Rescue of the Green Hoods (Short Sword of the Ykesha)

Level 40

– Starts from Sashra Thaltalis in Zek, the Orcish Wastes (+342,-464).

– Starting this quest requires that you have completed the Operation Green Hood quest. Sashra first sends you to the mine lift to see if it’s still functional. Just go there and it’ll update your quest. A few orcs will spawn behind you, but you can either sneak through this or fight them–there are about 4, and they don’t auto aggro, so if they’re greybies, you’re all set.

– Go back to Sashra, he sends you off to collect five scalps from Sullon Centurians, Tallon Raiders and Vallon Grunts. Grunts are near the lumbermill (577,-242). Raiders are linked in the camp east of the docks along with Warpriests. Centurians you can find either in a group of two (each a single ^) along the road to the Citadel. You can find a few wandering with a Sullon Lieutenant, and you can find four at the first gate on the way to DFC. This part is timed at 60 minutes, but the timer stops as soon as you get the kills, so it’s not a big problem. Once you have the kills, go back to Sashra.

– Now that he takes you seriously, he asks you to go kill Sentry Goorlux. Goorlux roams between the lumberjacks and the Sullon lumbermill. He can only be seen when he runs from one point to another, otherwise he’s invisible. He is a 37 or 38^^ mob. Kill him, then go back to Sashra. Again.

– Sashra then sends you into DFC to meet with Infiltrator Stryjin. She’s hiding out in one of the towers around the courtyard, so you’ll need to kill the Deathfist townies to spawn the guards and open up the tower doors. Once the doors open up, one will let you use ladders to get all the way up to the ramparts. You’ll need to kill all the nameds on the ramparts eventually, so go ahead and get it out of the way. The infiltrator can be found at one of the corner towers where there’s no ladder to get up. Just bring a scout with you, much easier that way. Once you meet up with her, she sends you to rescue three trapped Green Hood women inside the citadel.

– Two of them are in the jails down below, and one is brewing poisons for the orcs inside. So to get to them, you need to fight to the inner area where Emperor Fyst is, kill all his guards, and make him run down and open up one of the inner tower doors. You fight down through there towards the harem, kill everything in there. Behind the curtain is a room with an elevator, right click on it to activate it. You can go up one floor, kill Warpaw and any nameds there, then go up another floor, kill the boxes and the trained falcon. If the door across the bridge still doesn’t open for you, look towards the outer wall and see if you’ve killed the Lieutenant there. If not, kill him (pullable from there, just jumpcast it) and the door should open. This is the Magus room with the first woman. Kill all the npcs, and hail her with a single click to get credit.

– Once you clear the magus room, the elevator in that room goes active, so use it to go down to the midkeep, then go down one flight of stairs. Hang a right into the jail area. One of the women is behind bars, so kill the Jailer to open it up, and do the same process as with the first woman. The last one is just past where the jailer was, another named guarding her, so kill that off, then give her the quest recall stone.

– Once you get all three, make your way back to the Infiltrator and let her know what happened. She doesn’t depop, so you don’t need to fret about timing on this. She lets you know that Fyst was carrying the Short Sword of the Ykesha and you should kill him.

– Go back towards the jail area, then go down another flight of steps before you actually enter the jail. Kill any preaetorian guards there, along with elites. Run through the passages there (not the ones that lead back towards the sewers)–the ones near the henchling bookie. Be warned that a 5th preaetorian guard spawns back in the courtyard with the butcher. Most people dont realise this then wander the zone thinking it is stuck in a wall. Once all 5 preaetorian guards are dead, enter the gladiator arena ring event.

– The first fight is with four level 40^^ Deathfist Gladiators. For us, they fought dirty and when we had two gladiators dead, four 40ish ^^ lions were released on us. Knock all those down, and Dogolka spawns. he was, blue like the others, so could have been 42^^.

