Wurm Online

Treasure Maps? We’ve Got Those

I wanted to be able to track the treasure maps me and Moumix have been completing, so of course we created a google doc for that. There’s two portions to it, once tracks the steps and locations of those steps, another tracks the rewards we’ve earned. I wanted to see just how random it was, and just keep track of what we’ve earned. Some maps reward fantastic treasures, others not so much. They seem fairly on-par with the quality of the map, though we have on occasion gotten a really fantastic low quality map, those moments are fairly rare.

At this time we’ve completed close to 40 treasure maps, most of them on the Indy server but a handful over on Deliverance since that’s where our priests hang out and earn their maps. I’m attempting to finish off an achievement that has me kill 50 ‘hidden’ mobs which only seem to come from difficult maps (60ql+) and I should be able to complete that today. I enjoy doing these maps, they’re a nice break from hanging out on deed and while I found them a bit frustrating at first, I haven’t come across any that were impossible to do. Now that I’ve said that I’ve probably cursed myself. I tend to save them up and then do a batch all at once which makes the time spent a bit more worth it. Going out for just a single map isn’t something that I tend to do. I haven’t gotten any truly amazing rewards yet, but I know they’re out there. There’s a coin purse you can use to keep money on you even if you die, and a water skin that will stay filled with water forever. That one would be incredibly handy considering I am always out of water on my adventures.

We have gotten a few crab statues, some cutlass, and a necklace, the rest has just been fairly mundane items that come with every map.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Big Plans

I know it’s really difficult to actually SEE anything in this picture, and honestly it feels like it’s always night time – but I swear, there’s a deed there. This is a picture of Quail Landing, my mainland deed that I created for access to highways and a place to drop off any pillage loot I happened to stumble across. I decided to take the village plan from deedplanner and create an enormous castle like city based loosely on another deed I had seen a screenshot of on the forums. I started out by using sandstone bricks and mortar that I had in stock already, and now I’m resupplying so I can continue. I’m excited about this project, I’ve never really designed deeds in Wurm Online before, and I think this one has the potential to be pretty interesting.

Last night there was a rift on the Independence server at around 7pm my time. Only 9 others showed up, but we managed to close the rift, and earned a nice handful of rift materials too. Rifts are every 9 days (approx) per server, and spawn around the same time that the previous one was closed. I probably won’t be able to attend the next rift as it happens fairly late my time, but it was nice to participate. I’m hoping to save up for a piece of rift jewelry, or maybe some shoulder pads.

My priest, Faralithe, is still over on the Deliverance server doing sermons. She has hit 70 faith, and I’m trying to stick around for as long as I can tolerate it so I can raise her faith as much as possible. Unfortunately my patience is pretty thin and I find it stressful to make sure I’m paying attention every 3h to complete my sermon. I think if she can reach around 80 faith that might be enough for me for now. I still keep hoping that some day my NFI character will be able to join my SFI character. I don’t even care about any of my tools or items. I just want to be able to make use of my Libila priest.

Next? I’ve been working on completing a light house over at Quail Cove! It’s magnificent, and I can’t wait to show off some screenshots of it. I’m currently working on the 4th floor, there will be a total of 8 floors. I’m going to add a marble brazier to the top, and once that’s completed I’ll take some screenshots. Fingers are crossed that it comes out looking as I’ve imagined.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Quail Cove – Lighthouse construction begins

It may not look like much yet, but the construction has started on my lighthouse! Moumix finished terraforming the top tier of my deed, hacking away at the mountainside until it was flat so I could build up there. I love having a bit more useable deed space, and I have to say I’m pretty excited about this structure. Sadly, it requires a LOT of bricks and mortar (20 bricks and 20 mortar per wall) but it will only be 8 floors high + roof, so it shouldn’t be too bad. I will post some screenshots once it’s fully completed.

Happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Treasure Hunts

Treasure hunts are a relatively new (to me) activity. When your character is doing activities like farming, mining, and praying, there’s a small chance on a rare roll that you’ll stumble across a sealed container that contains a treasure map. It seems completely random, as does the quality of map that you’ll find. So far I’ve discovered close to 10 of these treasure maps, from the very simple easy ones to the more complicated insane ones.

On the more complicated end of things, there were five stages to the map and each one spawned a handful of ‘hidden’ creatures that ambushed me. NOT FUN. I do not have the best gear in Wurm Online, and these maps were HARD. The end result was some semi precious items, three sleep powder, and me licking my wounds a bit.

I have a lot of fun doing the easier maps, but they don’t always reward the best things. I’d consider them average – for me and the length of time it takes to complete them, I’m OK with that. They usually always include one sleep powder, a gem, and something like a 50ql pelt. One time I got a crab statue and that was pretty neat. We’ve had low quality chests reward rare bone fragments, so at least the low chests are not completely useless. In fact it could probably stand to use a bit less RNG.

I tend to sell my higher quality maps, since the combat really frustrates me. They’re currently going for around 3s each, since they come with 3 sleep powder and that’s the going rate. My deed mate Moumix is fantastic at completing these adventures, but I am still personally getting used to them and learning how to read the maps properly and learning what hints mean. I’m sure it’ll just take me a bit of time and I’ll be a professional treasure hunter in no time.

As always, happy gaming, no matter where you find yourself!

Vynora – Finally 100!

Finally, after almost 10+ years my Vynora priest on Wurm Online has reached 100 faith!

This is not completely the fault of Wurm, but stems from a combination of things like the fact that getting anywhere with priests after 70 faith or so is practically impossible. The skill gains are so small from prayers that it would take an insane number of years to reach 100. The only practical method is to join a sermon group and to do that for as long as you can tolerate.

Since the Impalong was taking place on Deliverance it was a good time to start. I arrived with 74 faith, and after doing around 5-6 sermons (one every 3 hours) for 10 days, I reached 100. Why does this capped skill even matter? Well at 100 I can summon players – which is awesome. I can also cast Mindstealer (a weapon enchantment) on my own. I’ve also got a baby Fo priest working her way up the ranks, but I have no enthusiasm to grind my way to 100, I’ll be happy if she reaches 70 in the end (right now she’s hovering around the 45 faith mark). I also have a 100 faith unused priest over on the NFI servers, who I hope one day will be able to venture down to the SFI ones. I know there’s lots of controversy about allowing the two islands to merge, but I’d just like a one time transfer so I can play all of my characters together.

As always, happy gaming – no matter where you find yourself.

Nomadic Gamer