glad I got it taken care of finally.

Quest reward and access to Chel’Drak

I also managed to complete the quest “The Rift”, which is another one of those tower quests. It sends you to Nizara, a zone within the Forsaken City, to first learn about the rift by examining four books within the zone, and then by defeating the final foe (who is orange, and hurts might I add, even if they’re not epic). Nizara is one of my new favorite zones, though I go there rarely and it’s *hard* in fact I’d say one of the hardest zones in the game, aside from raids. If you’re not raid geared, then my advice would be to bring LOTS of repair kits. You also have to be selective on who you bring in, this zone NEEDS two healers, and an enchanter. A great deal of named cover the zone, it took about 3-4 hours to clear through it. There is one epicx4 that can be single grouped but it’s a long slow fight with random teleportations during it, and there is also 1-2 epicx2’s who can also be one grouped. The loot in the zone (if you get a good run) is comparable to raid loot, I managed to pick up some pretties for my templar alt since leather has a habit of not dropping. It’s so hard to get a good solid group for this zone that unless you play with a static bunch of people who you constantly group with, or have one of those amazing guilds, few people ever see inside of it, let alone complete it. I really had a blast though. The reward is an item that grants raid access to Chel’Drak, who is on the kill list for today. Or the attempt to kill list at least we’ll have to see how it goes.

So that’s what I’ve been up to lately, I absolutely loved this adventure pack, a lot of depth to it, starts off with numerous solo quests and one group quests and then quickly advances into top end raids so there really is some content for everyone. Plus like I said, who wouldn’t want house items?!

MoA and a few levels..

Managed to do the MoA quest from start to the 3rd trial on my templar, she’s only level 63 (she was level 61 when I started the quest) and can’t quite do the solo trial of spirit yet. The level 69 ^ hurt even with the super buff you get. They whomp her quite hard. I figure another two levels and she’ll be able to complete it, then it’s just a matter of doing the x4 raid for her new neck item. I’m hoping to get two more levels playing around in TT and BS, BM is a little too tough to solo. Templar dps is just how I remember it, pretty much non-existent.

I watched Strike attempt the Matron, she looks painful. Orange mobs (at level 70) typically are. They managed to get her down to 41% though before wiping, and made a few attempts. It was a fairly uneventful evening. Still need to start Claymore with the templar, and continue it with the fury and coercer. Needless to say I’m not exactly looking forward to it. Once the templar hits 70 I’ll contemplate getting her Godking weapon done as well maybe, she’s on the feast portion in living tombs, a quest I’ve always dreaded.

Short term goal: Get the templar to 70 before EoF comes out. Why? Well, just simply because it would be nice to have the 70 fury / coercer / templar as options, then I can work the necromancer in my spare time. I’ve been reading up on the expansion from some walk throughs and interviews and it looks pretty good thus far. Of course it’s something I’ll actually have to see before I can judge.

Defiance and Dark Prophecy ended up merging together, something I didn’t ever think I’d see happen. It’s interesting I suppose. I don’t know how some of them stand it. Some members have opted to leave for other guilds, not that I blame them. There was a reason I didn’t stick around for very long when I first joined about 6 months ago.

Home sweet home – 3 room home in South Qeynos

Some new screen shots of Silverstep’s house, I moved her from a 5 room in Freeport, to a three room in Qeynos. I really wasn’t interested in paying the 30,000 status a week any more upkeep and wanted more room for books. A little more controlled, I’m loving it.

A view of the kitchen, and bar, shelving along the far right hand side, my everlasting keg and everling idol on the left, a glass bottle with a ship inside of it beside that.

The weapon wall, I love this corner of my house. I have a few more L&L to complete and the wall will be up to date.

The dining area, a few fancy paintings and a vase on the table, nothing too busy.

My indoor spa, upstairs in the bedroom, a small bath and soft candles to add a romantic flair to the section of the house.