– After you kill all that then The Harrower of Zek will spawn. He is a level 40 Group x2 mob. After he dies Emperor Fyst himself comes down to engage you. I’m pretty sure that he was a 41 or 42 ^^^ mob, so he’s raidable, but we did it with 5 people. He has an insane amount of mana, but that’s really about it. Kill him.

After killing Emperor Fyst return to Infiltrator Stryjin for your reward.

Receive Reward: Short Sword of the Ykesha
Receive Reward: 54,000 Status Points

Foomby’s Stolen Goods (Bag of Sewn Evil Eye)

Level 40

– Starts from Foomby Slopdigger in the Enchanted Lands (-685,-638).

– The first order of business is to find a Cracked Gold Monocle which was stolen by some Darkflight Faerie in the Enchanted Lands. This is a rare drop that will automatically update in your journal after killing them for some time.

– After obtaining the gold monocle return to Foomby. He will then send you off to kill the big fish in the pond. He is referring to Chomper, a rare spawn in the pond (-169,-503). He spawns exactly four hours after he has been killed last. Kill him and return to Foomby.

– You will then be be sent to speak with Bellendis Tempestcall (+200,-260) in the Granary. You will then be sent out to slay 15 Lamias (any Lamias). This is a timed step, and you only are given 20 minutes. The timer does not start until you kill the first Lamia, however. Once the last encounter dies, Baz’Tarog the Corrupter (a named Nightblood) will spawn at (-481,-904).

– You have five minute to find and kill Baz’Tarog the Corrupter. Kill him then speak to Bellendis Tempestcall at the granary.

– Then run to speak to Foomby to complete the quest.

Receive Reward: Bag of Sewn Evil Eye
Receive Reward: 51,000 Status Points

A Missing Mask (Guise of the Deceiver)

Level 35

– Starts from examining a crate in Nektropos Castle Basement (-14,-32).

– In order to start this quest you must find and open a crate in the Marionette Doll room in the basement of Nektropos Castle. This quests has you following a large doll by the name of Billy around the castle. Often Billy will be up in rooms when you zone into the castle, if he is not up, you can zone in and out hoping he will pop. But if you have killed any Everlings, there will be an 18 hour lockout before you can re-enter. In order to get to the Marionette Doll room, you will have to have killed Everlings, so a lockout would be in effect if you zone out.

– You can also try to spawn Billy by clearing all the mobs in the room you want him to spawn in and then leaving the room until the next spawn cycle. GMs have confirmed that Billy is shy around people, so he will not spawn if you are in the room. You will need Billy to spawn in both the chapel and the gameroom, so I would recommend bouncing these two rooms until he spawns in both; you may also want to bounce the stables for the Swine King.

– First you must first kill Billy in the basement under Elise’s room. Billy is an instant activated spawn here, so there will be no need to kill PHs. Infact, Billy will continue to keep spawning here by bug; even after you have killed him.

– Next you must then kill Billy in the gameroom. This is a spawned room, you will neeed to keep killing mobs and leaving the room until he spawns. Remember, Billy will not spawn if you are in the room during the next spawn cycle.

– Finally you must kill Billy in the chapel. This is as well is a spawned room.

– After finding Billy in the chapel, go to the library and read a book in the secret area behind the bookcase (-23,+29). It’s written by Everling and he says, “the dolls I need always come to me in the courtyard”.

– Go down to the courtyard, the zone in area. Billy should be waiting down there and is hailable. The dialogue gives you two options either give him 5gp or yell at him. If you yell at him he agros and you must kill him. There is a bug where sometimes he will attack you and you will not be able to fight back. So pay him to 5g just to be safe. He tells you about the froglok ghost guy.

– Go to the jail and hail the Froglok Assassin, he tells you to get something to soothe his soul, directions for this can be found on a scroll in the hidden area of the library again. You need three things for this:

  • 21 Nyth dolls
  • Fiendish blood
  • Swine blood

– If you already There are only about 26 dolls in the zone, so if you killed any thus far, you may need to come back a second time. The Fiendish blood drops from an intant pop Archfiend that spawns when you leave the library. The Swine blood drops from the swine king you should have been spawning earlier.

