Ah, friends. Those people who can convince you (even without trying, or them being aware of it) to do pretty much anything. Ultann has been playing two accounts in EQ2 for as long as I can remember, and at one point in time I was too. I gave it up after a while because my PC wasn’t exactly handling it well, but things have changed. My second EQ2 account is 6 years old (roughly) but so neglected that the only character on it was a level 77 fury.
I decided to start dual boxing again in-game, and created a paladin on the account. I know that’s a bit amusing seeing as I’m leveling her up using my shadowknight, but hey why not. I prefer to have a tank and healer on each account, opening up more options on who to play and what to do. After an evening with Ibeogur (I played my bruiser along with the new paladin) she sits at level 60, which is a pretty good start.
Speaking of characters – October 1st to the 15th EQ2 will be allowing people to create ONE FREE heroic character. These characters start with gear, 280 aa, and the ability to fly. After this grace period players will have to purchase them. Now, I’m not the target audience for these level 85 characters because I enjoy the leveling process, have many level 90-95 and have no inclination to purchase them. HOWEVER I won’t turn my nose up at a free one, and I honestly don’t mind if other people purchase them. I do find it a bit sad that SOE is saying 1-85 content doesn’t matter any more so why not skip it – BUT – the game is aging, and chances are veterans have played through it MANY times before, where new players would rather be playing end game.
Do I think it’s going to create a surplus of players who have no idea how to utilize their characters? No. First of all, EQ2 isn’t that complicated. Second of all, there’s still time to learn, and third, I’m just naturally optimistic. I hope that this new mechanic works as it is intended which is to bring new blood to EQ2 and to revitalize the old. Yes, ideally I’d like them try to make 1-85 content relevant, but I understand that it’s a HUGE endeavor, one they probably just don’t have the resources for at this time.
I haven’t decided what characters I’ll be creating yet, we’ll just have to see. Are you going to be taking advantage of the new heroic characters? What are you going to create?