Experimenting in EQ2 #EverQuest2 #EQ2

EQ2_000191Experimenting is a new process that was added to EQ2 with Chains of Eternity, and it is some of the most stressful (and yet rewarding) crafting there is. The ring pictured above has been experimented on 5x (which is the max you can do per crafted item). I added int, stam, a proc, and crit bonus. Now, one thing I forgot to do which I will certainly do for the next item I make is use a refined rare to make the object. Refining was also added with Chains of Eternity, and it allows for some extra stats on the item you’re crafting. So if you use a refined rare to create the base item, and then adorn the item, and THEN experiment on it, you’ll be able to gain full potential from experimentation. You can experiment on adornment stats too when they’re added (something else I didn’t realize).

It does come with one very strict side effect. If you fail at experimenting you lose the item completely. That is what makes the process so very stressful, at least on this crafter. Luckily I’ve not lost any items yet (of course I’ve just jinxed myself). There is a quested pair of fabled gloves from Cobalt Scar that helps with the experimentation process and I highly suggest players who are going this route work on getting those first.

It’s a lot to keep track of, especially if you’ve been away from the game for any length of time. These skills are found in your prestige tradeskill section along with mass production. With the ability to switch our aa spec’s on the go in a MUCH easier way, taking advantage of each of these new craft chains is pretty simple. I have three specs, one for each tradeskill chain. At least on my main. My crafting alts who have not completed all of the quests in order to get the best gear I just leave with the basics. Having nine level 95 crafters is a bit of an endeavour when it comes to completing each of the quests available. There are a LOT! Between the solstice earring, the epic weapons (for crafters), the prayer shawl, and now the fabled gloves, not to mention the ‘basic’ crafting quests that help you level up from 1+ as well as the mara chains. It’s refreshing to have such options for crafters. Adventuring is nice but sometimes you simply want a break.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Still my Favorite Zone: The Obelisk of Lost Souls #EQ2

EQ2_000176Everyone has their favorite zone, for many different reasons. Mine hasn’t changed even after all these years. In EQ2 that zone is The Obelisk of Lost Souls. You can access this zone through a persistent door in the Feerrott or you can trigger the door in multiple zones such as the Commonlands. I noticed today that my quest journal was almost full (I only had room for two more quests) so I decided to work through the bundle that I’ve apparently stashed away and forgotten about. One of those bundles involved a lot of quests in my favorite zone – and what was even better is that they were quests for books, yay house items!

So off I went. This zone tends to be pretty empty, has a lot of named, and it’s just so detailed and neat to run through. The books are also incredibly eerie and just plain creepy. Right now I’m working my way through Remembrances – Berrox, The Shadows of the Lonesome Hollow, Remembrances – DyzAz, Remembrances – Nyalla-Phon, and Remembrances – Prime. I’ll add those books to my Norrathian Museum, which is in a different house than my player-written books (not enough room to house both collections).

The quests themselves are nothing to write home about. You kill 10 of a particular mob within the zone and then read the next page of the book. Rinse and repeat for 10 pages. Still, for some unexplainable reason this zone is just fascinating to me.

It’s perfect for 35-50 or so, if you’re looking for a new place to explore that is a bit off of the regular trail, you should give it a try. It’s also great to mentor and explore.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

An Illusionist in Skyshrine #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000127It’s fall, and what comes with fall besides glorious cool weather, football, and comfort food? Nostalgia of course. So I’ve wandered back to EverQuest 2 and have been playing my illusionist as of late. Yesterday I spent a few hours with a shadowknight friend in skyshrine, and my illusionist managed to hit level 94 which is pretty awesome. Once we were done there I headed off to the newer zones to complete a few quests. Good thing I had a mercenary along because my illusionist is still quite squishy. My defiler is 95 and still hasn’t completed the Cobalt Scar quest chain for adventurers (I have completed it for crafters) but I’m not really in any rush.