– Once you get all 3 items, return to the froglok assassin and hail him. He depops at the end of quest conversation. If everyone finishes at the same time you’re okay, if not just wait ten minutes for him to repop. So try to time your hailing so that you all do it at once.

– The froglok tells you to kill Maltus Everling and get the mask from his chest. To finish the quest you inspect the chest that’s in the closet type area of the Everling Room (+224,+28). You must kill Everling to earn the right to open the chest.

Receive Reward: Guise of the Deceiver
Receive Reward: 43,500 Status Points

Training is a Shield (Shiny Brass Shield)

Level 40

– Starts from Grozmag the Trainer in Zek, the Orcish Wastes (-272,-543).

– Grozmag will ask you to complete a series of trials for him. The trials are initiated by clicking on the door at the bottom of the elevator in the Vallon Foundry (+312,-111). After completing each you should return to Grozmag the Trainer.

– Each odd trial is solo, while each even trial is grouped. Only those on the same trial as you, or who don’t have this quest can accompany you. If someone else has the quest, but they are in a different trial, they will not be able to join you for your trials.

– The first trial is easily soloable, it consists of killing a single Zek Berserker.

– The second trial consists of 4 level 32 zek berserkers, dark knights and defilers. Two of them are ^. A group encounter.

– The third trial is another solo step. It is two orcs, a pummeler with a down arrowm and a warrior with no modifier. Both are level 33 solo mobs.

– The fourth trial consists of one ^ mob and 4 normal level 35 group mobs. You will need a group unless your 44+.

– The fifth trial is another solo step. It consists of a level 36 Zek Defiler, a single down level 36 Zek Berserker and a level 36 double down Zek War Wolf.

– The sixth trial is a group step that consists of a level 38 double up champion in one group. a 38 single up inquisitor and 2 level 38 weald wolves in another group.

– After completing all four trials you must kill Emperor Fyst in the Deathfist Citadel. Then return to Grozmag to complete the quest and receive your Shiny Brass Shield.

Receive Reward: Shiny Brass Shield
Receive Reward: 54,000 Status Points

Restoring Ghoulbane (Ghoulbane)

Level 33

– Starts from Toranim Skyblade at the Temple of Life in North Qeynos.

– Before you can start this quest, you must first complete “A Dusty Blue Stone”. A Dusty Blue Stone is started by having “a dusty blue stone” in your inventory and speaking to Gruffin Goldtooth at the mines in Graystone Yard (822,-175). You can recieve a dusty blue stone by speaking to Vida Sweeps in Nettleville Hovel or buying it on the broker.

– Gruffin sends you to the Thundering Steppes to mine 40 Sunswept Stones.

– After obtaining these return to Gruffin who will then send you to South Qeynos to speak to Aristide Calais past the red teleportal in the mages tower. The mage will send you to visit Olden Highguard at the Thundermist Village in the Thundering Steppes (+613,-56).

– After this you return to Aristide Calais (the mage) who will send you to speak to Toranim Skyblade in the Temple of Life in North Qeynos. You will then be sent to Stormhold to kill undead (any will do). After doing this return to Toranim Skyblade. At that point you will be given your choice of rewards if you are a class that does not wish to use Ghoulbane. If you wish to continue for Ghoulbane then you will be given the Restoring Ghoulbane quest.

– The first step is to enter the Tomb of Valor and grab Ghoulbane. After doing this return to the Toranim.

– Recieve Reward: Weakened Ghoulbane

Finally you must kill three powerful undead beings to recharge the Ghoulbane.

  • Cauldron Hollow: Descendant of the Torig
  • Crypt of Betrayal: Spectre of Ire
  • Ruins of Varsoon: The Creator

You must head into Nektropos Castle and kill Malthus Everliving.

Receive Reward: Ghoulbane
Receive Reward: 42,750 Status Points

Nomadic Gamer