The other section of the bedroom, with my artists corner, the night stand, and part of the bed. The three room house may not be as large as the 5 room, but that doesn’t make it any more drab. I have about 100 more books to add to it, maybe even more. I’m hoping to start completing those one at a time.

A Plan for Silverstep

(( For those who never read, Silverstep attempted to kill herself a little while ago when I was going to leave Eq2, but we all know that never works out and I needed an rp excuse to have her alive, her last rp ended as someone rushed into her house, screaming her name. This is the aftermath of that. More will follow as I plan it out ))

The voices were hushed and Silverstep could barely make them out with the ringing in her ears, she remembered nothing that would have caused the thumping she felt. Even the insides of her eyelids seemed to ooze with pain, and so she lay where ever she was, and listened.

“Why are we doing this again?” Came a cool smooth voice, male from what Silverstep could decipher. “I see nothing in this for me, your “God” may want this woman to live, but again, I ask what exactly do we gain from it? Besides some sniveling woman who is too far out of it right now to be of any use to anyone let alone the burning prince himself!” The voice rose at the end, and Silverstep tried not to wince as it echoed through her head reverberating against her temple.

“My.. Lord…” Hissed a softer voice, one that sparked no memories, “This woman.. sshe iss needed. That iss all you need to know. You agreed to the tassk. You ssaved her from death.. brought her back here to me.. that iss all you were hired to do. All that was required of you. You have no right nor authority to quesstion anything further.. ” There was the sound of papers shuffling along some sort of object, and the distinct clinking of coin hitting against each other. “I asssume, that thiss will be ssuficient funding for you?” Silverstep could almost hear the sneer that followed the comment.

“Indeed.” Came the curt reply.

“Then leavess the resst to me, and be on your way,” the dismissal was apparent to Silverstep even as she lay there in her partially conscience state. She tried to remember what had happened, what she had been doing, why her head felt as though it wanted to explode, and came up with nothing. No thoughts or memories of the last few hours. She could remember where she lived, her name, her family (or lack of one) but nothing more at that moment.

Footsteps approached her and she tried to open her eyes to no avail, a heavy cloth covered them, protecting them from a heavy light source. She tried to open her mouth and squeak out a word, anything, to let her captors know she was awake, but failed miserably and lay there trying to keep a grasp on reality before the pit of blackness swallowed her up again.

“Yess…” whispered the soft voice again, “you will do well, girl. You will sserve the burning prince jusst fine..” Something wet was pressed against her lips, and the blackness came to swallow her once more.

The return of the Gods, live events

Yesterday Faydai (rp story to follow shortly) took a trip to Lavastorm and Antonica to check out the new live events. I must say, I was pretty impressed. Walking along the beaches of Lavastorm, she came across these two fire dancers, twirling their flaming batons, she offered them some sort of gnomish device that would enable the flames to climb higher but not burn them, they sort of eyed her in fear and went back to their twirling. Who could really blame them.

The prophet for the burning prince himself, sent her on a mission to prove her faith. Teleported into a room she was forced to burn her arm in order to sacrifice her flesh and build a bridge that would not be complete until each flame had tasted. It was a fairly simple quest once I figured out which order the torches were in, and that there were 9 to light and not 8 as I had thought previously. Learned that the hard way first of course by falling into the lava below. The hand of ro was the reward, a house item that buffs against heat for an hour. Not exactly the most useful of buffs, but you know me, house items are always huge winners.

The quest for the duke of below was slightly more involved. Finding Bronlor Stormhammer in Antonica outside of BlackBurrow warranted in me going around talking to various tribes and figuring out what each needed. I was first asked to slay canines for food, then sent to trail after someone in the underground. They gave me this little sniffer dog but he was not exactly good at his job and I had to (often) lead him back to the tracks.

It was still a lot of fun none the less. The reward (after the earthquakes had settled, no matter how many times I should expect them and know they’re coming they still cause me to jump!) is a pick axe that can be mounted onto your wall and gives you a buff for tradeskilling. Pretty fun all in all.

Nomadic Gamer