Of course with my return also came the desire to create a new character. I currently have 10 characters – well, 11 now. I created a new baby bruiser named Blesse on the Antonia Bayle server (which is where all of my characters are). My characters are (subject to change depending on my mood and who I create or delete):

  • Stargrace – 95 defiler – 95 tailor
  • Seduit – 94 illusionist – 95 provisioner
  • Seduisant – 92 shadowknight – 95 sage
  • Jacquotte – 92 swashbuckler – 95 weaponsmith
  • Ellithia – 90 dirge – 95 alchemist
  • Ishbel – 90 coercer – 95 carpenter
  • Petites – 90 inquisitor – 95 jeweler
  • Arysh – 90 warden – 95 woodworker
  • Kameekox – 70 ranger – 95 armorer
  • Anastasie – 14 necromancer
  • Blesse – 1 bruiser

As you can see I have quite a fondness for crafters. My favorite classes to play are enchanters and after that healers.

I also managed to ding my guild level 65! This is a pretty big deal to me considering the guild has never had more than two or three other members besides myself. I hope to one day be able to level the guild to 70 and maybe even afford a T3 guild hall just because. There’s no way we need all of that room, but it sure would be neat to have that large of a decorating project. Speaking of, I have been working on decorating the current guild hall we have. I recently downgraded the hall to a T1 because there was just no need for anything larger. I’ve been working on a trophy room in the main entrance, and I have a makeshift craft room set up in the back. Aside from that, not much more has been added yet. I love having projects to work on!

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Day One – Jousting #EQ2 #EverQuest2

EQ2_000144“Pink is a flavour, right?” Stargrace tilted her head to the side and peered at the bartender, feeling a bit giddy with all of the festivities surrounding her.

“Uh. I guess it’s sort of a flavour.” Replied the woman behind the counter. “One second and I’ll bring you the pinkest drink I can find.”

Stargrace smiled and nodded.

“Here you are, enjoy your Fizzlepop!”


When the opening ceremonies finished yesterday afternoon the crowd wandered over to the main road just behind the Guard Towers in Antonica to wait for the Jousting event to start. Along the road tents and tables were set up, and vendors hawked their wares.

Sairina shouted, “Here fer yer enjoyment, on behalf o’ th’ Empire o’ Freeport, through th’ New Combine Empire… Lucan Youth Corps Cookies!  Get ’em while the gettin’s good!”

Stargrace raises an eyebrow at Sairina!

You say, “Cookies?”

Sairina says, “aye.  did I stutter?  Cookies! Lemme see… I got… Jum Jum, Chokklit Chip, um… Apple an’ Sugar.  Jes’ 3 gold a box! I also got ’em in a collectible tray, Spring an’ Winter, yer pick, while supplies last, fer twenny-five gold.”

Of course I had to pick up a box. They were delicious, even if they were sold from the ‘Lucan Youth Corps’.

Slipps (a delightful Ratonga) was in charge of running the jousting event – and a LOT of people participated. I sat in the back of the crowd and watched for as long as I could, taking note of the happenings around me. Snippets of conversation floated past me on the warm air.

Aurrie says, “Well, I would like to learn more of this jousting event.  If fun i might participate myself.  HAve you come to do that as well?”

Colerayn belches, looking around embarrassed….’scuz me’ hehe.

Halbjorn says, “I cannot say I was at words with the ooze, no!”

Sahkura pushes the rum glass back to Devereux. It is very nearly empty.

Draculine looks at the crowd with glassy eyes.

Ryni peers around and wonders where to stand to not get run over by the jousters.

Slipps shouts, “Wes startings! Gets yours drinks and comes cheers yours favorites ons!”

Slipps shouts, “Spectators offs the course unless wants tos bes runs overs!”

I couldn’t stay for the whole event, as I had other obligations, but I did stay for most of it. A few riders were injured but quickly patched up, and I believe a good time was had by all. There were at least 20-40 people who showed up, and I can’t wait to see what the rest of the festival holds. I also have a G+ gallery set up where you can see the screenshots I’ve taken of the festival events so far. As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Festival of Unity Opening Ceremonies #EQ2 #EverQuest2

The festival of Unity on the Antonia Bayle server kicked off with the opening ceremonies. I did some commentary during the event since the text is way too small to read – however xsplit (program I use to stream) did not play very nicely with recording it, so it cuts in and out a LOT. For future events I will more than likely not stream them, and just record with fraps and post after the event.

Still, a great time was had by everyone, and the jousting that followed was a blast! I’ve got screenshots of that part to post next.

For those of you who don’t know the history of the festival, it started 7 years ago with an Ogre paladin named Klumpp. He had a vision where for at least a week everyone would come together in unity and celebrate good friends, food, and entertainment. It just goes to show how much impact a single person can have.

Nomadic Gamer